I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 968: Squad fighting?

In addition to Zhou Meiniang, Feng Lingyue is said to be the leader of Pang Jiu'er and others. If her own position is messed up, then Pang Jiu'er and others' minds will be even more messed up, and they won't cause unnecessary troubles. All right.

"I know. Actually, I am also worried about Xiao Ningzi's comfort, but I also believe that he can be safe and sound, nothing will happen."

"You drink this tea, but I have worked so hard to make it for a long time."

Feng Lingyue's eyes flashed with a little strange brilliance, as if she missed Suning a little, she turned her head slightly, looked at Pang Jiu'er's pretty face, and said softly with a smile.

Somewhere in the Shenghongling Mountains, Ulysses was driving the mecha to a halt, looking around, randomly looking for a rock wall and leaning down, and with a thought, the heavy machine covered the whole body Jia took off and left, revealing his body wet with sweat, and the expression on his face was a bit tired.

After simply placing a protective mask around him, Ulysses let out a long sigh of relief, recalling the previous battle between Lihuo Demon Bull and Ink Feather Scale Eagle, the two terrifying auras. He couldn't help but shudder. If he hadn't run fast enough, he would have died in the hands of the two monster beasts now.

"Damn Suning, if it weren't for him, if we were able to contend with our team's strength, it would have fallen to where it is now!"

When Ulysses thinks of the laughter between Suning and Christine, a group of nameless anger rises in his heart. In his heart, the reason why there is no harvest here, it almost takes his life, is all to blame Suning .

In Ulysses's heart, if Suning hadn't lied to Kristen and the others in his team, he wouldn't have been so frustrated to flee and lose face.

"Damn, damn!"

Ulysses frowned tightly, and the expression on his face gradually became a little angry. He clenched his fists and slammed to the ground, smashing out two slightly sunken potholes, and making two angry shouts.

Huh! Huh!

In the dense forest, several figures were constantly shuttled among the tall pine trees, galloping past, flying in the direction of Ulysses at a very fast speed, making a slight sound of breaking through the air.

"Damn it, if it hadn't been for the appearance of the two terrifying monster beasts, we would have already obtained the beast core of the Zimu Flame Wolf."

"You still think about the beast core. It is a blessing in misfortune to survive that terrifying attack!"

"That's right, as long as we survive, we have the opportunity to hunt for the beast core, and we don't care about the little monster king of the Purple Flame Wolf."


As they shuttled, a slight voice of conversation came out slowly from the heavy mechas around everyone.

"There are power fluctuations in front, it feels... it's the guy Ulysses!"

Suddenly, one of the members of the team suddenly spoke, and a light spot flashed on the radar on the mecha, which appeared and disappeared.

When everyone heard the man's words, the expressions on their faces gradually changed, a ray of light flashed across their eyes, and their fists were clenched, as if some anger gradually appeared.

"Oh, what a coincidence, go!"

After the words fell, the speed of everyone's marching increased again, and the propeller behind the mecha burst out with a dazzling light, which turned into rainbow lights and marched violently in the dense forest.

Even if they escaped from the hands of Lihuo Demon Bull and Ink Feather Scale Eagle, everyone still has no good feelings for Ulysses. If it weren't for his will, they would not fall into that dangerous situation. Moreover, in the end, Ulysses turned out to leave them alone and ran away.

As the captain of a team, this behavior of Ulysses is obviously extremely irresponsible.


The protective shield around Ulysses exudes a faint white light. Although he is physically and mentally exhausted, he still does not relax his vigilance. The slight bursts of air around him can't help but make his heartstrings tense.

"Oh? Isn't this our Captain Yuri?"

After a while, everyone's figure slowly fell in front of Ulysses, and the heavy mecha landed on the ground, causing a burst of dust to rise.

Ulysses squinted slightly, staring at the approaching figures through the dust, his brows were slightly raised, and the look on his face gradually became a little serious.

"Where are Christine and Suning? Not with you?"

After seeing it clearly, Ulysses's frowning eyebrows gradually eased, and he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart. I was afraid that Suning was coming. If he heard the previous words, I am afraid it would be a The fierce battle, in the current state, even if he tried his best, it was completely impossible to be Suning's opponent.

"Haha, Captain Yuri, when is it now, do you still think about Christine?"

"You are so worried about Christine, why do you want to go your own way at first? Don't you want to listen to Christine and Mr. Su's advice?"

"Captain Yuri, do you know that your decision this time directly caused our team to lose two players!"


In front of the protective shield emitting a faint white light, everyone slowly faded away from the heavy mechas around them, and approached Ulysses step by step. The expressions on their faces were a bit strange.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces, Ulysses's face gradually became gloomy, and there was a little cold light in his eyes, looking around them.

"What do you mean, are you blaming me?"

"This hunting of the Purple Flame Wolves is a decision we reached a consensus, not mine alone, and neither of us knew that two monsters with terrifying power would suddenly appear!

Ulysses's face became more solemn, his lips moved slightly, and he let out a soft stern.

As a qualified bounty hunter, each should clearly understand that all things are not static, and opportunities and crises exist simultaneously.

"If the two monsters did not appear before, and we successfully hunted the monster core of the wolf king of the Purple Flame Wolf, would you still have this face now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ulysses stood up slowly, wiped the dust from his clothes, and gradually curved the corners of his mouth, staring at everyone.

Listening to the two harsh shouts from Ulysses' mouth, everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at each other. The expressions on their faces seemed a little surprised, and they couldn't refute Ulysses' words.

"Heh, Yuri, you are quite capable, is everything our fault!"

"As the captain of the Akabane Gold Hunting Squad, when faced with a crisis, he chose to escape by himself, completely ignoring the life and death of his teammates. What qualifications do you have to be the captain with someone like you!"

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