I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 977: Centipede (Part 2)

"Hehe, with the joint efforts of the few of us, these ugly-looking centipedes are not the only ones to die obediently?"

As if noticing the slightest movement in the pothole, the corner of a man in the team gradually evoked an arc, and then turned his head slightly, watching everyone around him whisper, there seemed to be some disdain in his words.

Just when everyone was preparing to respond, in the huge pit outside the camp, a few purple-black millipedes suddenly rushed out, and on the tough shell of their bodies, a series of tiny cracks appeared on it.

The thousand-legged centipede, who was not able to attack, but was injured by the group of people, flashed a cold light among the scarlet pupils, waving two huge Qianao, and spraying purple-black liquid from the mouth full of fangs. , Exuding black mist, overwhelmingly fell towards the position of Ulysses and other people.

"Be careful, retire!"

Ulysses frowned and kept paying attention to the situation in the pit. The moment the millipede rushed out of the pit, he reacted and yelled at everyone.

Hearing the loud shout from Ulysses’ mouth, everyone had no time to think, and their figures suddenly retreated. Under the gaze of their eyes, the purple-black liquid was spilled on the ground, arousing a faint mist, the ground A creamy foam rose from above.

"Nima, this thousand-footed centipede is quite a thief, thanks to Captain Yuri's prompt response."

Looking at the ground that was continuously corroded by the purple-black liquid, the expressions on everyone's faces couldn't help but become a little dignified, their eyebrows furrowed, and their eyes fixedly staring at the few thousand-footed centipedes not far away.

Seeing that a blow was unsuccessful, a few thousand-legged centipedes crawled on their bodies, countless long feet stomping on the ground continuously, and their bodies quickly approached Ulysses and others like lightning.

As soon as his mind moved, Ulysses and the people beside him were all dressed in mechas, and suddenly jumped up from the ground. With this short time, a dazzling brilliance bloomed on the mechas. The figure supporting them floats in the air.

"Have you noticed the cracks on these centipedes? Just attack them. Today, there must be no **** left to bomb these centipedes."

Ulysses kept his gaze on the tough purple-black shell of the millipede, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered to everyone.

After the words fell, everyone's gaze followed Ulysses's gaze, and the corners of their mouths gradually evoked a strange arc. As soon as their thoughts moved, a series of psychic bombs carrying terrifying energy suddenly emerged from the mecha. Shot out, bombarding several thousand-footed centipedes above the ground.


Seeing Ulysses and other people floating in the sky, these centipedes seem to be a little dazed, their figure doesn't mean to move at all, they just stand up, their scarlet pupils staring into the sky. Ulysses and his party.

Under the gaze of the scarlet pupils of these millipedes, dozens of psionic bombs approached them at an extremely fast speed, and bombarded the cracked purple-black shell on their backs, making deafening sounds.

The psionic bomb exploded at the moment it touched the shape of the centipede, oscillating into a wave of air, raging towards the surroundings, seeming to feel the severe pain from the back, several thousand-foot centipedes. The purple-black shell on the back was blasted out of a big hole, and the intense pain made them roll over on the ground unstoppable.

Accompanied by bursts of sharp screams, black blood rushed out of the wound behind the millipede, flowing all over the ground.

"Good job, it seems to be effective. Labor and management will send you two more shots today!"

When the words fell, everyone was urging the spiritual source power in the body. A vast wave of energy fluctuated along with the psionic bomb and attacked directly into the big hole on the back of the centipede. For a time, the flesh and blood flew across and the body was huge. In this terrifying bombardment, the centipede's body suddenly broke into two pieces, and black blood and internal organs were scattered on the ground.

"Good fellow, if Kristen saw this scene, it would be disgusting for several days, haha!"

Looking at the corpse of the thousand-legged centipede above the ground, the people in the team made a slight whisper, and the voice of the words gradually sounded and fell into Ulysses's ears.

Listening to the words of the surrounding population, Ulysses' figure was obviously taken aback, a strange brilliance flickered through the depths of his eyes, and it slowly fell on the ground following the figures of everyone.

"Captain Yuri, why don't we set off tomorrow and look for clues about Christine and Suning."

"Anyway, Christine is still a member of our Red Feather Gold Hunting Group, we can't leave her alone."

The two people in the team moved forward slowly, walked to the side of Ulysses, and asked softly.

"I don't know if these things are being discussed tomorrow. Now everyone should be careful and make sure that these millipedes have really died."

"After the confirmation, strip the beast cores from these millipede centipedes."

Looking at the black blood and internal organs everywhere, Ulysses raised his eyebrows slightly, wiped the big knife in his hand, and then whispered to everyone.


Listening to the words in Ulysses’ mouth, everyone’s faces showed a smile, and they responded softly, and then walked vigilantly to the corpses of each millipede, carefully inspecting the millipede’s body. vital signs.

"I have no problem here!"

"no problem!"


After careful investigation, everyone removed their heavy mechas, raised their heads and shouted loudly at the others, informing them of the results of their inspections.

After the confirmation, everyone moved their wrists and shot an extremely sharp source of spiritual power from between their fingers. After many attempts, they finally broke through the tough armor outside of the centipede, and took out one exuding one from the head. The beast core with a faint purple light.

Looking at the purple beast core floating in the air, everyone showed a smile on their faces. Since entering the Shenghongling Mountain Range, this is the first time they have won the first battle. They have obtained so many good qualities. The monster beast core.

"Haha, I finally gained something!"

Everyone looked at the purple beast core floating in the air, glanced at each other, and immediately moved their wrists to put the beast core into the bracelet, and there was a touch of joy that could not be concealed on their faces.

Regardless of what has been experienced before, at least there have been some good gains so far, and this trip is not in vain.

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