I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1727: Kill the Ding family

Overnight, the attack on the Garrison's garrison quickly spread throughout Baotai City.

The entire Baotai City is quiet. People in the hinterland of the Great Xia Dynasty have relatively few chances of encountering the Demon God Cult, and they will make a fuss. However, these people who have lived in the border land since their childhood have also dealt with the Demon God Cult. Not a day or two.

Naturally, I've long been used to it!

But immediately they saw a dozen blood demon heads hanging directly outside the barracks.

This immediately caused many people to take a breath of air. You must know that the blood demon of the Demon God Cult is not a waiting generation, and most of the time it is above the Void Realm.

In a behemoth like Fei Xianzong, Void Realm is really nothing, but in this land, Void Realm is a master.

A dozen of them were slaughtered in one go, and their heads hung directly on the flagpole outside the barracks.

It was almost exactly the same as the officers from all walks of life who had been beheaded by Chu Yunfan on the charge of losing time.

Soon, various legends about the new guard lieutenant spread. Obviously, compared with the previous guard lieutenant, Chu Yunfan's strength did not know how many times stronger than them.

The unclear things that guarded the death of the school lieutenant before did not seem to have affected Chu Yunfan at all. On the contrary, they made Chu Yunfan more powerful.

On this day, the gate of the barracks opened, and groups of soldiers trot out of the barracks, which almost immediately alarmed the major forces.

Especially during this period of time, Chu Yunfan was just rectifying his internal affairs and never going out at all. He could hear the voice of training from time to time every day, but even if he didn't see the barracks gate, many people didn't have this ability even if they wanted to snoop.

It’s not that no one has thought of snooping from the air, but who knows that Chu Yunfan is such a chicken thief, who actually called out a few god-breaking crossbows for city defense from the armory in the barracks, and he will directly spy from the air. Shot down.

He didn't ask the reason at all, and he didn't ask who the spy was. He didn't say anything about it, and he dared to approach him and shot it down.

You know, the God Breaking Crossbow is a terrifying weapon that can directly penetrate the Void Realm master with one arrow.

Now you can finally get a glimpse of the reality.

However, when they saw these soldiers running out, they were immediately surprised. Compared with the original soldiers, these soldiers who had been trained by Chu Yunfan for a period of time were obviously much stronger, and their spirits and spirits were completely different. It turned out to be a bit elite.

Many people remembered that a few days ago, these soldiers still looked like soldiers, and they couldn't help but be amazed. They didn't know that Chu Yunfan had the ability to train soldiers.

You must know that in the Great Xia Dynasty, many of the abilities of leading soldiers in battle were passed down from generation to generation, not passed down at all, and were not accessible to ordinary people at all.

As everyone knows, in the human federation, many people can access some knowledge of leading soldiers if they want to. After all, the human federation cultivates a full range of civil and military talents, not nerds.

What's more, Chu Yunfan is still one of the best, and this matter is naturally not difficult for Chu Yunfan at all.

Naturally, the leaders were Chu Yunfan and others riding a dragon horse.

"That direction, isn't that the direction of the Ding family?" Someone saw the direction Chu Yunfan and others were leading the troops, and suddenly, almost instantly reacted.

Almost all of the five major forces in the city have their own bases, each occupying one side.

So they could easily determine that the direction Chu Yunfan led his troops was the Ding family.

"Does he really intend to tear his face with the Ding family?"

"How dare he?" The spies from the Ding family were shocked and angry, and hurriedly passed the news back.

And Chu Yunfan didn't seem to have any intention of avoiding the crowd, and almost swaggeringly swaggered through the market with his soldiers, heading to the direction of Ding's house.

Suddenly, the situation in the entire Baotai City began to move, converging in the direction of Ding's family.

"Stop, do you know what this place is?"

Chu Yunfan led the soldiers to the door of the Ding family's ancestral land soon, and a dozen of Ding's family members immediately stopped Chu Yunfan outside.

When you face the three hundred soldiers behind Chu Yunfan, these Ding family members are not afraid at all. As members of the Ding family, they have always been arrogant, and they have not paid attention to the soldiers of the guard army. in.

On the contrary, on weekdays, the soldiers of these guards still have to do coolies for their Ding family, and they are the masters above them. As for these soldiers, they are just a group of slaves.

Soon, there was a rush of footsteps. Under the leadership of a middle-aged man, Ding Feng's senior officials came to the door one after another, blocking Chu Yunfan and the others.

"Lieutenant Chu, do you know what you are doing? Don't think that you are the imperial court commander and you can trespass into the residence!"

Ding Feng stared firmly at Chu Yunfan~www.ltnovel.com~ and he didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would stare directly at him.

He obviously hadn't had time to make a move. Last night, the blood demon of the Demon God Sect was very secretive, and no one should have noticed it at all.

When he thought of this, he immediately calmed down. No matter what he did was absolutely impossible to be known, then Chu Yunfan couldn't have come for this matter.

But he never expected that although Chu Yunfan didn't know what he was doing, it didn't prevent him from taking the Ding's operation.

What strong dragon does not crush the earth-headed snake, this law does not exist here at all.

"Break into a private house without permission?" Chu Yunfan said with a smile on his face, sitting on the dragon horse, looking at Ding Cheng. "The Ding family has been favored by the emperor for a long time, but they don't know how to repay the country and the society. Not only did they take in the deserter Ding Cheng, but they also dared to capture the imperial army as your own slaves. The evidence is conclusive and unforgivable!"

"What?" Ding Feng didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would just buckle off a big hat. It was already a big crime in Daxia Dynasty to contain deserters, but there were not so many people who care about these things.

But once someone cares about it, this is a big deal, but if he can say that he doesn't know about this matter, if he pushes four, five or six, then arresting court soldiers as his own slaves would be a heinous crime.

What is unforgivable, catching it is the sin of beheading or even destroying the whole family.

The Ding family used the soldiers of the guards as slaves. This was a matter of course, but when it came to arrest, it was pure nonsense.

Because Ding Cheng actually mastered the power of guarding the army, it only takes a word that these soldiers will obediently work hard for the Ding family.

"You... so vicious mind!"

Ding Feng looked at Chu Yunfan, his whole body trembling with anger.

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