I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1722: Reorganize the barracks

This is a small border town. There are mottled traces of battles on the walls, and even some ancient bloodstains. I don't know when it was left. It hasn't completely dried up so far, and the power in the blood has not dissipated.


   is obviously also left behind by many strong people.


   On this day, a group of knights riding dragon horses came to this small border town, the head of them was wearing a moon-white martial arts uniform, looking simply and neat.


   is Chu Yunfan and his party!


"This one is Baotai City. There are about 200,000 people in Baotai City, plus the various villages and towns under its jurisdiction, about 300,000 people!" Chu Yunfan recalled some information about Baotai City. Among the many border cities, Baotai City is not the largest, but it is the most special one.


  Because of its geographical location, it was facing the front line of the Yao clan in the early years, the north was facing the territory of the Hu clan, and the south was contentment, which can be said to be the junction of the four forces.


   Although it is not the front line now, it is also quite chaotic because of the crisscrossing forces of all parties.


This Baotai City just looks at the city wall and knows that it has not been repaired for some years. The barriers and formations on the city wall are full of loopholes. I don't know if it has not been allocated for repairs in these years, or because it has been embezzled. .


   After all, the previous guards of the school lieutenant were dead unclear, and many things were in the mist.


   "No matter what, this is the starting point of my power in the Great Xia Dynasty, Baotai City, it belongs to me!" Chu Yunfan looked at the huge city in front of him, and only felt that pride was rising in his heart.


  Although he was transferred to Baotai City this time, there was a reason for Li Qianyuan to intervene, but Li Qianyuan probably did not think that Chu Yunfan was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he still thought about taking this opportunity to make a big deal.


   "Who?" In front of the city gate, Chu Yunfan and others were stopped by soldiers guarding the city.


   "You are so brave, you are blinded by your dog's eyes, this is the new guard captain, your captain, don't hurry up to greet you!"


   Before Chu Yunfan spoke, You Chuyun stepped forward and said.


   When these soldiers who guarded the city heard this, they were shocked. The guard captain was their immediate boss and the real master of the entire city.


   Especially in border cities like this, the guard lieutenant is often caught by the military and government, and he is the well-deserved first person in the city.


   Soon, a middle-aged man with a round figure rushed over. When he saw Chu Yunfan, he immediately saluted and said, "Xiaguan Chen Tai, I have seen Master Lieutenant!"


  Chu Yunfan glanced at the rounded middle-aged man, his brows frowned, and it was a mess. Although Baotai City was not the front line, the troops stationed there were also second-line garrisons, but it looked like a soldier in this way.


   Although Chu Yunfan joined the army for the first time in the Great Xia Dynasty, he was once a high-ranking official in the human army in the Human Federation. He has never seen any situation before, and he knew at a glance that something went wrong with this army.


   But at this time, he held back and said, "Where is the garrison of Baotai Town, take me there!"




Chen Tai hurriedly said, although he looked respectful, but between the corners of his brows he did not put Chu Yunfan in his eyes. Although the guard school lieutenant was their immediate boss, so what? All these guard school lieutenants died. It's not clear, I'm afraid there will be no exceptions to this.


   And they still do whatever they want.


   He thought it was a good concealment, but Chu Yunfan's gaze could be concealed there, but now Chu Yunfan is too lazy to say something.


   Soon under the leadership of Chen Tai, Chu Yunfan came to a huge military camp in the east of the city. The military camp seemed to have not been renovated for some time, and it looked quite old.


   There was almost no obstacle, and Chu Yunfan had already entered the large camp. This barracks that could accommodate thousands of people looked a bit empty at this time.


   I occasionally saw some soldiers on the road crooked, and they seemed to lack training.


   Not only Chu Yunfan, but also You Chuyun and the others frowned. They didn't expect that this place had been ruined like this, and even the second-line troops would not be so bad.


   Suddenly, there was a loud noise, but saw a few soldiers walking crookedly, Chu Yunfan saw that these people were still holding a jar of wine in their hands, and they had just returned from drinking.


   "Hahaha, it's the little lady from Cuihonglou who is still here!"


   One of the soldiers who looked like a leader laughed.


   "Next time you guys will take you to see and see!"




   Chu Yunfan said with a sneer, the hint of sternness exuding from his body shocked the man next to him, Chen Tai, and quickly lowered his head.


   Although he was not optimistic about Chu Yunfan's future, he could not be offended by anyone who had no deep background to be transferred as a guard captain.


   "Come on, hang up these drunks for me and sober them up!"


   Chu Yunfan shouted.


   You Chuyun and the others couldn't help it for a long time, so they flew out.


   "What are you doing? Do you know who the Laozi are?" At this time, these drunk soldiers suddenly reacted and screamed.


   But with their cultivation base, they are not even in the Golden Core Realm, how can they stop the wolf-like You Chuyun and others.


  You Chuyun and others were beaten up by those black-clothed crowds before. They couldn't clean up the black-clothed crowds. Couldn't they still get rid of these soldiers?


   In just a moment, all these soldiers were tied up, like a string of grasshoppers hung on the flagpole.


   "Master Xiaoli, this is not enough, this is the brother-in-law of Vice-Lieutenant Ding Chengding!"


   At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chen Tai's face turned pale in an instant, and he was even more afraid than facing Chu Yunfan. Obviously, Na Dingcheng had already gained a lot of prestige.


"In this barracks, I am the guard captain, a deputy captain in the district, and I can't turn the sky!" Chu Yunfan said, "Isn't that great? He doesn't want to see me, and now I don't believe it. Can he still? appear!"


  Chu Yunfan has been here for so long, and he hasn't seen any officers of the battalion come to visit him, and now that Ding Cheng will appear if he doesn't appear.


   "Play the drums, gather, in the barracks, people above the captain, come to the handsome account to see me, and those who can't get a stick of incense, get dismissed!"


   Chu Yunfan passed the order down, and went straight to the direction of Shuai Zhang.


   This military camp has long been a place to hide dirt, and it can't be dealt with without being ruthless.




   A rush of drums spread throughout the entire barracks, and suddenly the entire barracks went up and down. Everyone looked strangely in the direction of the handsome account, wondering who dared to beat the drums to summon everyone.

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