I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 978: The strange thing in the mountains

After the people stripped the beast core from the millipede, they simply took care of the camp, and even if they had their shifts to rest, there was no movement except the traces of the fighting left around, and the whole camp fell into silence. In.

Compared to the camp where Ulysses is located, the location of Suning, Lihuo Witch and Christine is much quieter, except for the subtle sound of the lake on the surrounding shore, there is no monster around. Traces, it was a good night's sleep with peace of mind.

The first ray of sunlight the next morning shone through the thin clouds, and the light mist on the lake surface gradually dissipated under the sunlight.

Suning slowly walked out of the simple tent, facing the shimmering lake, stretched a long waist, perhaps because last night we spent a short time with Feng Lingyue and Pang Jiu'er. The whole person's mental state seems to be exceptionally good.

"Hey, Mr. Su, did you wake up so early?"

Christine and the Lihuo Witch walked out of the simple tent at the same time, looking at the ruddy-faced and refreshing Suning, there was a smile on their faces.

After disassembling the equipment used in the rest area and putting them in the bracelet, Suning, Kristen and the Lihuo Witch continued to march towards the depths of the Shenghongling Mountain Range, and at the same time used the power of God's consciousness to investigate Yulisai. The whereabouts of Si et al.

"Hey, there are no monsters on this road. It's really strange. When I came to the Shenghongling Mountains before, it was not like this."

The expression on Christine's face gradually became a little puzzled, a little confused, his lips moved slightly, and he made a soft murmur.

As if hearing the faint voice in Christine’s mouth, Suning’s mouth gradually evoked a curve, thinking to himself that there is such a demon king-level existence as the fire witch beside him. How can ordinary monsters dare to appear at will? Avoiding, afraid of getting into trouble.

"Hehe, maybe it's because of the previous battle. The monster beast in this mountain range might still be hiding now."

Suning turned his gaze away from Lihuo Witch, a smile appeared on her face, watching Christine explain softly.

Listening to the words in Suning's mouth, Kristen glanced at the figure of the Lihuo Sorceress slightly, and didn't think much about it.


As it continued to deepen, some faint roars of beasts gradually appeared around, but these monsters did not easily approach Suning and his party, but watched them from a distance.

"Hehe, no, a monster has appeared."

Listening to the subtle roar of monsters coming from around, the corner of Suning's mouth gradually conjured up an arc, and she whispered towards Christine.

After the words fell, Suning slowly descended with the Lihuo Witch and Christine, walking through the dense leaves and falling on the towering branches of the trees. The power of divine consciousness radiated from the eyebrows, exploring the specifics of the monsters. position.

With the unfolding of the power of divine consciousness, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the expression on his face gradually became a little confused. In his mind, there was a place in his mind that exuded an extremely powerful magnetic field, which interfered with his divine power. Perception.

After a while, Suning slowly withdrew his spiritual power and looked at somewhere in the forest.

As if noticed the changes in the expressions on Suning's face, Christine and Lihuo Witch's faces were a little confused. If Lihuo Witch hadn't lost their previous memories, she might not have been surprised by Suning's reaction.

The direction Suning was looking at was also the place where the Black Netherfrost Frost Python had previously stolen the magical medicine. The special concentrate contained in the deep part of the mountain caused a special magnetic field to be generated in the mountain.

"Mr. Su, what are you looking at."

Kristen shook his hands in front of Suning's eyes, his lips moved slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Nothing, what are your plans now, are you going to hunt the monsters, or find Yuri and them first?"

Listening to Christine's cry, Suning slowly recovered his senses, and the expression on his face gradually returned to normal. Turning his head, looked at Christine and asked softly.

"Well, I don't know. If there is no Yuri's breath for the time being, we can look at it again. Hunting monsters or something will have no effect on me."

Kristen stared at Suning's figure, two blushes gradually appeared on her pretty face, and a little bit of brilliance flickered in the depths of her eyes, which seemed a little shy.

For Kristen, she just wanted to spend more time with Suning, looking for the whereabouts of Ulysses and others. It was just a reasonable excuse she found. As for the monster core, for her, in fact, It doesn't have much effect.

"I...want to go and see it. It's so...it seems to have what I'm looking for."

Like Suning, Lihuo Witch also felt the place where the magical medicine was contained. She stared tightly in that direction, her lips opened slightly, and the crisp and sweet sound like spring water in the mountains slowly sounded in the air.

Listening to the voice of Lihuo Witch, Suning slowly turned her head away, a strange brilliance flashed across her eyes, and her eyebrows were slightly raised.

"I'll go, this chick will not have recovered her memory."

There was a bad sound in Suning's heart, and her heartbeat speeded up a bit.

In the spirit hiding, the Dragon God Taixu seemed to know exactly what Suning was thinking, the corners of his mouth gradually curved up, his hands behind him.

"Don't worry, brat, this should only be due to her instinctive reaction. For the monster that just broke through the transformation, the memory is not so easy to retrieve."

Taixu Dragon God's lips moved slightly, and his deep voice kept echoing in Suning's mind.

"Ugly snake, you can't be kidding me about this. If you really restore your memory and start your hands on me, I really might not have gotten her."

Suning swallowed deeply, with a slightly solemn expression, and softly responded to the Taixu Dragon God.

"Boy, who is this deity? Leader of the Dragon Race! I must be right. Why don't you believe me."

Listening to Suning's words, Taixu Dragon God shook his head helplessly, and immediately uttered a soft and stern shout at Suning, as if to say that there was even this little trust between us?

"Ahem, it's not that I don't believe you, but this kind of thing should be different from person to person, what if..."

As if feeling a little embarrassed, Suning coughed slightly and spoke softly.

"Mr. Su, what are you and Xiao Li...what are you talking about? Where do you want to go?"

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