I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1724: Can’t retreat, all forces react

If it were in the human federation, such a situation would never happen, and even the second and third line troops would definitely not reach this point.


From the perspective of Chu Yunfan, the system of the Great Xia Dynasty has its roots. The Ten Great Sects teamed up to assist the Emperor to establish the Great Xia Dynasty. Since then, the sect forces headed by the Ten Great Sects have begun to infiltrate. Entered all aspects of the Great Xia Dynasty.


   In many places, the power of the various sects to speak is much greater than that of the Great Xia Dynasty.


   Although the Great Xia Dynasty is still the most powerful force, and it also occupies the central orthodox position, in fact, there are too many places that the Great Xia Dynasty can't control in the world.


Now the Daxia Dynasty seems to be fairly stable. That's because all the major forces including Feixianzong need to have such a force to unite the power of the human race in the world, so as not to be taken advantage of by the demons, barbarians, and Hu races. And into.


   Therefore, in Baotai City, which is almost a trivial area, the Daxia Dynasty has long been without majesty, otherwise it would not have been killed for several consecutive guard captains.


   The local tycoons dared to pull the soldiers out of the army as a coolie to drive them. One can imagine how arrogant the arrogance is.


   "What about the soldiers who have been dragged to work as coolies now?" You Chuyun looked at Chu Yunfan and said.


"Don't worry, now you first collect the situation of the various forces in Baotai City. I want to know everything clearly. As for the Ding family, sooner or later I will find him to settle the account, but don't worry!" Chu Yunfan said lightly. .


"The most urgent task now is for you to improve your own strength. I have some martial arts secrets here. You can read them and see what you like, and you can learn what you want, and you can choose some confidant to teach some martial arts. , In the future, we will go to the battlefield. The stronger they are, the stronger you are. Understand?"


Speaking of Chu Yunfan waved his hand, dozens of jade slips appeared on the long case in front of him. They were all kinds of martial arts, including boxing, sword, sword, body and so on. It can be said that it includes various mainstream martial arts training methods.


   are some ordinary goods he found out from the memory of Dan Huang, but even the ordinary goods in Chu Yunfan's impression, for You Chuyun and others, it is a good thing that can't be bought with money.


You know, even though they were born in the Feixian Sect, the Feixian sect has a great cause, and they have to exchange points for everything they want. They are not like Chu Yunfan, the seed disciples paid attention to by the senior sect, they are just ordinary disciples. In exchange for a reliable martial arts, I don't know how long it will take to be possible.


Now the martial arts given by Chu Yunfan, even in Feixianzong, are first-class martial arts, although they can’t be compared with Chu Yunfan’s own practice of Huangquan Nine Steps and Eight Shocking Fists, but they are also Enough to surprise You Chuyun and others.


   You Chuyun and others walked up one after another. Divine Mind went in, and quickly found the martial arts secrets. They were all extremely advanced martial arts at random, and they were surprised and delighted.


   It is possible for them to obtain this level of martial arts in the Fei Xianzong, at least for elite disciples, but now Chu Yunfan takes out these martial arts and allows them to study casually.


   This can't help but also make them grateful, very grateful in their hearts, they have not taken refuge in the wrong person.


However, in Chu Yunfan's view, the strength of You Chuyun and others is still far from it. The power that Chu Yunfan can rely on is these people, but they are still unbearable, at least they have to reach the Void Void Realm. Enough to help Chu Yunfan.


   Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and a bottle of pill appeared in his hand. Then he waved his hand directly and directly differentiated eleven pill, which fell into the arms of eleven people.


"You take these medicines and take them. They should be enough to make your strength further. In the next period of time, one of you will want to find a way to improve your strength, and the other will be training soldiers, although Baotai Town Defenders are only Second-line garrison troops, but I will take them to the battlefield in the future, don't take it lightly!"


   Chu Yunfan said.


   "Thank you Brother Chu!"


   Everyone surrendered and said that with the help of Chu Yunfan, their cultivation level will soon have a huge breakthrough, and even the future breakthrough to become an elite disciple is just around the corner, which also makes them ecstatic.


   In the next period of time, under the order of Chu Yunfan, the barracks were closed all over, and no one would leave the barracks without his order.


   And the storm he set off also started to cause an uproar in Baotai City.


Especially after Chu Yunfan took office, he almost did not hesitate to clean out the officers in the general directly. These officers were all natives who were born and raised, and were more or less related to the major local forces. , Outside the barracks, there are many more pairs of eyes full of hostility.


   At this time, among the big clans in the city, among the ancestors of the Ding family, the Ding family seniors gathered one after another.


   "Everyone, this new guard lieutenant is not good at all and doesn't give us the face of the Ding family. What should we do? You can get a charter!"


   was talking about a middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was dressed in a Chinese robe with a bit of anger on his face.


   This person is the current owner of the Ding family, Ding Feng.


At the place where Ding Feng started, a middle-aged man wearing armor in the army had a pale face, and said: "This Chu Yunfan, clearly came for me, and when I was away, he directly took my confidant in the army. Kill him, I must die!"


   This middle-aged man wearing armor ~www.ltnovel.com~ is no one else. He is the deputy captain of the Baotai Town Defender, and he is actually the first person in the original Baotai Town Defender.


  Especially, several consecutive guard captains died before they stayed for a long time. They couldn't control the army at all, which gave him the opportunity to master the army.


But now he can say that he was beaten back to his original shape overnight, and his confidant in the army was killed overnight, but he didn't dare to show up. Chu Yunfan's iron-blooded wrist directly cleaned out the worms from the army. , There are not too many old bottoms that have been found out.


   But the bottom of his **** is not clean. Once he shows up, he can still run away.


   "Then let him die, anyway, a few guard captains are already dead, so what if one die!"


   "Yes, there is a guard captain in the mere district, does the Great Xia Dynasty know thousands and tens of thousands? What is it worth to die Chu Yunfan!"


   "To fight against our Ding family, we must let him die without a place to bury him!"


  The Ding family's senior officials clamored one after another, as if they wanted to pay for their debts.

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