I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 976: Millipede Centipede (Part 1)

In the gloomy forest, a few huge centipedes all in purple and black hide their figures and darkness, secretly observing Ulysses and others in the camp, with a little cold glow in their scarlet eyes. .

I don't know how long it has passed, and the silence around it has made everyone in the camp feel a little uncomfortable. If the monster is still there, it can't be so long, and it will not attack them.

In everyone's bodies, a vast array of spiritual power flowed through them, and the solemn expression on their faces gradually became soothed, all turning their heads to look at Ulysses.

"Yuri, maybe the monster beasts around have already left."

I haven't felt the movement around for so long, and the line of defense in everyone's hearts is slightly relaxed. Not only them, but even the string in Ulysses's heart has begun to relax a little.

"For safety, we will patrol around the camp together as a group. If there is nothing unusual, we will return to rest."

Seeing everyone's faces seemingly exhausted, Ulysses rolled his eyes, and an idea appeared in his mind, and immediately said to everyone.

"Okay, so everyone can take care of each other, so that they won't be overly reacted when encountering danger."

After listening to Ulysses's suggestion, everyone nodded slightly in agreement. After the words fell, they all walked towards the periphery of the camp, their eyes carefully looking at the dark forest around the camp.


There were slight noises from the purple-black centipede's mouth, and the scarlet pupils looked at Ulysses and others who were patrolling around the camp. A trace of saliva slowly flowed out from the hideous mouth and fell to the ground.

The huge figure slowly crawled on the ground, the densely packed long feet slowly moved forward on the ground, the two long beards swayed constantly in front of him, and the huge figure slowly approached Ulysses and his group. go with.

"Wait, did you hear that? Something seems to be approaching."

The one with the more sensitive senses in the team slowly stopped, stopped and listened carefully to the faint sound coming from the dark forest, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the expression on his face seemed a bit solemn.

Listening to the man's words, the expressions of Ulysses and others gradually became dignified, standing still, their eyes watched vigilantly in the gloomy forest, and a trace of spiritual source fluctuations gradually seeped from their bodies.


Under the gazes of Ulysses and others, several huge, purple-black millipedes rushed out of the gloomy forest, and two Qianaos, who seemed to be extremely sharp, faced Yu. Rises and his party attacked fiercely, and the posture seemed to knock them down directly.

Seeing a few purple-black centipedes that suddenly emerged from the gloomy forest, the expressions on the faces of Ulysses and the others suddenly became a little shocked, and they reacted in an instant. After a pause, his stature retreated suddenly.


A purple-black millipede, its huge body fell sharply from the air, and its weight fell on the ground, throwing out a cloud of dust, which rose with a loud noise.

Ulysses and the others retreated into the camp, and with the help of the bonfire, they could see the centipede's face clearly, hideously terrifying.

"Damn it, fortunately you found it early, otherwise we have all become Chinese food for these centipedes."

Looking at a few reminding giant millipedes in the dust of the camp, a man in the team let out an exclamation, and the voice slowly sounded in the camp.

"Oh, there is no sorrow and fire, and here is the door, brothers, the beast cores in these centipedes will definitely sell for a good price in the black market."

"Even if you don't pass the black market, you can get a lot of benefits in the Akabane Group!"

Ulysses looked at a few centipede's gazes with a little fierce light, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a strange arc, and then turned his head slightly, watching the people by the campfire whisper softly.

Hearing Ulysses' words, everyone around the bonfire seemed to be energetic, and the eyes of the purple-black millipede looked like a hungry wolf, shining with a strange light.

"Light Annihilation Breaker"

"Ice Storm"

"Hell Dead Soul Cannon"


Everyone urged the spiritual source power in their bodies with all their strength, and waves of vast and terrifying energy surged out of their bodies, and the surrounding air was shaken by this concentrated energy and emitted ripples visible to the naked eye.

call out!

With the loud shouts from the crowd, several energy beams carrying terror power cut through the air, making a slight burst of air, carrying pure energy and attacking the millipede.

The air wave shook out of the terrifying energy wave directly scattered the dust around the millipede, exposing the purple-black body, and the extremely hideous mouth full of fangs, and two huge Qianaos collided with each other. .

In the face of these terrifying energy shock waves from the hands of everyone, the dense long legs under the shape of the millipede began to move slightly, as if to avoid these attacks.

But at this moment, a silver-white ray of light interlaced under these thousand-legged centipedes, forming a huge magic formation. In the range covered by this magic formation, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and the space seemed It all condensed at this moment, and the surrounding faint mist gradually condensed together, forming water droplets visible to the naked eye floating in the air.

Ding Ding Ding!

In just a moment of effort, the water droplets floating in the air gradually condensed into ice beads. At the same time, they turned into ice-solidified blades, rotating in the air, and immediately moved from the west to the purple in the formation. The black millipede attacked and left, and the ice-condensed blade hit on the tough shell of the millipede, making a crisp sound.


Affected by the magic circle formed by the ice storm, the speed of the purple-black millipede became apparently slow, and several beams of energy carrying the power of terror directly bombarded the bodies of these centipedes, making a huge noise. .

The huge roar of the bombardment caused the screams of these purple-black millipedes to be directly covered by them. Along with the roar, a huge hole was exploded on the ground, and the dust rose sharply. It just disappeared in an instant.

The crowd headed by Ulysses looked at the battle in front of them, and there was a smile on their faces.

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