I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1718: In the middle of the glimpse of the virtual realm, a powerful enemy strikes

The Daxia Dynasty was close to an official road near the border. The spacious official road could be paralleled by ten carts. On this day, a group of people rode a tall and mighty dragon horse and escorted a carriage, slowly moving forward.

You Chuyun rode a tall dragon horse, his eyes constantly sweeping away, his expression a bit wary.

Behind him, there were also ten knights riding dragon horses, each full of energy, with a deep and sturdy aura, they were all followers who followed Chu Yunfan to Baotai City this time.

Although all the way is safe, even if there are some younger generations, the breath of these knights is unfathomable, how dare you to cause trouble.

Although they are not top-notch among Fei Xianzong, they are all masters on the outside.

Some of the elite masters of the middle sects are just as good as their cultivation bases.

However, You Chuyun still didn't dare to relax a bit, because he also knew that the people Chu Yunfan provoked were not so powerful, and nothing happened along the way, which didn't mean they were all right now.

He didn't understand why Chu Yunfan didn't fly directly to Baotai City. In that case, the possibility of accidents would be much smaller.

After leaving Feixianzong, Chu Yunfan changed to a carriage, and then he got into the carriage, and the entire convoy was slowly advancing.

He was completely in no hurry. Fortunately, the appointment letter of the Ministry of War had ample time limit for rushing to the post, otherwise it would be too late.

However, although everyone had doubts in their hearts, no one dared to ask Chu Yunfan face to face.

But at this time, there was no one in the carriage. Chu Yunfan was not in the carriage at all, but went directly into the landscape of mountains and rivers, letting You Chuyun and the others move forward with the carriage.

In the picture of mountains and rivers, Chu Yunfan sat cross-legged high above the sky, his whole body exuding a faint light, and every pore was exuding entanglement.

A horrible energy was constantly washing the cells in his body in his body.

Cultivation in the mountains does not know that the years have flowed, and a month has passed from the outside world. Even if You Chuyun deliberately controlled the speed, with Ryoma's physical stamina, traveling thousands of miles a day and traveling eight hundred at night would be no problem at all.

One month's time, it has also approached the border area of ​​the Great Xia Dynasty, and it is only a day away from Baotai City.

The closer you are to the border, the more you can feel the aura of murder. Each town is different from the hinterland. It looks like a fortress and looks heavily guarded. After all, it is close to the border, and in the long years, it has often become a battlefield.


A huge roar erupted from Chu Yunfan's body, and it directly turned into a torrent, and it turned into a terrifying storm all over his body, and he himself became the center of the storm's eye.

He could feel that the barrier in the middle stage of the Void Void Realm that originally blocked his advancement was instantly rushed away by this torrent.

His realm has gone straight to the middle stage of the voyeuristic realm!

In just one month, he has entered the territory again, and his combat power has risen to a higher level. This speed is not unpleasant.

However, at the same time, he also used up all the medicines he could use at present, but the effect was also extremely significant. In a short time, he was connected to two steps from the peak of the original virtual realm, and his strength was more than strong. Doubled.

In addition, the millions of middle-grade spirit stones that were originally awarded by the inner disciple contest champion have also consumed more than half. Chu Yunfan cultivates extremely fast, but in the same way, all kinds of resources and wealth are consumed. It is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is also the reason why Chu Yunfan chose to worship Fei Xianzong. Without the support of Fei Xianzong, it would be much more difficult for him to enter the territory like this.

"Such a cultivation base is not enough, we need to go further, it's best to step into the cave virtual realm!"

Chu Yunfan secretly thought that with the power of his cultivation technique, if he could step into the Void Hole Realm, he would be sure to be a master who could contend with the Universe Realm.

At that time, he was truly able to protect himself in this world.

Suddenly, at this moment, his mind suddenly moved and he felt an extremely dangerous breath coming.

He directly raised his head and opened his eyes, looking towards the sky, only to see that a terrifying big hand fell from the sky and directly hit the carriage among the crowd.


The carriage was blasted to pieces in an instant, and Longma was slapped into flesh.

"Who?" You Chuyun was awakened almost instantly, hurriedly shouted, and looked towards the sky, only to see that above the sky, I don't know when, a group of black-clothed figures have appeared.

Among these people, the aura on each of them was extremely sturdy, covering the sky and the earth, almost covering a radius of several miles, almost instantly, they suppressed You Chuyun and others immobile with their aura.

A look of horror appeared on the faces of You Chuyun and others. In the virtual hole realm, this group of people in black are all masters in the virtual hole realm.

You must know that the master of the Cave Void Realm is not Chinese Cabbage~www.ltnovel.com~ Although it is not like the Qiankun Realm, it already belongs to the ruling class, but the suzerain of many miniature sects is only the Cave Void Realm level.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, the army could serve as the guard lieutenant, and Congwen was the magistrate of a county, which can be said to be quite extraordinary.

However, these people are full of strong blood, even a bit of evil, and they are obviously not righteous people.

"Chu Yunfan, it's nothing more than that, just slapped it to death!"

At this time, the leader of the black-clothed masked man spoke, and there was a kind of contempt in his words. Before they came, they were warned that Chu Yunfan's extremely cunning cultivation was unfathomable at the same time, so you must be careful.

But at first glance, it is also difficult to be famous. Although there is the title of Feixianzong Inner Sect Championship, but after all, it is only an inner disciple, just peeping into the virtual realm.

These masters of the Void Realm collectively take action, and besieging a small Void Realm is simply an ultra-luxury lineup, okay?

"According to the master's order, kill everyone else, no one can let it go!"

The leader of the black-clothed man yelled, and immediately, these black-clothed people started to take action, attacking You Chuyun and others from all directions.

"Fight with them!"

As soon as You Chuyun gritted his teeth, it was too late to say anything at this time, but they were all outstanding among the disciples of Fei Xianzong, and even if they were facing a desperate situation, they wouldn't be able to catch them.

"Hahaha, a group of self-defeating people!"

Among the black robbers, someone said with a grinning grin, but as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly felt a pain in his throat, and he actually saw his back.

"I'm dead?"

He saw that his head was cut off, so he was able to see his back.

A black robber, die!

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