All this happened so quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, all this has already happened.

Even all the black-clothed thieves didn't react, only a sword light suddenly appeared in the sky. The black-clothed thieves didn't react at all, they were killed on the spot.


Not only were each of these black-clothed thieves a master of the Void Hole Realm, but everyone was killed in the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain. Their reaction was extremely fast, and they reacted almost immediately and became vigilant.

But even so, it was still of no use at all, and almost two sword auras emerged in the air, without any signs, directly piercing the bodies of the two black robbers.



The two black-clothed thieves stared wide-eyed, and never expected that they would be beheaded so simply that they didn't even see the enemy's face.

Two bodies fell from the void.

This was another two people beheaded and killed, almost frightening these black-clothed thieves. They stopped at once, where they dared to continue chasing You Chuyun and others.


You Chuyun and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they had walked away from a ghost gate.

"This sword aura is... Brother Chu?" You Chuyun reacted first, because he had seen Chu Yunfan make a move, and this sword aura seemed too familiar.

"Someone, come out, hide your head and show your tail, what a hero!"

At this moment, the leader of the black-robed group of thieves suddenly roared, his eyes flashing with a sharp killing intent, and his anger rushed into the crown.

These brothers of his didn't know how many siege and suppressions they had survived, and they were killed from the dead mountain blood sea, but now they are dead here inexplicably, how can this not make him furious.

"Just you group of courageless rats who hide their heads and show their tails, how dare you say that they hide their heads and show their tails? It's ridiculous!"

A clear voice came, but he saw that a figure appeared in the void out of thin air, but who was that person if it wasn't Chu Yunfan.

"Sure enough, Senior Brother Chu, I said, Senior Brother Chu couldn't be killed in that simple way!"

You Chuyun said in surprise, everyone else also showed joy, and Chu Yunfan's appearance made them instantly regain their backbone.

"So you are not dead yet!"

The leader of the black-clothed thieves stared at Chu Yunfan fiercely, thinking that Chu Yunfan was easily killed by himself, who knew he was not dead yet, and killed his three brothers.

"I really underestimated you!"

Chu Yunfan glanced contemptuously at the leader of the black-robed group of thieves. There is no doubt that they did not ask questions, but they came up directly to do it. They were instructed by other people, but they didn't know who this person was.

But it doesn't matter, because either Wang Yifan or Li Qianyuan, there is no one else, and both of them are his life and death enemies, there is no need to confirm, sooner or later there will be a battle.

"However, no matter how cunning you are, today I will smash you into pieces, extract your soul and be swallowed by a hundred ghosts, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart!"

The leader of the black bandit roared.

Chu Yunfan sneered and said, "Want to kill me? Then see if you can do it. It happens that when I took office, I still lacked a credit. Looking at you, you are not a good person, so I just cut my head. The Ministry of War received the reward. A group of thieves in the Void Realm are obviously not ordinary people. They just happened to give me some reward!"

Seeing that Chu Yunfan was not at all nervous, the black-clothed thieves dared to speak wildly. He was furious and shouted directly: "Go on, kill him first, and then kill others. Everyone, be careful, this is fierce and cunning. !"

When the black-clothed thieves heard the leader's words, they screamed and rushed up, forming an encirclement from all directions. These people seemed to know how to fight together, and they shot together, forming a faint formation.

Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it. He immediately shook his figure, and an electric light stepped on his feet. In the next instant, he appeared in front of a black-robed group of thieves.


This black-robed group of thief had no time to react, and was directly cut off his head with a sword on the spot.

"Die to me!"

Seeing this, these black-clothed thieves roared one after another, and all kinds of attacks would fall on Chu Yunfan.

But when they were eager to see through, they saw a medicine cauldron on top of Chu Yunfan's head, guarding him in it, all kinds of attacks were absorbed by the medicine cauldron, and they could not pose a threat to Chu Yunfan.

"Just relying on you rubbish?" Chu Yunfan shouted, one hand directly grabbed a corner of the Shanhe Ding, and the huge Shanhe Ding was directly moved by him, forming a terrible frenzy.


A group of black-robed thief had no time to dodge, and was hit by the mountain and river cauldron. A mouthful of blood spurted out. The whole person flew upside down in an instant, hit the ground hard, and stopped moving.

A master of the Void Void Realm was actually killed by Chu Yunfan with a mountain and river After Yiding smashed to death a group of black-clothed thieves in the Void Void Realm, Chu Yunfan did not stay at all with his arm. With a sudden force, the whole mountain and river tripod rose up against the wind, and suddenly rose to the size of a hill.




In an instant, another group of black-robed thieves were hit on the spot, their brains burst and their bodies shattered.

But in a moment, Chu Yunfan actually killed most of these black-clothed thieves. Although these black-clothed thieves are all masters of the hole virtual realm, they are basically in the early stage of the hole virtual realm or the middle stage of the hole virtual realm. , In the Void Hole Realm, it was not a top-notch existence at all, how could it withstand Chu Yunfan's attack.

Chu Yunfan's astonishing slaughter directly frightened these black-clothed thieves. It was not that they had never seen a slaughter before, even if they were much stronger than them.

But they hadn't seen Chu Yunfan's simple and rude killing method, they directly hit the mountain and river tripod, and the one who was hit was a dead word.

Chu Yunfan's terrifying strange power, under the blessing of Shanhe Ding, exerted it to the extreme. They knew for the first time that a person's natural divine power could actually be terrifying to this point.

But Shanheding is of extremely high grade and indestructible, as long as they are hit, they will be dead on the spot.

Even though they were all fierce bandits who were not afraid of death, they were still terrified by Chu Yunfan at this time.

But at this time, the leader of the black-clothed thieves rushed into the crown, yelling directly on the spot, and rushed toward Chu Yunfan.

He just watched for a while and didn't take any direct action. Chu Yunfan killed most of his subordinates, and the rest were shocked.

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