I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 969: Clever tongue

Obviously, although Ulysses has no gaps in his words, his actions chilled the players, and they are now dissatisfied with him.

"Hehe, it's extremely ridiculous, if you say so, the death of the two team members will not be related to you!"

Hearing the words of the crowd, Ulysses showed a disdainful smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a curve, and he immediately said to the crowd.

"Hmph, if it weren't for you, how could we lose two teammates today!"

"If it weren't for you, how could we people fall into such a dangerous situation and almost lose our lives!"

Seeing the disdainful look on Ulysses's face, the anger in everyone's hearts was completely ignited by him, their eyebrows frowned, and they roared at Ulysses.

"As I said, this matter was not decided by me alone, but by everyone. Moreover, since some of you chose to leave with Suning, why did you return back again? Is it because of me?"

"So, don't put all the deaths of your teammates on me. At that time, you could leave with Suning and stop participating in the hunt for the wolf king. It is because you have greed in your heart, not with me, understand?"

Facing the roar of the crowd, Ulysses looked calm, looking around the crowd with a little brilliance, and then his lips moved slightly and said softly to the crowd.

Ulysses' words seemed to hit everyone's hearts. For a moment, he was a little confused, looking at each other, and there was a little strange brilliance in his eyes.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces, Ulysses's mouth curled up with an imperceptible arc. Immediately, with a move of his wrist, he retracted the protective shield covering his body, and walked slowly in front of everyone.

"I also regret the death of my teammate. Of course, as you said, I also have certain responsibilities. As the leader of the Akabane gold hunting team personally appointed by the leader of the gold hunting team, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect your safety."

"But some things are beyond our energy range, and I can only proceed from the overall situation and protect more people. This is what I should do."

"The reason why I will leave first is that I want to attract the attention of the two monsters at the expense of myself, and buy you more time to escape, understand?"

Ulysses slowly put his hands behind his back, the expression on his face gradually changed, and some unspeakable flavors were contained in it, and his lips moved softly to persuade everyone.

Hearing the words spoken by Ulysses, the expressions on everyone's faces gradually eased, and a look of guilt appeared in them, head down slightly, and a little brilliance flashed in his eyes. Some did not dare to look Ulysses directly in the eyes.

"Don't be too guilty. The main responsibility for this matter is still with me. After we return safely, I will submit an explanation to the head of the delegation."

Seeing the changes on the faces of everyone, Ulysses felt a touch of joy in his heart, with an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth, and then whispered to everyone. While speaking, he raised his arm slightly and placed it on one of them. Above his shoulders.

"Yuri, I didn't expect you...we blamed you."

One of the people in the team slowly raised his head, staring at Ulysses, and the guilt on his face became more intense.

"It's okay. After all, our team has just been established. It will take a period of running-in period. I can understand the temporary distrust."

"By the way, didn't Suning and Christine be with you?"

A smile appeared on Ulysse's face, and suddenly he thought of something, and then his lips moved slightly, and he asked everyone.

Hearing Ulysses's inquiry, everyone looked at each other, the expressions on their faces gradually changed, and some doubts and solemnity appeared in it.

"I don't know. Before joining the battle, Mr. Su and Christine were still standing on the cliff, and I don't know if they left behind."

The people in the team who had left with Suning and Christine slowly stood up and said softly.

Regarding everyone's answers, Ulysses had also guessed in his heart that in the face of such a dangerous situation, no one has the leisure to pay attention to the existence and life of others.

"Hey, I hope Mr. Su can take good care of Christine, I hope they are all right."

Ulysses shook his head slightly, pretending to be worried, and said softly.

"Captain Yuri, don't worry too much, Mr. Su and Christine should know how to do it themselves, and there should be nothing wrong."

Looking at the appearance of Ulysses, some of the people in the team continued to persuade him, hoping that he would not have any burden in his heart.

"Everyone should be tired from this journey. To be honest, I'm not tired anymore. In this way, let's fix it a bit, replenish our physical strength, and then look for Christine's whereabouts."

Ulysses sorted out his mood, and immediately ordered to everyone.

In the towering dense forest, through the faint faint light, the three figures of Suning, Lihuo Witch and Christine constantly shuttled among them, making faint sounds of breaking through the air.


Suddenly, an embarrassing voice slowly sounded, and Christine's face gradually became a little embarrassed, and he glanced at Suning slightly, seemingly embarrassed.

"Mr. Su, can you take a break first?"

Christine slowly approached Suning, her lips moved slightly, and she asked softly.

"Huh? What's wrong, are you feeling sick?"

Looking at Christine's flushed face, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the expression on his face gradually became a little puzzled, staring at Christine.

"She... hungry!"

Before Kristen could speak, the speed of the witch from the fire suddenly increased. She appeared on Suning's side, her lips moved slightly, and her crisp voice gradually sounded, which made people feel a little embarrassed.

Listening to the voice of Lihuo Witch, Kristen's face condensed slightly, and immediately rolled his eyes at Lihuo Witch.

"Hehe, it turned out to be this, small things, small things, so let's find a suitable place to stay first."

Seeing the innocent look of Lihuo Witch, Suning shook her head slightly, a smile appeared on her face, and then whispered to Christine.

After the words fell, Suning and the three marched faster. It seemed that it was because of the influence of the terrifying battle between Lihuo Witch and Ink Feather Scale Eagle. There was no high-level one on the way. Monster beasts are all monster beasts with low cultivation base, scattered and scattered.

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