I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 972: Secret room (below)

Xin Takitang knew clearly in his heart that at this time, no matter what Huangfu Junxi asked him to do, he could only agree unconditionally, because now the other party has caught his deadliest thing. .

"Are you... from the Nangong clan?"

Xin Takitang's lips moved slightly, and he asked softly.

"Hehe, you can understand it as a person with similar interests."

"You are also a smart person, so I'll make it clear. For you, I have done some investigations, and through my understanding, I believe that you are not the kind of person who is willing to stay under Xia Xiao for a lifetime."

Huangfu Junxi's figure moved forward slowly, and walked to the front of Xin Takitang. His eyes were staring at Xin Takitang in front of him. As he spoke, a strange light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Do you want to do something to my Xia family?"

Listening to Huangfu Junxi's words, Xin Longtang's figure was slightly taken aback, the expression on his face gradually became a little surprised, and his lips moved slightly, making a small voice.

"Although my Xia clan has indeed been affected during this time, it's impossible to shake the foundation of my Xia clan based on you."

"If you can, you can ignore what happened today, and I will give you a very generous seal fee."

Xin Takitang's eyes rolled around, and then whispered softly, as if he was testing Huangfu Junxi's strength behind him.

Huangfu Junxi was not an ordinary person, and he already knew enough about Xin Takitang. He knew clearly in his heart that Xin Takitang was not the kind of person who would shake his inner thoughts after hearing a little wind.

"Hehe, when did I say that I was tempted by the Xia family?"

"You should have noticed the abnormalities in the upper three cities during this period of time, tell you the truth, according to the current situation, the Xia clan will soon be removed from the upper three cities. Of course, this is just One of the possibilities."

Huangfu Junxi stood with his hand held in hand, a strange brilliance gleamed in his eyes, and there was an extremely certain feeling in his words.

Hearing Huangfu Junxi’s words, Xin Takitang’s heart caused an uproar. Although he noticed the two days of weather in the upper three cities and the abnormalities between the major families, he did not take this matter with him. They were connected with the Xia clan, and they didn't know that this incident was directed at the Xia clan.

"Do you think I will believe what you say? Anyway, my Xia clan is still a big giant in the upper three cities, and it still has countless industries under it. You think you can really do it with a word of you Let my Xia family disappear?"

When he said this, Xin Takitang had no bottom in his heart. He just stood in the position of a member of the Xia family, and he was unwilling to believe the facts before him.

Listening to Xin Takitang's words, the expression on Huangfu Junxi's face gradually changed, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Hehe, as a member of the Huangfu family, do you think I need to lie to you?"

"The reason why I came to see you today is just to see your potential. If you can help me, of course it is the best. If not... Maybe I should consider other candidates. After all, the Xia clan. Only you, Xin Takitang, are available."

While speaking, Huangfu Junxi's rich face appeared to be a little uncertain at this time, which made people feel unpredictable.

If it were in normal times, these words would not have any effect on Xin Takitang, but at this time period, beside the body of Li Guard, these words made Xin Takitang's heart a chill.

"Huangfu clan! In that case, you should be absolutely sure. Then, do all the conditions mentioned earlier count?"

Xin Takitang thought about it in his mind, and then slowly responded.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the current three cities, the former four giants, the Xia clan, the Nangong clan, the Huangfu clan and the Dongfang clan, the current strength of the Xia clan is said to be among the four giants. The weakest one is the most clear to the people of the Xia clan like Xinlongtang. The Xia clan nowadays is nothing but a mere appearance.

"Of course, we can see your potential. If you perform well, maybe the huge Xia clan will have your share of Xin Takitang in the future."

"By then, you will not only have countless wealth. I believe you will understand the pros and cons."

Huangfu Junxi said softly, the expression on his face gradually calmed down, and his piercing eyes stared at Xin Takitang in front of him.

For ordinary people in the upper three cities, being able to own countless wealth is already a beautiful thing.

If you can own a part of the industry under the big four giants, it is not only a chaebol, but also very powerful. The benefits it brings are extremely attractive. Not only can it bring endless wealth, but also through power Collect various treasures to improve the realm of cultivation.

Listening to the words in Huangfu Junxi's mouth and the set of attractive conditions, Xin Takitang's eyes rose with a ray of light, and his hands gradually became fist-like, as if he had already made a decision.

"Well, I can help you do what you want, but I need to see part of what you promised first."

There was a strange brilliance in Xin Takitang's eyes, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly towards Huangfu Junxi.

Although he said that he wanted to get a part of the reward first, in fact, Xin Takitang just wanted to blackmail a lot of money before then, and then quietly disappear from the upper three cities. In this way, Not only gained money, but also got rid of the control of the Huangfu family and Xia Xiaoxiao. From then on, why not take it for granted.

The corner of Huangfu Junxi's mouth gradually turned into an arc, and there seemed to be a hint of mockery in his eyes looking at Xin Takitang, and he shook his head slightly.

"No, no, you may not have figured out the situation yet, it is inevitable that you have to do things for me."

"And the reward I give you is my promise to you. If you don't do well, this reward will naturally be compromised, understand?"

Xin Takitang's figure was taken aback for a moment, the expression on his face changed slightly, and he was facing the old fox who had already scolded Huangfu Junxi many times.

"Haha, well, I can do things for you, and I hope you won't forget what you promised then!"

After tidying up his mood, Xin Takitang forced a smile on his face, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered towards Huangfu Junxi, with a little brilliance flashing deep in his eyes.

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