I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1720: Peerless power, tearing the best spirit weapon

   "Chu Yunfan, no one can save you today!"


   The black-clothed thieves leader let out an angry roar, and the aura of his whole body was released instantly, and it suddenly overwhelmed everyone's aura.


   You Chuyun and others seemed to be in a swamp, and even had difficulty breathing, as if someone had pinched their necks with their hands.


   This black bandit leader is much stronger than ordinary black bandits!


   "The peak of the Void Hole Realm is actually the peak of the Void Hole Realm!" A look of horror flashed in You Chuyun's eyes, and even a little desperate.


   You must know that this is not an ordinary emptiness. If faced with an ordinary emptiness, they may still have the possibility of escape.


   But the pinnacle of the Void Hollow Realm, even in the Flying Immortal Sect, is the best among the many disciples, second only to the true disciple, and even has the opportunity to break through to the Universe Realm and become the legendary true disciple.


People like    are the big ones among the elite disciples!


   Except for walking around the world, they are also people with a face and a face, and their strength status has long been different!


They also did not expect that the master who came to chase Chu Yunfan this time would be such a master at the pinnacle of the Void Void Realm. One could imagine how much the person behind hated Chu Yunfan and refused to give it to Chu Yunfan. Even if there is the slightest possibility of escape.


   "It's a pity, it's a pity!"


  Chu Yunfan didn't change his face. The black-clothed crowd thief leader could scare others, but he couldn't scare him. The people behind this can be said to have carefully calculated to the extreme, taking all circumstances into consideration.


   But the only thing he hadn't calculated was that Chu Yunfan's strength now far exceeded their imagination.




   The leader of the black-clothed thieves shouted violently, and suddenly there was a rapid devil's cry all over the sky, as if for an instant, there were countless ghosts in the world.


   In an instant, the world changed drastically. It was still sunny, and it seemed to be a ghost in an instant.


Chu Yunfan looked up and saw that there was already a huge and incomparable print ribbon floating above the sky. This print ribbon was different from the ordinary one. The whole body was gray and black. On the print ribbon, there were horrible ghosts painted on one by one, forming a picture of the night of a hundred ghosts. .


   Now in the picture of the night walking of the clothes, countless ghosts roared out, directly evolving into a piece of ghosts in a radius of tens of miles.


   These ghosts have blue-faced fangs on each face, but they are streaming with blood and tears, struggling but unable to break free. This kind of resentment accumulates and becomes the source of the power of the seal.


"Hahaha, Chu Yunfan, see how you die, no one can escape under the seal of my Hyakki Yexing. It just so happens that my Hyakki Yexing still lacks a ghost king. I have changed my mind. I want to fascinate you. Come out and sacrifice to my ghost king who is trained to become my Hundred Ghost Night Imprint. From now on, you will not only not be able to live beyond life, but you will also live forever for my use!"


   The leader of the black-clothed thieves laughed and said, looking at Chu Yunfan in his eyes, he was already looking at a dead person.


   This is the greatest punishment for a warrior. It is not counted that he was defeated and died tragically during his lifetime. After his death, he would have to be drawn out of his soul to be driven by the enemy. This method is so cruel, naturally, there is no doubt.


   "I don't know how many innocent people you have killed before you can practice the Hundred Ghosts Ye Xingyin. The sins are serious. I will cut your evil obstacles today and let them go beyond life!" Chu Yunfan shouted.


It is said that it is the night of the Hyakki, but in fact it is more than ten thousand ghosts, one hundred thousand ghosts, these black-clothed thieves will extract the spirits of the people who have been killed by themselves. These people are brutally killed by the innocent. Everyone has great resentment. Resentment happened to be used by him, and the method was extremely cruel.


   This is also the fundamental reason why the evil demon's outer path is not inviting people to see even if it is fast through cultivation.


   "It's up to you?" The leader of the black-clothed thieves roared. On the top of Chu Yunfan's head, the Hundred Ghosts Night Imprint grew and grew, and countless ghosts flew toward Chu Yunfan.


   In the next instant, countless mana surges from Chu Yunfan's body directly turned into the power of thunder in the sky.


   suddenly turned into a sea of ​​thunder within one mile of himself.


   The ghosts that had originally whizzed out were wiped out in a flash of ashes, and they couldn't get close to Chu Yunfan's body at all.


   The thunder force released by Chu Yunfan's sky-shaking thunder body is as strong as the sun, which is the nemesis of these.


   In an instant, those ghosts were completely wiped out! ..


   "Special physique?" The black-clothed gang leader's eyes widened, that majestic supernatural power is simply the biggest nemesis of his Hyakki Ye Xingyin.


   What's even more terrifying is that this special physique, each one grows up, is a rare master in the world.


   So most people are not willing to offend this kind of people with special physique, but he has no choice.


   "In that case, you die for me!"


   The leader of the black-clothed thieves gritted his teeth and said, since he has been offended, he must rush to kill him. Otherwise, once Chu Yunfan thinks about it in the future, he will definitely not live.


   At this time, the huge and incomparable Hyakki Yexing Seal on the sky was also crushed down.


   The terrifying coercion belonging to the Supreme Spirit Tool was crushed in an instant.


   "Break it for me!"


   Chu Yunfan yelled violently, and for an instant, every pore of Chu Yunfan's body grew golden hair, and in an instant it seemed to be a monster like a hill.


   A savage and fierce aura burst out, directly covering the range of a few miles.


"what is that?"


   You Chuyun and others looked at Chu Yunfan, who had turned into a huge monster in the sky, dumbfounded.


   Especially You Chuyun. At this time, he seemed to understand a little bit why Chu Yunfan didn't show weakness even when facing Wang Yifan and Li Qianyuan. Chu Yunfan had never used such a hole card. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com


   Even in the inner disciple Dabi, I have never used it!


   And once it was used, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in this fierce breath.


   Even the leader of the black band of thieves saw this scene and was equally shocked and stunned.


And at this moment, Chu Yunfan’s face-to-face double fists bombarded the air, causing a large area of ​​air to collapse, like a landslide, and his huge body flashed and rushed directly, colliding with the Hundred Ghost Night Seal. Come together.




There was a huge roar, as if two mountains collided, everyone only saw Chaotianya's claws grabbing the Hyakki Ye Xingyin. After an angry roar, the Hyakki Ye Xingyin was actually torn apart. Come.


"Bang!" With a sound, the huge seal ribbon split into two halves, and countless ghosts who were originally bound in the seal of the Hundred Ghost Nights finally got out. After bowing and saluting to Chu Yunfan, they disappeared into the original. In the ground.

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