I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1728: Ding family defeated

No matter how the second and third line troops have no status in the Great Xia Dynasty, they are all regular troops of the Great Xia Dynasty. If the Ding family does this, there is no doubt that they will touch the inverse scales of the Ministry of War of the Great Xia Dynasty.

It's just that no one has investigated it before. The Great Xia Dynasty is too big, and a small Baotai City is not enough to make the Ministry of War look at it, so that they have been arrogant until now.

Ding Feng understood Chu Yunfan's meaning almost immediately, and borrowed the power of the Great Xia Dynasty to level down the entire Ding family.

At this time, he realized that he had underestimated Chu Yunfan before. Although Chu Yunfan had been extremely cruel before, he could not leave the door behind closed doors. Many people mistakenly thought that he was only here for gilding, for Baotai City Is not interested in his affairs.

After all, as an elite disciple of Fei Xianzong, a mere Baotai City is not enough to make them look at them.

Who would have thought that Chu Yunfan was just hiding his powers and bidding his time. After rectifying the military affairs a little bit, he immediately shot, and when he came up, everyone was caught off guard.

"Ding Feng, it's not that you don't report, the time has not come!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Ding Feng and said.

"The Ding family arrested the imperial army as slaves, in the form of complicity in rebellion, and came to arrest all of the Ding family. If there is resistance, kill them!" Chu Yunfan immediately shouted.

The sergeants behind him promised and rushed directly.

"Chu Yunfan, you dare to take the imperial court's order to die, fight with them, kill him, only the Ding family can save him!"

At this time, Ding Feng let out an angry roar, and the high-level Ding family behind him, the Ding family's family, almost immediately shot.

On the contrary, these Ding family members are more elite than the guards, and they are generally the cultivation bases of the Golden Core Realm, and even the many high-level members of the Ding family are basically at the Void Realm level.

However, although the defending army is slightly weaker, under the leadership of You Chuyun and others, they did not show weakness at all and rushed forward. Especially, You Chuyun and others are masters of the Void Realm, and they rushed directly. Past.


The two sides collided like two torrents, and in an instant, the shouts of killing were mixed together.

Sitting on the dragon horse, Chu Yunfan just watched this scene indifferently and didn't take any action. Although the guards would inevitably suffer casualties like this, an army without blood could never become a true elite.

"You want to destroy my Ding family, I will kill you first!"

At this moment, Ding Feng finally couldn't help it, his figure rose from the ground. In an instant, with a wave of his palm, a mountain-shaped magical weapon flew out. The volley grew bigger and bigger, rising in the wind, and then boomed. Suddenly fell down towards Chu Yunfan.

"Assault the imperial order officer, the crime is unforgivable!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, without looking, he banged up with a punch.


With a huge roar, this mountain-shaped magic weapon was directly blasted to pieces on the spot.

"How can it be!"

Ding Feng was stunned. You know, this is the treasure of their Ding family, it is a magical artifact that is infinitely close to the best spirit weapon, and only the paternal masters of the Ding family are qualified to use it.

Right now, he was blasted to pieces by Chu Yunfan's punch. What exactly was Chu Yunfan's body made of? Is it really a monster?

But before he could react, he only felt a terrifying coercion crushed down at once, almost instantly crushing him into minced meat.

Just suppressing the horrible aura will cause him to be hit hard.

"Damn it, how could it be so powerful!"

Ding Feng's whole body mana was mobilized, and he fully resisted this terrifying aura. At this time, his hidden cultivation base was finally exposed, and he was actually a master of the middle stage of the cavernous realm.

The guard school lieutenants who usually come to take up posts are not necessarily his opponents, so he doesn't care about the guard school lieutenants who have been airborne by the imperial court.

Who ever thought that Chu Yunfan was different from any guard captain he had encountered before, and was far more terrifying than the strength of any guard captain he knew.

"Just because of you, want to kill the officials and rebel?" Chu Yunfan sneered, and with a slight movement, he had already flown into the sky and trampled on him.


Ding Feng only felt as if he had been severely injured. His whole body flew upside down in an instant, hit the ground hard, and hit a big hole directly in the ground, his whole body seemed to be shattered.


At this time, some senior Ding family members and Ding Ding realized that their Patriarch had been severely injured by Chu Yunfan's move, and they immediately rushed towards Chu Yunfan with no fear of death, trying to buy time for Ding Feng.

"I can't help myself!"

With a flick of Chu Yunfan's finger, a sword qi splashed out from his fingertips, and it turned into countless sword qi in the air, and the rushing Jia Ding and Ding's high-level officials were directly nailed to the ground one by one.

The difference between their strength and Chu Yunfan's is really huge~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan is just like a superior god, and any resistance in front of him will be vulnerable.

Seeing that the senior and elite of the Ding family were easily slaughtered by Chu Yunfan, Ding Feng almost sprayed out blood.

"Chu Yunfan, I only hate that the Demon God Sect did not work well yesterday, and failed to kill you!"

Ding Feng spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Chu Yunfan bitterly, and couldn't wait to tear Chu Yunfan into pieces with his eyes.

"It turns out that yesterday's Demon God Sect had something to do with you, so add one more item, colluding with Demon God Sect to murder the imperial court ordering officer and punish the Nine Clan's crimes!" Chu Yunfan sneered.

"Chu Yunfan, you must not die!"

Ding Feng roared, his throat was sweet, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. He wanted to struggle to get up again, but how to escape from Chu Yunfan's hands, Chu Yunfan trampled down again in the air.


Ding Feng's chest was directly crossed, and he died tragically in an instant.

Seeing the tragic death of the Patriarch of the Ding family, the high-level and elite Ding Family members who were not afraid of death in the Ding family had been killed at this time. Ding Feng, the strongest Patriarch of the Ding family, died in Chu Yun like this. Fan's hands are now.

However, the guards and soldiers who followed Chu Yunfan's morale skyrocketed. You must know that since they became the guards, they have been the targets of others' oppression, and there has never been a time when they were able to raise their eyebrows.

Now following Chu Yunfan, in just a short time, there has been an earth-shaking change, even if it is as powerful as the Ding family, all will be overthrown in an instant.

Only after such an upswing can they have a future.

For a while, everyone felt full of power, and more fiercely encircled and suppressed the remaining forces of the Ding family.

In addition, You Chuyun and others took action and acted as arrows, directly defeating the Ding family.

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