I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 973: Night falls

Among the thousands of miles in the Shenghongling Mountains, towering trees stand among them, and the clear lake water is blowing in the breeze, ripples visible to the naked eye, and the orange-yellow sunlight is a bit charming and moving, shining on the lake. , In this perilous mountain range, there is a unique scenery.

On the edge of the wide lake, Suning, Christine and Lihuo Witch each rested in a comfortable posture, looking at the sparkling lake in front of them, there was a little brilliance in their eyes.

After tasting the grilled meat made by Suning himself, on the beautiful faces of Lihuo Witch and Christine, there was a very satisfied expression, and it seemed that there was still some meaning.

"It seems that the night is about to land again. The Shenghongling Mountain Range is extremely dangerous at night. Let's just settle down here tonight. There have been no signs of monster activity around for so long, so there will be no problem if I think about it."

Christine lay on her back on the ground, not paying attention to the image at all, watching the orange-yellow sun slowly falling in the sky, speaking softly.

"This can only be the case. The terrain here is relatively empty, even if there is a monster raid, there is still enough room to display it, so that it will not be too passive."

Suning nodded slightly, propped his hands on the ground, and slowly stood up, his lips moved slightly, and a magnetic voice slowly came from his mouth.

After the words fell, Suning's thoughts moved, and his divine consciousness suddenly radiated from the center of his eyebrows, shrouded in the surrounding space. With the help of the power of the world tree, the scope of his divine consciousness expanded several times, and the surrounding flowers and trees seemed to be In response to him, a clear picture was combined to form a huge geometic map in his mind.

Everything in the surrounding dense forest became very clear in the shroud of Suning's divine consciousness.

Although I have checked the surrounding situation when I came to the place where the lake is, I still cannot take it lightly. The previous monster attack faced by Christine and Ulysses and their team is a living example. Suning didn't want to be disturbed at the right time.

Feeling the vast fluctuations of consciousness emanating from the center of Suning's eyebrows, Lihuo Witch slowly opened her eyes, and a glimmer of brilliance flashed through the depths of her clear eyes.

Under the power bonus contained in the World Tree, Suning's divine power has increased to a certain level. Regardless of the spiritual source realm, Suning's divine power has reached a quite terrifying level in the eyes of Lihuo Witch.

"Mr. Su, did you detect anything unusual?"

Christine's eyes stared at Suning's figure, a strange color gleaming in the depths, and asked softly.

"Haha, it's okay, the surrounding area is very quiet, there are no traces of monsters."

Suning shook her head slightly, glanced at the Lihuo Witch who was leaning on the tree, and then smiled at Christine.

"Huh, it seems that I can sleep well tonight!"

Listening to Suning’s words, Christine let out a long sigh of relief, and the big rock in her heart finally let go. In view of the previous experience, Christine had a strange feeling for the Shenghongling Mountains at night. fear.

What Kristen doesn’t know is that the reason there is no sign of monster activity around is because among the three of them, there is a monster king. How can ordinary low-level monsters dare to wander here? Is seeking a dead end.

Seeing Kristen’s appearance, Suning showed a smile on her face. Turning her head to look at the Lihuo Witch lying on her back on the tree, she immediately moved her wrist, took out some simple equipment from the bracelet, and built it nearby. Three tents for rest.

As time passed, the sky became darker and darker. On the surface of the lake, wisps of light white mist visible to the naked eye gradually emerged in it, surging in the direction of the airflow, exuding a hint of chill.

"Captain Yuri, it's night again soon!"

Looking at the increasingly gloomy surroundings, in the team behind Ulysses, a voice slowly sounded to remind Ulysses.

"Well, I know, everyone always pay attention, let's find a place to fix it."

Ulysses frowned, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn. After all, the previous night that was attacked made him remember.

After the words fell, Ulysses and the others accelerated their pace, and their figures continued to shuttle across the tall trees, turning into streams of different colors flashing in them.

Huh huh!

As the people marched, a series of slight noises continued to sound under the woods, and the weak demon essence aura gradually increased in the dense forest.

Perhaps because of the Lihuo Witch, those monsters with lower demon element powers move more frequently in other areas, which made Ulysses and the group feel a little headache.

"Captain Yuri, it seems that there are obviously more monsters around. We are probably going to find a place to settle down quickly."

In the team, a somewhat tired voice came out slowly.

Hearing the voice from the team, Ulysses also felt anxious in his heart. After the battle between Lihuo Witch and Mo Feather Scale Eagle, they basically did not stop, their minds were always extremely nervous. In the state, it is already a little bit weak to stay up until now. If you don't find a safe place to rest as soon as possible, it may be difficult to deal with unknown situations.

"Well, I have also sensed that there seems to be no hiding place around here. I can only find a place where there are few signs of monster activity."

The expression on Ulysse's face was extremely solemn, his eyes flashed with a little light, and he responded with a low voice.

After the words fell, everyone headed by Ulysses spread out their consciousness and carefully explored the surrounding environment. After a long time, they found a more suitable place in the dark dense forest.

"I know everyone is exhausted now, and I am the same. Don't relax your vigilance during the night. The one who should be on duty is to be on duty. Everyone has already seen the dangers of the Shenghongling Mountains at night.

Ulysses stood in front of everyone, frowning.

"Well, don't worry, Captain Yuri, we will stay vigilant."

Listening to Ulysses' words, everyone nodded unanimously, and immediately responded.

The Saint Hongling Mountain Range is here to hunt the monsters and obtain the monsters cores. They don’t want to die here for nothing, and they have already experienced a terrible monster attack, obviously they don’t want to face such a dilemma .

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