The Twelve Star Demon's method of cultivating demon cultivation has long since cultivating the human beings or ghosts, and the demon spirit on the body is not bad compared to the average big demon.

But at this time, I encountered Chaotianya, who was incarnation of Chu Yunfan, and that was a real dead end. I met the nemesis!

"I don't believe how long you can hold on!"

Long Sha looked at Chu Yunfan and killed several of his brothers in a short period of time, and his eyes suddenly turned red, and his anger exploded.

He could also see that what Chu Yunfan possessed was the truly advanced method of transforming himself, just a method of enhancing his own combat power.

And he won’t have huge sequelae like him. He has become human and ghost, and his eyes are blood red. He has suffered so much, and he does not know how much energy he has spent to finally become this dragon transformation. Transform yourself into a ladyboy without distinction.

But these big sect disciples, but just an inner disciple, can actually have such an exquisite magical technique. Why, why?

His heart was raging, so jealous!

Long Sha regarded Chu Yunfan's transformation method as a method taught by Fei Xianzong, so he was jealous.

The disciples of these large sects occupy too many advantages, and it is not that their kind of casual cultivation is comparable to those of the evil spirit outsiders.

"It's more than enough to kill you!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and the huge claws slapped the evil snake directly on the ground, and pulled the evil snake forcefully, and even directly pulled the evil snake in half. The evil snake struggled, but soon died like that.

With that, Chu Yunfan started a frantic killing again, these twelve star evil spirits couldn't keep up with Chu Yunfan's speed at all, but they were completely killed in a moment.

The main reason is that Chu Yunfan's killing speed was so fast, he could kill one with almost one move. Facing Chaotianya's strength, it is good for the twelve star evil spirits to not become demon bodies. They become demon bodies. On the contrary, the suppression in the bloodline has become more serious.

Chaotianjian is a terrifying existence standing at the top of the food chain. Strictly speaking, these can be regarded as the food on Chaotianjian's recipe. It is conceivable how amazing the suppression is.

Soon, in the end there was only one Dragon Sha, and Long Sha was furious, but his speed could not keep up with Chu Yunfan's speed. Although he could occasionally hit Chu Yunfan, but hitting the mountain and river tripod, there was nothing at all. usefulness.

It was immediately turned into nothing by Shanhe Ding!

"Stop it for me, **** it!"

Long Sha roared like a tiger roar and a dragon chant.

Chu Yunfan stopped and looked at Long Sha directly, with a sneer on his face and said, "Don't worry, it's your turn right away!"

Long Sha roared and rushed up, but Chaotianyan, who was incarnation of Chu Yunfan, stood up directly and directly punched a set of eight shocking fists.


Long Sha was directly blasted out, his whole body stained with blood, his scales shattered, and he looked extremely miserable.

With just one blow, Long Sha knew why the other twelve star evils were so vulnerable in front of Chu Yunfan, because it was indeed not at the same level.

The other twelve star evil spirits couldn't even reach the Void Void Realm, how could they be able to stop such a shocking Chu Yunfan.

He didn't know why Chu Yunfan was so powerful, but he was unwilling to give up. He knew that Chu Yunfan could not transform for a long time, and he would eat until Chu Yunfan's transformation was over.

But how could Chu Yunfan give him this opportunity, his huge body volleyed into the air, and then trampled it down.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

This step directly turned into countless yellow spring water, like a flood, rushing towards Dragon Sha.


Just as Long Sha was about to get up, he was trampled on the ground with one foot, and a big hole was directly knocked out.

Almost all the bones of the whole body were broken. Whether it was the Eight Shaking Fists or Huangquan Nine Steps, they were not the terrifying martial arts that Dragon Sha could take.

Compared with this kind of martial arts, what Long Sha has learned is nothing but rubbish.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Long Sha was struggling to get up, but saw a sword aura appearing in the sky, and this sword aura flashed with the light of thunder and cut off the dragon's head at once.

The eyes of the dragon's huge dragon head were still open, and he couldn't believe that this little inner disciple was so terrifying. Just all kinds of supernatural powers and skills dazzled him and made him look awkward. eye.

If he had known this a long time ago, he would not choose to flee to the vicinity of Fei Xianzong!

After slaying the Dragon Shaman, Chu Yunfan immediately transformed back into a human form. His whole body was soaked in sweat. The consumption of turning into Chaotianxuan was also extremely high for him. However, compared with the previous transformation, it consumes a lot of money. Is undoubtedly much smaller.

His strength is increasing, and his experience is increasing.

However, this is still Chu Yunfan's hole card, so I won't be easily exposed to others!

Because he has too many enemies, he can still hit others by surprise if they don't know it, but if they are understood by others, they may be targeted.

Chu Yunfan cut off all the heads of the twelve star evil spirits that had been reshaped into human forms, as proof of completing the mission, and then he burned the entire flying boat to ashes in a fire.

This former magic cave was also vanished in the raging fire.

After completing this task, Chu Yunfan quickly returned to the Hall of Merit in the Southern District of Fei Xianzong.

It was the disciple who received Chu Yunfan's mission. He saw that Chu Yunfan returned less than a day after he left. He suddenly thought that he was right. Chu Yunfan must have not done any investigation before, and now he has retreated. Up.

After all, in a day's time, for many people, it may not be easy to find the twelve star evil spirits.

"Well, is the brother planning to come and retire the mission?" The reception disciple at this mission point didn't dare to neglect Chu No, I'm here to hand in the mission! "

Chu Yunfan threw the head of the twelve star evil spirits directly, and said.

"What? Hand in the task?" The reception disciple immediately looked at Chu Yunfan in amazement, but his reaction was still very quick, and he immediately took these heads to verify.

But after a while, he came out with the verification result. It was actually the head of the twelve star evil spirits, and he looked at Chu Yunfan in astonishment.

This inner disciple really did something that even an elite disciple might not be able to do.

"Brother, this task has been verified, here is a thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

The reception disciple hurriedly gave a Qiankun bag, and a thousand middle-grade spirit stones were placed in the Qiankun bag.

After Chu Yunfan received the Universe Bag, he pointed to the scrolling task card and said, "Help me take that task, and that task!"

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