I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 975: Monster attack

I haven't seen Feng Lingyue, Pang Jiu'er and others for a long time. Looking at the scenes in front of him, there is a sense of warmth in Suning's heart, and there is a strange brilliance in his eyes.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I should come to see you soon."

Taking steps, Suning walked slowly to Feng Lingyue, Pang Jiu'er and the others, and hugged them one by one.

Perhaps it was because of the things experienced during this period, the scenes before him, and the short time to get along, which made Suning extremely rare.

"Ning'er, how is the situation outside now?"

After Suning, Feng Lingyue, Pang Jiu'er and others recounted the past, Zhou Meiniang and Suning walked to the tea pavilion alone and asked softly.

Listening to Zhou Meiniang's question, the expression on Suning's face gradually changed, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his complexion seemed a little serious.

Seeing the change in the expression on Suning's face, Zhou Meiniang had already guessed something in her heart. Knowing that Suning was not easy outside this time, she sighed.

"At this time, Wei Niang should stand up and shelter you from the wind and rain, Ning'er, you don't blame Wei Niang."

Zhou Meiniang's lips moved slightly, and she whispered, her words filled with guilt.

"Mother, if I have been living under your protection, how can I grow up."

"Furthermore, the situation in the three cities is far worse than I imagined. It is not just a fight between several big families, but also people with the Holy Spirit."

Su Ning frowned slightly, staring at Zhou Meiniang with her eyes, her lips moved slightly, and her voice slowly sounded in the tea pavilion.

In Suning's words, the words "person in the line of the Holy Spirit" made Zhou Meiniang feel a bad feeling in her heart, and the look on her face became serious.

"Your identity was not discovered by them, right?"

Zhou Meiniang asked solemnly.

Listening to Zhou Meiniang's words, Suning's figure was slightly taken aback, the expression on her face became more solemn, her lips closed tightly, and she just nodded slightly.

Seeing the worried expression on Zhou Meiniang’s face, Suning was a little touched, and she soon told her what happened during this period, but most of them conceal some things, just hope that Zhou Meiniang can relax, don’t worry. He was too worried about his safety so as not to hurt his body.

"Also, at least there is a silly and sweet Demon King by your side now, which is also a great help for you."

"But you still have to keep an eye on her, lest she will become the most dangerous being around you one day after she recovers her memory."

After listening to Suning's brief statement, the expression on Zhou Meiniang's face gradually eased, and she immediately warned Suning to be wary of Lihuo Devil.

"Don't worry, I know these things in my heart, and with the immortal Dragon God, Xiao Li will not be a threat to me."

On Suning's face, a smile gradually appeared, her lips moved slightly, and she spoke softly.

"You, you still have to pay attention to your words, don't be so small or small."

Listening to the words in Suning's mouth, Zhou Meiniang rolled her eyes towards him, her lips moved slightly, as if she was dissatisfied with his title of Taixu Dragon God.

"Hey, it's okay, me and him, if we don't have trouble twice a day, we both feel uncomfortable, it's like life has lost condiments."

Suning picked up the tea on the table, took a slight sip, and immediately curved the corners of his mouth, and softly explained to Zhou Meiniang.

In the gloomy Shenghongling Mountains, around the camp where Ulysses and the others were located, small voices continued to be heard from around, as if something was moving.

Di di di di!

Something seemed to be approaching quickly and it touched the alarm system around the camp. A harsh sound suddenly sounded, awakening Ulysses and others who were resting in the camp. They rushed out with a solemn expression and gathered around the campfire. beside.

"What's going on! Something triggered the alarm!"

Listening to the harsh sirens coming from around, Ulysses frowned, his expression on his face became more solemn, and a sharp questioning came from his mouth.

"I don't know, the speed is too fast to capture the appearance at all, but from the images uploaded by the detection radar, the monsters that appear are not in groups, but only a few."

One of the team looked at the tablet in his hand and reported to Ulysses with a solemn expression.

"Turn off the alarm first, so as not to attract more monsters."

When Ulysses heard the man's report, the solemn expression on his face gradually eased, and immediately ordered to the man.

At this moment, they all felt extremely grateful. Fortunately, there were not a large number of monsters around, otherwise, I am afraid it will be a **** battle again.

The crowd headed by Ulysses quietly urged the spiritual power in their bodies, each holding a weapon tightly in their hands, their eyebrows were slightly raised, and their eyes watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Huh! Huh!

Several dark shadows flashed around the camp one after another, and did not rush to attack Ulysses and others, as if they were observing their movements.

"Everyone cheers up. Although there are not many monsters, they are now in a dark place and may launch a fatal attack on us at any time!"

Seeing the black shadows flashing by, Ulysses raised his eyebrows slightly, clasped the big knife in his hand, his lips moved slightly, and loudly warned everyone.


Everyone responded in unison, and their voices suddenly sounded around the campfire.

The words fell, and the slight noise around the camp stopped abruptly. Several giant centipedes with a body length of about six meters bowed their bodies, and their scarlet eyes stared at Ulysses and others in the dark. The long beard swayed constantly in front of his head, and his ferocious mouth kept closing, seeming to be waiting for an opportunity.

"Captain Yuri, there seems to be no sound around, did the monster beast leave?"

By the bonfire, a group of people looked dignified, their eyes looked at the surroundings vigilantly, noticed the sudden stop of the surrounding sounds, and a touch of doubt rose in their hearts, and immediately asked Ulysses.

"Can't take it lightly, maybe this monster beast is looking at us somewhere around."

Ulysses looked around at the dark forest around him, a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and a low voice slowly sounded around him.

After the lessons of the previous monster attack, Ulysses had been deceived once. Under such circumstances, he never dared to relax his vigilance, unless he knew that he was absolutely safe.

In this situation where everything has not yet been determined, rashly relaxing his vigilance is undoubtedly sending his life to the monster's mouth.

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