I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 986: Cave Talk (Part 1)

In the gloomy cave where the Huangfu Zuoque and the Xia family elder Xia Seism were located, various fierce and hideous-looking monsters were imprisoned. The atmosphere in the cave was slightly different from that of the cave where the Celestial Stone was located. After being ferocious, the **** breath filled it.

If it weren't for Huangfu Zhuoque's own strength to be strong enough, and the power of divine consciousness had reached the realm of the divine abyss, and could condense into the real form of the sky at the center of his forehead, it would be difficult to discover all this.

The cave where Huangfu Zhuoque is located is the same as the cave that contains the celestial stone. It is the secret of the Xia family for many years. All of these are the fundamental reason why no one dares to move in the Xia family. If it weren’t opened by Huangfu Zhuoque Sky Eye discovered some of these clues and rushed to lead people to fight against the Xia clan. At this time, I am afraid that it has been severely damaged.

"Elder Tianzhen, you already know the situation the Xia clan is facing the most. Mayor Xue Qianqiu is a little disappointed with your Xia clan."

Seeing the Xia Zhen who would rather die than bow his head in front of him, Huangfu Zhuo Que's heart rose with a sense of vigilance, his hands slowly behind his back, his eyes flashing with a trace of brilliance, staring at Xia Zhen.

"Oh, what's the situation of my Xia family? I'm afraid it's not your turn for an outsider to come here to make troubles."

Xia Zhen confronted Huangfu Zhuoque, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes, his brows frowned, and the whole body exuded a trace of brilliance. It seemed that he was not very interested in Huangfu Zhuoque's proposal.

As he spoke, Xia Zhen's eyes moved away from Huangfu Zhuoque's body, and he glanced at Xin Takitang, who was lying on the ground and fell into a coma. The expression on his face gradually changed, as if he was a little disgusted.

It seemed that he had noticed the change of expression on the face of Xia Zhen, Huangfu Zhuo Que's mouth slowly rose up, evoking a curve, and a brilliance flashed in his eyes staring at Xia Zhen.

"Elder Tianzhen, there is no need to be so hostile to me. I am here just to provide you with a good choice."

"Of course, if Elder Tianzhen, you still insist on staying in the Xia clan, my Huangfu Zhuo Que will naturally not do more persuasion, but I don’t want to see such a good talent buried in the Xia clan. Just in such a broken ship."

Huangfu Zhuoque moved slightly, and walked to a position less than one meter away from before Xia Zhen's body. Faced with the Xia Zhen's power, he didn't have any fear.

Looking at Huangfu Zhuoque, who was calm in front of him, the look on Xia Zhen's face seemed to be a little more solemn, and there was a little brilliance in the depths of his eyes, but he looked at him quietly without speaking for a long time.

As Huangfu Zhuoque said, the current situation of the Xia clan, he, as the senior elder of the Xia clan, is the most clear. Compared to before, the current strength of the Xia clan has been greatly reduced. It was all thanks to Xia Xiao Xiao, if it were not for him to go his own way, he wouldn't be where he is now.

Today, most of the talents owned by the Xia clan have left secretly and joined other families. In the eyes of outsiders, they may still have a considerable background, but Xia Zhenzhen knows that unless Xia Xiao goes crazy and starts These things in this cave would not be able to compete with the other three families in the upper three cities.

Once released, the countless monster beasts contained in the cave and the spiritual treasures of Zhiyin, the Cuotian Stone, the entire Shangsan City will be plunged into an unprecedented chaos, but the consequences will be quite serious. , The entire Xia clan will be pushed to the cusp of the three cities and become targets of public criticism.

"Haha, how is it, Elder Tianzhen, can you think about it?"

Seeing the change of expression on Xia Zhen's face, Huangfu Zhuo Que probably had already guessed what he was thinking. He was just weighing the pros and cons. If the Xia clan hadn't fallen into despair as he said, His road after the summer earthquake may be very difficult.

"Elder Tianzhen, if I were you, I would definitely agree without hesitation now. After all, compared to a broken ship like the Xia family that is about to sink to the bottom of the sea, I believe that the platform that my Huangfu family can provide you It will be very broad."

Huangfu Zhuoque, who knew what Xia Zhen was thinking about, slightly changed the expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a curve, but it was difficult to detect, and immediately added a fire to Xia Zhen.

"Huangfu Zhuoque, so your purpose of coming here is simply to win me into your Huangfu clan?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Before you enter here, I'm afraid it's already ambush outside. Does the Huangfu clan really want these three cities to fall into war?"

Listening to Huangfu Zhuoque's words, Xia Zhen's heart was slightly shaken, but he hadn't noticed it yet. There was a strange brilliance in Huangfu Zhuoque's eyes, and immediately his lips moved slightly towards Huangfu Zhuoque. Asked softly.

While talking, the wisps of divine aura that Xia Zhen's body exudes seems to be more obvious. There is a looming sense of oppression in the surrounding space, but for Huangfu Zhuoque, all this is not a threat. .

Looking at the appearance of Xia Zhen and the words he said, Huangfu Zhuo Que's figure was slightly taken aback, and the expression on his face seemed to have some subtle changes, which were fleeting.

"Elder Tianzhen, I have to say that you are very smart. It is no wonder that you have been able to sit firmly in the position of the elder of the Xia clan for so many years. You are right. Before I came here, I did have this idea, but now Well."

"I don't think it's time yet, so you guessed only half of it."

The corners of Huangfu Zhuoque's mouth gradually evoked an arc, and his figure slowly moved away from Xia Zhen's body, wandering around the surrounding positions, looking at the cave he was in.

Huangfu Zhuoque's words shocked Xia Zhen's heart, and he did not expect that the Huangfu clan actually wanted to annex their Xia family.

"What is it that you want!"

"Xia Xia Xiao is not that easy to deal with. If your Huangfu clan really pushes him, not only your Huangfu clan, but the entire Shangsan City people may not have any good fruits."

Xia Xia Zhen struggled in his heart, and with a thought move, he collected the radiant aura from his body into his body, then slowly turned around, looked at Huangfu Zhuoque with a solemn expression, and sternly warned.

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