I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1729: Made a windfall

"The Ding family is over!"

After seeing this scene, the spies from the surrounding major forces couldn't help but say one after another, and for this it was the end of the Ding family.

The Patriarch of the Ding family died tragically, and the remaining high-level leaders either died or surrendered. Not to mention Chu Yunfan, but You Chuyun and others were able to beat them all at once. They were not opponents at all.

Watching this scene, watching Chu Yunfan floating above the sky like a god, many people couldn't help but take a breath.

Everyone's previous guesses were completely wrong. When Chu Yunfan was unable to retreat before, everyone thought that he was a strong dragon and had no choice but to bow his head.

However, when I look at it now, all the previous guesses are wrong.

Chu Yunfan was clearly not the Raptors but Jiang, and Chu Yunfan was not afraid of their local snakes at all, but he had not figured out the situation.

Once the situation is figured out, and once a shot is taken, it is the power of thunder.

He directly uprooted the Ding family, one of the five major forces in the city.

This kind of power caused many people to take a breath, and even many people could see a sense of contempt from Chu Yunfan's actions.

They think that as a big power in Baotai City, Chu Yunfan should be jealous of them by three points.

However, Chu Yunfan did not play cards according to common sense at all.

He came up to destroy the Ding family directly, and uprooted the Ding family!

They thought they could make Chu Yunfan jealous, but in fact, Chu Yunfan didn't take them to heart at all.

This kind of contempt makes them feel a chill from their bones more than any contempt.

Because this meant that Chu Yunfan would sit down and have a good talk with them as they originally thought, and it might not even exist.

And things are no different from what many people expected. Just as many people initially expected, after the leader of Ding Feng, the entire Ding family was not an opponent of the defending army at all.

Soon, the Ding family's defense line was defeated across the board, and could not resist Chu Yunfan's advancing pace at all, but within a short while, the guards had already invaded the Ding family.

And this news almost spread throughout Baotai City within a short period of time.

Baotai City shook, and everyone was in an uproar.

Especially the people who have long been accustomed to the five major forces of Baotai City, can't imagine how for them, the Ding family, who is simply a behemoth, could be uprooted in this way.

The details of various battles quickly spread throughout Baotai City!

"Unexpectedly, a behemoth like the Ding family could be uprooted so easily!"

"What does it mean to have a strong midfielder? A mountain is higher than a mountain!"

"Is this the elite disciple of the top ten sects? They don't exist at the same level as the previous guard captains!"

"It's probably not a good thing that Chu Yunfan is so strong!"

There was a lot of discussion, but no one dared to care about this matter.

The next day, in the commanding tent of the guard army camp, Chu Yun Fan Gao sat on the main seat, and under his hand, You Chuyun was giving him a report.

"Brother Chu, after working overtime all night, we have already counted them out. This time from the ancestral land of the Ding family, we found two million middle-grade spirit stones, as well as various medicinal materials, and refining materials. And so on, the total value is more than one million middle-grade spirit stones, and there are countless martial arts classics and so on!"

You Chuyun slowly said all kinds of data.

Chu Yunfan's eyes lit up. After ransacking the Ding family, he just eased his urgent need. He practiced much faster than ordinary people, but in the same way, the consumption of resources was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"In addition, the sergeants who were arrested to work as coolies have also returned to the barracks, but Ding Cheng’s whereabouts could not be found. According to the information we have obtained, Ding Cheng may have ran away from the back house. The wire report, someone saw him running out, and someone saw him near Chen's house!"

"Ding Cheng is not in a hurry, he is just a clown!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, he didn't put Ding Cheng in his eyes at all, even if Ding Cheng wanted to make trouble, he could press Ding Cheng to death with a single finger.

Although Ding Cheng was also the cultivation base of the Cave Void Realm, otherwise he wouldn't be able to become a deputy captain of the guard army, but the fighting power was far from Chu Yunfan.

"Besides, this is also a good opportunity, isn't it? Yesterday, I uprooted the Ding family, just to scare the snake and see how many cows, ghosts and snake gods are hidden in this little Baotai City!" Chu Yunfan sneered. There was a cold look in his eyes. "It was not easy to find them, but now that Ding Cheng takes the lead, everything is very easy. Staring at Ding Cheng, what they want to do, I can't hide from our eyes. Then I will see who will Jump out ~www.ltnovel.com~ If you jump out, you will kill the other. It is best to uproot these five forces. These forces have been in control of Baotai City for too long, and they have long been ignorant of what King Fa is. One side is a scourge, even the guard school lieutenant sent by the court dared to kill, and there is nothing they dare to do!"

Before Chu Yunfan, Li Lanxu had killed several guards, but Chu Yunfan didn't believe that all of them died purely in the hands of the Demon God Sect, and they must have a lot to do with these forces.

Now Chu Yunfan is not afraid of them jumping out, he is afraid that they will not jump out. When they jump out, he can kill them all at once. If they do not move, Chu Yunfan will feel a little bit tricky. If you want to deal with them, you have to deal with them again. To find ways to.

Chu Yunfan uprooted the Ding family with great fanfare. In addition to the heinous crimes of the Ding family, he also had the idea of ​​stunning the snake.

Only in this way can they be forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, and then they will be able to smooth out these monsters and ghosts, and return Baotai City a clean.

"The property found from the Ding’s family, according to the rules, turned over half of the goods to the Ministry of War, and I took half of the remaining half. Of the remaining quarter, the eleven of you took half, and all the rest The reward goes on, everyone who participated in the action this time will be rewarded!"

With a wave of his hand, Chu Yunfan distributed all his belongings cleanly. Of course, the bulk of it was turned over to the Ministry of War. After all, it was with the power of the Ministry of War and the name of the Great Xia Dynasty. Only in this way could they be blocked. Q.

There are 500,000 middle-grade spirit stones left, and more than 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones of various medicinal materials and refining materials, etc., which can be called a fortune.

The net worth of Chu Yunfan is higher than that of Chu Yunfan's body now.

The rest is naturally allocated to You Chuyun and others and the soldiers below to buy people's hearts.

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