I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1683: Heavenly Devil Pill, retreat and practice hard

Chu Yunfan completed hundreds of tasks in one go, but half of them were completed in this way.

Of course, there are also extremely powerful masters among them who can't even deal with Chu Yunfan's incarnation, but Chu Yunfan didn't choose to compete head-on at this time, but hid in the landscape of mountains and rivers.

In the landscape of mountains and rivers, no one can find his existence, so naturally he hides.

During these two months, Chu Yunfan polished his realm more and more rounded!

And now, it's finally time to harvest!

Chu Yunfan returned to his house and entered the mountain and river map. At this time, in the mountain and river map, all kinds of medicinal materials acquired through various methods over the past two months have been piled up like a mountain.

With the system of the Hall of Merit, Chu Yunfan can easily put his needs on the Hall of Merit, allowing others to help him complete it, and he can also be anonymous.

Because he knew that he was already a target of public criticism at this time, because of that rumor, many people just didn't mind giving themselves a little trouble.

In this case, he must be more cautious!

The refining of the Heavenly Devil Pill must not fail!

So he simply hung up the task anonymously, and bought enough medicinal materials one after another.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan directly stretched out his hand and summoned Shanheding.

Shanhe Ding floated quietly in front of Chu Yunfan, looking at the simple and complicated patterns on Ding's body, I didn't know how much time he had experienced.

Chu Yunfan immediately pinched a seal, and suddenly a pill fire appeared out of nowhere. It was the pill fire that Chu Yunfan cultivated. The color of the flame was white, like a ball of snow, but this ball was not snow, on the contrary. It's an extremely hot flame.

Of course, a pill alchemist who has reached this level of cultivation can no longer use ordinary flames to make alchemy.

Chu Yunfan followed the steps of refining the Heavenly Demon Pill in his memory, and began to continuously add medicinal materials into it. It was just a while, and the mana in Chu Yunfan's body had already consumed a half. The maintenance of this pill fire was extremely exhausting. Mana, so he quickly swallowed some recovery pills, and soon he felt that his mana replenishment speed could finally be equivalent to the mana consumption speed, and he was relieved.

This was also the first time that Chu Yunfan had used Shanhe Ding to refine pill. He found that this speed was simply not decent. Before, Chu Yunfan's alchemy efficiency using ordinary alchemy furnaces was less than 1% of Shanhe Ding's efficiency.

Originally, the refining of the Heavenly Demon Pill was not a trivial matter, but now with the help of Shanhe Ding, Chu Yunfan refining it too quickly, one after another medicinal materials were refined into it.

Time passed by, and for a whole day, Chu Yunfan's frantic refinement day and night, finally, as the top cover of the Shanhe Ding opened, an astonishing medicinal gas blew out.

Chu Yunfan was immediately immersed in the medicine Qi, only feeling that the pores all over his body were opening.

I just feel that my mana is becoming superb!

Soon, he saw that among the mountains and rivers, there were two Heavenly Demon Pills lying quietly. These two Heavenly Demon Pills were vaguely different from the appearance of ordinary medicine. On the contrary, they were like two demon clan, but Vaguely able to see the appearance and outline.

However, Chu Yunfan didn’t feel any fuss about this. Many of the pill elixir refined by the emperor were like this. They were unusual in appearance, and they were even surprisingly straight from the time they were refined. Begin to cross the catastrophe and transform into a real creature.

It can be said that Chu Yunfan has seen the aura of heaven and earth, the show of Zhongtiandi, all kinds of beast-shaped, human-shaped, and even the shape of plants and trees. Chu Yunfan has seen it many times in the memory of the emperor. He is very clear about this. .

Chu Yunfan put one of the medicine pills away in a jade box to avoid loss of medicinal properties, and he took the other medicine directly.

He looked at Shanhe Ding and couldn't help but exclaimed. Without the help of Shanhe Ding, it would take him at least a month to refine the Heaven Demon Pill, which is now greatly shortened.

It is indeed a magic weapon before Emperor Dan became Dao, and it was not without reason that the Purple Thunder Sword Sect used Shanhe Ding as one of the necessary means to pass on the sect.

Chu Yunfan immediately sat up straight, without any hesitation, and swallowed the Heavenly Demon Pill. Chu Yunfan suddenly felt as if a villain had entered his body, and it was not so easy to direct it. open.

He immediately operated the Emperor Ji Gong and the Sky Swallowing Art, and began to continuously refine this Heavenly Demon Pill. Finally, the Heavenly Demon Pill directly turned into a torrent, rushing directly into every cell of Chu Yunfan, and there was even one. The rushing energy rushed directly into Chu Yunfan's mind. This was the most dangerous step.

It is also the most difficult step in the practice of the virtual realm, because the practice before the virtual realm is related to the physical body, while the practice of the virtual realm is related to the brain. It is necessary to further stimulate the brain and develop the ability of the brain to have it. Further comprehend the powerful ability of the law.

But at the same time this is also extremely dangerous. The brain is too mysterious. If you are not careful, you may be charged as an idiot.

But fortunately at this moment, the godhead in his mind emitted a faint soft light, and this torrent of energy was introduced into his brain. Chu Yunfan suddenly felt that he had re-entered a state of enlightenment. People seem to be in a mysterious and mysterious state.

Time passed by with Chu Yunfan's continuous enlightenment, breaking through the barrier of the virtual realm!

Two flowers blooming ~www.ltnovel.com~ one branch on each table! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Shocked Yunfeng, above the hall.

Wang Yifan's face was pale, listening to the report of his subordinates, his movements did not stop during the period of his retreat.

Especially when he heard that Chu Yunfan was going to leave the Fei Xian Sect, he was even more happy. Many people were sent out and secretly. In addition to the original disciples of the Fei Xian Sect, there were even some who were in the ranks. People on the wanted order of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Each of these people is prestigious and can be called sinful. They all have a cooperative relationship with Wang Yifan.

Take what each other needs. After all, these lawless figures are also afraid that the Great Xia Dynasty will suddenly come to annihilate them, and they also need a stable news channel.

And Wang Yifan also had some shameful things that required them to take action. Because of this, the two sides hit it off quickly, and it was not a day or two to cooperate with each other.

But these masters who were sent in secretly and secretly were unable to help Chu Yunfan, and in more than two months, Chu Yunfan easily completed hundreds of tasks.

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