I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 987: Cave Talk (Part 2)

Feeling the faint sense of oppression that disappeared from his body, Huangfu Zhuo Que's eyes flashed a brilliance, the expression on his face gradually changed, revealing a smile, and he turned his head to look towards Xia Xia Zhen.

"It seems that Brother Tian Zhen has reached a conclusion in his heart, and I believe we will cooperate very happily in the future."

Huangfu Zhuoque's figure slowly came to Xia Zhen's body, stretched out his hand to make a handshake, and a smile of Hexi appeared on his face.

Listening to the words spoken by Huangfu Zhuoque, Xia Zhen’s figure was taken aback, and the expression on his face gradually became a little colder, with his hands slowly behind his back, as if he had not thought of walking with Huangfu Zhuoque. the meaning of.

Seeing Xia Zhen’s reaction, Huangfu Zhuoque only gave a faint chuckle, before he took his outstretched hand back, and didn’t feel embarrassed at all. After all, he was dominant now, not the Xia family. Not the summer earthquake.

"In this way, Elder Tianzhen still insists on standing with the Xia clan, so I won't do much persuasion."

Huangfu Zhuoque turned slowly, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered towards Xia Zhen behind him.

"By the way, Elder Tianzhen, since it's here, let me give you advice. I am afraid that there will be no place for the Xia clan in the future Shangsanshi. Of course, all this is not up to me. , Or it was decided by my Huangfu clan, but the biggest power holder among the three cities."

Huangfu Zhuoque's figure paused slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he glanced at the figure of Xia Zhen behind him, his lips moved slightly, the words fell, and he got up and left.

A simple sentence, in Huangfu Zhuoque's mouth, was so unremarkable, it did not seem to be a major event, but in Xia Zhen's heart, it caused an uproar.

Listening to the words spoken by Huangfu Zhuoque, Xia Zhen's figure was noticeably stunned, and the indifference on his face gradually disappeared, but instead was a kind of unspeakable surprise and surprise.

"Wait, what you... just said, but is it true?"

Looking at the figure of Huangfu Zhuoque who was gradually going away, Xia Zhen's eyes flashed with strange brilliance, his hands gradually clenched, and he immediately called Huangfu Zhuoque and asked softly, his tone seemed to be trembling.

Huangfu Zhuoque's heart was calm. In his heart he knew clearly that Xia Zhen was able to sit firmly in the position of the elder of the Xia clan for so many years, and his mind was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. He naturally knew the advantages and disadvantages.

"What? Elder Tianzhen has changed his mind?"

Huangfu Zhuoque stood with his hand holding his hand, the expression on his face gradually changed, he slowly turned around, squinted his eyes, and looked at the figure of Xia Zhen not far away.

"What you just said is true? Is there any proof?"

Xia Xia trembling eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and there was a glimmer of brilliance in the depths of his eyes.

He knew in his heart that if it was really planned by Xue Qianqiu, as Huangfu Zhuoque said, then their Xia clan is now the meat on the felt board, let them be slaughtered, let Xia Xiao do what they do now , Can't save the defeat of the Xia clan, it's just a battle between trapped beasts.

"Hehe, Brother Tianzhen, do you think I would make a joke about this kind of thing?"

"If you don't have the support of Xue Qianqiu Xue, do you think we would easily launch actions against the Xia clan?"

The corner of Huangfu Zhuoque's mouth gradually evoked a strange arc, and his figure approached the location of Xia Zhen in the cave again, the look on his face was a little unspeakable, as if he had achieved his goal.

"This matter is really too much involved. How can I be sure that what you said is true and not made up by you."

Seeing Huangfu Zhuoque's figure getting closer, Xia Xia Zhen's eyes flashed with brilliance, his lips moved slightly, and he asked in a low voice.

Listening to the words in Xia Zhen's mouth, Huangfu Zhuoque's expression on his face changed slightly, and he shook his head helplessly. He immediately looked up at Xia Zhen, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Brother Tianzhen, you also know how extensive this matter is involved, if you think what I said is false, you won't stop me."

Huangfu Zhuoque's lips moved slightly, and he said in a low voice.

If it’s something else, perhaps Huangfu Zhuoque can still come up with a little bit of evidence, but this matter is different. The forces involved are the core of the upper three cities, and even he can’t reveal it, lest it be revealed. Give birth to change.

"So, you are now fully prepared, are you?"

Xia Xia Zhen knew that if he continued to ask, there would be no results, but the news that Huangfu Zhuoque said was indeed very important to him.

After staying in the Xia clan for so many years, Xia Zhen knows that Xia Xiao’s heart is small and his heart is venomous. Over the years, although he has been sitting in the position of the great elder, he is still sitting on pins and needles. He is always on guard and vigilant. With.

"You can understand that too."

"If I join you, what benefits can I get."

Listening to Huangfu Zhuoque's words, Xia Zhen's heart sank, his expression gradually changed, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly.

"Benefits? Brother Tian Zhen, is there anything more important than surviving this turmoil against the Xia clan?"

"With your strength, Brother Tianzhen, as long as you are still alive in this world, is there no way out?"

The corners of Huangfu Zhuoque's mouth gradually evoked a blur, and while his lips moved slightly, he let out a chuckle, and immediately asked Xia Zhen rhetorically, there seemed to be a feeling of inexplicability in his words.

Listening to Huangfu Zhuoque's words, Xia Zhen slowly loosened his clenched fists, the expression on his face gradually eased, and he let out a long sigh in his heart.

"Well, I can promise to join your camp."

Xia Zhen also knew in his heart that nothing was more important than surviving. He no longer wanted to live in fear every day under Xia Xiao's hands.

"Hehe, good, brother Tian Zhen, I believe you will be thankful for the decision you are making now."

Listening to the words spoken by Xia Zhenzhen, a smile gradually appeared on Huangfu Zhuoque's face, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth made the smile even stronger.

"I hope so."

Although he had agreed to Huangfu Zhuoque, in Xia Zhen's heart, he still couldn't figure it out. He just sighed softly and shook his head helplessly.

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