I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1721: I kill the king with one sail, without a breath

After a loud noise, Baigui Ye Xingyin was torn apart by Chu Yunfan on the spot, and exploded in the air.




   The leader of the black-clothed group of thieves spurted out a mouthful of blood, was backlashed, and was hit hard.


   An inexplicable expression of horror flashed in his eyes, and he almost was not scared to death by Chu Yunfan.


   He has played against many people in his life, but he has never seen such a brutal type of Chu Yunfan, and it doesn't make sense at all.


  What kind of enemy, they all slap to death.


   Simple and crude, but effective to a terrible state.


"not good!"


   At this time, the leader of the black-clothed thieves suddenly seemed to realize something, and suddenly escaped for thousands of meters. His speed was very fast, as if he was teleporting.


   In the next instant, a huge claw fell from the sky, and directly blasted the position where the leader of the black-clothed thieves was.


   "Want to escape?" Opened his blood bowl to the sky, he burst out with a loud roar, his figure is extremely large, but the speed is faster than the speed of the black-clothed thieves leader.


   It was almost an instant, and he rushed to the front of the black-clothed thieves leader.


   Then he opened his mouth in the blood basin, and a terrifying flame spewed out from his mouth, directly burning the body of the leader of the black-clothed thieves.




The black crowd thief leader screamed and fled, his whole body was covered with raging flames. Suddenly, from the flame, a blood-colored figure jumped out directly, but he saw that the black crowd thief leader looked like at the moment of his death. It was a snake shed its skin and escaped.


   turned into a **** light and fled towards the distance!


   Chu Yunfan sneered and slapped him out on the spot.




   The whole body of the black-clothed thief leader was shot, as if a meteor hit the ground, he slammed into the ground without knowing how many bones were broken, and then the whole person screamed again and again.


   A sword light fell from the sky and directly nailed the black-clothed thieves leader to the ground. It was the Broken Immortal Sword.


  The leader of the black-clothed crowd, die!


But You Chuyun and the others still stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded. From the moment this group of black-clothed crowds appeared, they almost thought that they were dead, but Chu Yunfan turned out to be the black guy. The clothes crowd robbed a clean.


   "Is this the strength of Brother Chu? Too strong!"


The others waited to see Chu Yunfan turn into the sky. Instead of being scared at all, they only felt extremely happy. You know, they are now standing on Chu Yunfan’s boat. The stronger Chu Yunfan becomes, their The benefits naturally increase.


   They were all in fear at first, for fear that Chu Yunfan would die in the hands of Wang Yifan and the others. In that case, their future would also be cut off.


   But as Chu Yunfan showed such amazing strength, this gave them a hundred thousand points of confidence.


   Above the sky, the hair that turned up into the sky gradually receded, and soon a figure reappeared, but it wasn't Chu Yunfan and who was it.


   With a stroke of Chu Yunfan's palm, the Broken Immortal Sword turned into a stream of light and fell into his hand again. After a while, it was submerged in his body.


  This is also the method of the swordsman. It contains the sword in the body and nourishes the sword with its own blood, so that the power of the sword will gradually increase and become extremely terrifying.


   Although Chu Yunfan had just turned into the sky and consumed a huge amount of physical and mana, he recovered in a moment, and the terrifying emperor's battle body was only manifested at this time.


   At the same level, Chu Yunfan’s stamina can beat others to doubt life!


   And when You Chuyun and the others saw this, they couldn't help but be surprised. They had clearly gasped for a little bit when they saw Chu Yunfan transform back into a human form, but after only a few minutes, they had completely recovered.


   They felt that Chu Yunfan's skill was unfathomable, he was a terrible monster!


"Cut off their heads, turn around and send someone to the Ministry of War to verify their body and see what the group is!" Chu Yunfan said. He didn't ask who they were before, because there is no need, anyway, there is a Ministry of War. He can easily find out who these people are.


Now Chu Yunfan has an official position, but is a court lieutenant. These people attacked the court lieutenant under the Langlang universe, and died in vain. Even if they were really Li Qianyuan’s subordinates, Li Qianyuan did not dare to come out at this time. Say more.


   "By the way, let's see what kind of rewards are there, and I got them together!"


These people are obviously all old bandits. They don’t know how many lives are in their hands. They must have a criminal record in the Ministry of War. If such people are killed, the rewards are very generous. After all, they are a group of masters in the Void Realm, among the many bandits. , Can be regarded as the best.


   When You Chuyun and others heard the words, they quickly began to cut off the heads, collected these heads, and put them together in a universe bag. When they arrived at Baotai City, they were sent to the Imperial Military Department to verify their identity through official channels.


   "Brother Chu's martial arts is the world's best. It won't take long. I am afraid that Wang Yifan will not be Chu's opponent anymore!"


A disciple of the Fei Xianzong's inner sect said, his words were a bit excited, thinking of Chu Yunfan's understatement of killing a group of black-clothed thieves just now~www.ltnovel.com~ He only felt extremely excited. .


   "Wang Yifan is nothing, it doesn't matter if he moves his hands and feet behind his back, dare to appear in front of me, I don't need to take a breath to kill him!"


  Chu Yunfan snorted. The real enemy in his heart is Li Qianyuan. What a Wang Yifan can do, holding a sword amulet in his hand, killing a Wang Yifan effortlessly.


  Even Li Qianyuan suffered a big loss in the sword qi talisman, let alone Wang Yifan.


   But this sword qi talisman was prepared by Chu Yunfan to deal with Li Qianyuan, so it would be best if it could not be used.


   But if Wang Yifan dared to do it himself, Chu Yunfan would let him come back and forth.


   When everyone saw Chu Yunfan, they were obviously not talking casually, they were all infected by Chu Yunfan's self-confidence.


   They also understood at this time that Chu Yunfan was in the carriage before, and he was probably cultivating, but now he has achieved great skill and has left the barrier.


   "Clean up, we rushed directly to Baotai City, I want to see what kind of Longtan Tiger's Lair it is, let people talk about it!"


   Chu Yunfan said loudly, with a sneer on his face.




   Everyone promised, packed their things quickly, and rode on the dragon horse one after another.


   The dragon horse leaped into the sky, soaring through the clouds, and flew straight in the direction of Baotai City, but it was only an hour later.


   A city appeared in front of everyone. rw

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