I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1723: Iron-blooded wrists, blood flowed into rivers

After the sound of the three-way drum, within Chu Yunfan's handsome account, in front of him, there were only a dozen people standing scattered.


   These dozen people are all just officers at the captain level, and there is only one squad leader in charge of ten people.


   "Is this the only person?" Chu Yunfan glanced at the dozen or so people in front of him.


   The dozen or so officers all looked at Chu Yunfan with a little nervous expression. The new guard lieutenant seemed to be unkind.


   Judging from the previous guard lieutenants, each of the guard lieutenants who descended from the air was a proud figure.


   They have not heard of it, none of these people are from the major sects, and some are even from the great power of the royal court. They came up to do something big.


   "Very good!" Chu Yunfan sneered, "You Chuyun, after the tee drum rang, what should I do if I fail to follow the rules?"


   "Return to Senior Brother Chu, the three-way drum is not enough, it is the same as losing time, and losing time is cut!" You Chuyun said loudly.


The remaining dozen or so officers suddenly turned pale. According to the military regulations, there were dozens of cases of slashing. Among them, there were lapses of time for slashing. It's just that their second-line troops have always been relatively sloppy, and Baotai City The defenders have been free and loose for too long.


   Although they can protect themselves, they can only protect themselves, and there is no way to prevent others from falling.


   "Lord Captain, do you want to notify the Vice Captain!" At this time, the only captain said cautiously.


   "In this military camp, I am the lieutenant. If the order is passed on, all those who fail to do so will be decapitated, and their heads hung in front of the camp, so as to follow suit!"


  Chu Yunfan sneered, he should use heavy codes to fight troubled times, especially the military. Once there is the kindness of women, these soldiers who have been rotten and clean will push their noses on their faces.


   "You Chuyun, let you lead someone to catch them all!"




   You Chuyun promised, and took the ten Fei Xianzong disciples out of the camp like a tiger down the mountain.


However, with the effort of sticking incense, all the officers who did not arrive in the barracks were arrested and kneeled before the handsome account. Although each of these officers is the best in the army, they are comparable to You Chuyun and others. He has a profound cultivation base, and the rebellious one hits half-dead directly and then drags it over like a dead dog.


   "You can't kill me, I am a court officer!"


   "Don't kill me, I am a child of the Chen family, if you dare to kill me, the Chen family will not let you go!"


   "My lord, please forgive me!"


   These people either cursed or begged for mercy, but they couldn't shake Chu Yunfan's determination. Following his order, these officers were directly beheaded.


   The head of the dead end was hung directly on the flagpole, and the soldiers in the entire barracks could be seen.


   Suddenly, the entire barracks was shaken up, everyone knew that this time a different iron-fisted captain came.


   Although the guards of the school lieutenants were strong before, none of them was like Chu Yunfan, who would kill them when they came up, and they would not give them any chance to quibble.


   directly chopped off their heads for the reason of losing their time.


   No one dared to treat him as a good bully anymore!


After killing all these officers, Chu Yunfan was still not satisfied, and directly asked You Chuyun and others to take action. Under the guidance of other officers, they directly controlled the remaining dozen or so officers from the brothel and the gambling house. It was dragged out and caught in the barracks and beheaded directly.


   Now, the storm that Chu Yunfan set off was not only in the barracks, but even shocked the major forces in Baotai City.


Originally, Chu Yunfan was low-key. After entering, instead of going to the guard mansion, he went straight into the barracks. Many people didn’t know that the new guard had arrived, but now Chu Yunfan used extremely powerful means to announce his arrival.


   And the way of this announcement is rows of heads.


After decapitating all these missing officers, Chu Yunfan immediately arranged to re-select low-level officers such as captains and squad leaders from the soldiers. Chu Yunfan also commanded the army in the human federation. These things are for him. , No stranger at all.


   Under his control, the weight was resolved with ease, and the entire barracks immediately became active, and the lifelessness was not restored.


   At the same time, Chu Yunfan also placed You Chuyun and others as centurion and deputy centurion. You Chuyun was directly appointed as deputy captain and became the second man in the army after him.


   The original deputy captain was dismissed by Chu Yunfan on the spot.


   These officers are all too low-level, they can be arranged by Chu Yunfan himself, even the Ministry of War of the Great Xia Dynasty is not interested in paying attention to these, as long as it is time to make a tattoo.


   Even the school lieutenant Chu Yunfan, in the eyes of the Ministry of War of the Daxia Dynasty, is just a small official with the size of a sesame mung bean, if it were not for Li Qianyuan, I am afraid that no one would care at all.


   And that school captain did not appear at all, Chu Yunfan was not in a hurry. He is now using absolute power to suppress others. If he does not appear, as long as Chu Yunfan reports him as a deserter, he will die without a place to bury him.


   The Great Xia Dynasty punishes deserters extremely harshly, and even sits in a row, causing the family to go to jail.


   Inside the handsome account, Chu Yunfan sat high on the main seat, and where he started, You Chuyun and the others were sitting in jeopardy.


"According to our cleaning up during this period, the phenomenon of empty pay in the army is extremely common. There are actually only 300 guards in the five hundred guards ~www.ltnovel.com~, and two hundred others were eaten by officers at all levels. The biggest one is the original deputy captain Ding Cheng, but he is missing now, and we can't find him!"


   You Chuyun said.


"It's okay, wait a minute, I will write a memorial and report it to the Ministry of War, and directly report to a deserter. He eats empty salaries. Drinking soldiers' blood is not a pity to die. It doesn't matter whether he shows up or not!" Chu Yunfan didn't pay attention to Ding Cheng at all. Here, Zuo Zuo is just a deputy captain, but just a small person.


"But the biggest problem right now is that there were originally more than 300 people, and more than 100 people have been borrowed to mine. All major forces in the city have recruited people from the army to do coolies. The largest number is that. The Ding's house where the deputy school Wei Dingcheng is located!" You Chuyun continued to report the information from the investigation and said. "The Ding family has been rooted in Baotai City for hundreds of years. It can be said to be deeply rooted. The local guards have to take turns to do coolies for their family, driven by them!"


  Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed with a bit of cold light, and said: "What a courage, these local tycoons are really more courageous than a courage!"


  Chu Yunfan secretly thought, this Great Xia Dynasty was tight on the outside and loose on the inside, and the control in many places was already slack.

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