I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1682: 2 months, the realm is complete

Two months passed quickly!

Outside the lively and noisy Gongde Hall, a figure slowly walked in, and immediately attracted the attention of many disciples in the Gongde Hall.

"This task of hunting down the old monster Xishan has been completed!"

Chu Yunfan walked to a task reception disciple and said, and then handed over a hideous head.

The disciple was shocked for a while, and then said quickly: "Okay, I will verify it for you right away!"

At this moment, everyone was looking towards him. Two months’ time was enough to make Chu Yunfan’s name in the Megatron Merit Hall, because this was a mission madman, and he was just one person in just two months. Tone completed hundreds of tasks.

It is equivalent to completing a task in about a day on average, directly completing a task that ordinary inner disciples can only complete in a few years.

It can be said to be a blockbuster, a blockbuster!

There were still many people who didn't know such an Inner Sect disciple, but after this time, everyone knew that among Inner Sect disciples, there was a mission mad.

Many of the tasks are explicitly forbidden by inner disciples to complete, because it involves the masters of the virtual hole realm, which are usually completed by elite disciples.

But Chu Yunfan took it all over, but in the end facts proved that all these tasks were also completed by Chu Yunfan.

One can imagine how shocking these things are for these people!

There are even incomplete statistics. In these two months alone, Chu Yunfan has directly earned more than 200,000 commissions from various tasks. It can be said that he has become rich overnight.

Two hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones are already unimaginable wealth for outer disciples, and it is also a lot of money for inner disciples.

Even for elite disciples, such a large sum of medium-grade spirit stones is enough to make them admire.

Suddenly, all kinds of news about Chu Yunfan were suddenly uproarious. Many people were discussing all kinds of things about Chu Yunfan. Some people even doubted the criterion of merit hall mission judgment because of Chu Yunfan's affairs. , I thought that many tasks that could not be accepted by the inner disciple could actually be completed by the inner disciple's strength.

I believe that there is a problem with the mission evaluation system of the Gongde Temple, and there are even many old-style inner disciples. As a result, they also happily accepted an elite disciple-level mission like Chu Yunfan, but it turned out that they were beaten. With no body, they didn't have the ability to complete the task at all, and many of them didn't even escape, and they were directly destroyed in the task.

This made many people give up, and everyone understood that it was not a problem with the mission evaluation system of the Gongde Temple, but that Chu Yunfan must have special skills in completing tasks.

But every time they couldn't find any evidence to support them, Chu Yun handled it too cleanly, and they didn't have a living mouth, so they didn't know from beginning to end that Chu Yunfan had a mountain and river tripod, plus the transformation of Chaotianjin. Ability can be said to be unprofitable.

Especially those who are pursued and killed by him will often ignore him because of his realm, and then be hit by him.

This is why his task is completed so quickly.

Basically, the various chasing missions were completed in the county near Fei Xianzong, and they did not go far, so the efficiency of handling the tasks was extremely high, and even people could not respond.

Soon, the task reception disciple had already verified and handed over a universe bag to Chu Yunfan.

"Brother, there are two thousand middle-grade spirit stones, which are rewards for killing Old Monster Xishan!"

"it is good!"

Chu Yunfan nodded, and then directly took away the two thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Many of the outer disciples and inner disciples could not help showing a look of envy. In the eyes of many people, Chu Yunfan can be described as a very expensive model.

But they didn't know that Chu Yunfan's pockets were completely empty at this time, because although the spirit stones he earned were fast, the flowers were more like flowing water, almost reaching the limit.

Almost all of the middle-grade Lingshi has just been earned, and it has been spent. It is either used to purchase medicinal materials for refining the Heavenly Demon Pill, or for self-cultivation, as well as to maintain the operation of the treasure mountain, the growth of the Brahma fruit tree, etc. , All need to consume a lot of middle-grade spirit stones.

So in fact, now, he has nothing left besides these two thousand middle-grade spirit stones!

But what makes many people strange is that after this mission madman completed this mission, he did not continue to take the next mission, which made many people a little surprised.

This is not in line with the image of Chu Yunfan in their hearts!

"It's time to refine the Heavenly Devil Pill!"

Chu Yunfan secretly thought that in these two months, Chu Yunfan's crazy acceptance of the mission was not only as simple as earning 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones, but also a training for him.

That's why, there are so many kinds of tasks, he chooses the chase and kill type of tasks, and he is often a master of the virtual world.

This is also a very rare experience for him!

Many comprehensions can only be comprehended in battle, not in battle.

All kinds of martial arts have been integrated, and the use of Shanhe Ding has become more and more skilled. The most important thing is that the speed of transforming into Chaotianjian is gradually increasing, and the time for transforming into Chaotianjian is gradually increasing, from the original ten minutes or so. , It became about fifteen minutes.

For the control of Chaotianyi’s strength in all aspects, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com has been greatly improved.

These are not available for purchase!

Under this circumstance, his realm has been polished more and more mellow, and he has truly improved to the Dzogchen in the late stage of the virtual realm. At this time, it is finally time to go further, and it is only a short distance from the inner disciple Dabi. It's been two months.

"This time the champion of the inner disciple competition, I'm going to make it. It doesn't make any sense if it's not a champion!" Chu Yunfan secretly thought.

Naturally, these two months cannot be calm. In fact, the two months can be said to have been turbulent, especially inside and outside the Fei Xianzong. I don’t know how many interceptions have been encountered.

Especially after the news that Chu Yunfan might have the inheritance of the Purple Thunder Sword Sect passed out, many people were jealous, and even many people were inconvenient to shoot, but many people on the wanted list used various means. Want to find Chu Yunfan.

These people didn't know who was behind them, and they came to the door one by one, but most of them were killed by Chu Yunfan, and many of them were also criminals on the wanted order, but Chu Yunfan just breathed a sigh of relief. Completed the task.

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