I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1731: Everyone secretly conspired

He has been operating in the guard army for many years, and he has encountered many guard lieutenants, including those who died inexplicably and unclearly before.

He was also well-informed, and naturally returned that for these elite disciples from all major forces, the guard captain is just one of the gilded places, and there is rarely a situation where he will try his best to rectify military affairs.

Even with this determination, it will soon die unclear.

But this Chu Yunfan was fundamentally different from these people, because Chu Yunfan had no plans to negotiate with the major forces in Baotai City at all.

He didn't plan to pass the term of office steadily. In other words, even if Li Qianyuan didn't induce Ding Feng to act for him, Chu Yunfan didn't plan to let them go.

Because he didn't hesitate at all, on the first day he came to the barracks, he beheaded all his confidantes in the army on the charge of losing time. Even he was declared a deserter on the spot because he did not return to the barracks.

This kind of simple and rude method didn't pay attention to any means at all, and he could also see that Chu Yunfan didn't even think of them at all, so he didn't pay attention to any means at all.

Because to Chu Yunfan, any compromise is meaningless, but it's just a group of natives who don't know the heights of the sky.

This is the fundamental reason why the Ding Family and him completely miscalculated and were easily eradicated by Chu Yunfan.

He certainly didn't think it was because Chu Yunfan's strength was too strong. He was just a small Fei Xianzong elite disciple. Although it was difficult to deal with, it was not impossible to deal with it.

Ding Cheng's words also silenced everyone. If everyone would have luck before, Chu Yunfan just wanted to regain his power in the army and would not allow anyone to share military power with him.

Then as the Ding family was uprooted, everyone naturally understood that Chu Yunfan was clearly unkind.

I don't intend to compromise with them at all, and I don't intend to survive this term in peace.

Between the five major forces, they are usually in intrigue, but at this time they are surprisingly united. Chu Yunfan is not a Raptor but a river, especially when this Raptor has clearly shown hostility, there are not many choices left to them. Up.

"Everyone, when our Ding family was uprooted, you all stood by and watched, but now next time Chu Yunfan will attack, no one knows, who will rescue you by that time?" Ding Cheng glanced at it. Everyone said dissatisfiedly. "Don’t forget how Chu Yunfan put a big hat on our Ding’s family before. Speaking of it, you guys might not be cleaner than our Ding’s. Today, he can just find a reason. Our Ding family ransacked their clan, so next time he can still find any reason to destroy you one by one. At that time, all the inheritance left by the ancestors will be ruined in your hands!"

"Ding Cheng, when you say this, you just hope that we will go out and fight Chu Yunfan hard, and then you will take advantage of the fisherman's profit!"

At this time, the head of a small family said, thinking of Chu Yunfan's terrifying power that day, he still feels a little bit shuddering now, if Chu Yunfan is to stare at him, I am afraid that he will never escape at all. possibility.

"If you say this in the past, you don't need to believe me. Now my Ding family is uprooted by him. He won't find me, kill me, and promise not to give up. What's the future for my Dingcheng? I swear, I will encircle and suppress me in the future At the time of Chu Yunfan, I would definitely be on the front line, and I would never use you as a shield!"

Ding Cheng said, his eyes flashed with a terrifying killing intent, his face was green, and he shouted: "He Chu Yunfan uprooted my Ding family and published the so-called crime evidence to the world. I Ding Cheng has no face to face. For the ancestors and ancestors, if I can't take his head to commemorate the dead soul of my Ding family, what face can I live in the world!"

Ding Cheng's words and the killing intent in his words immediately shocked everyone, but then, Chen Taining, the head of the Chen family, said: "This dog is waiting for me. Since he is shameless, I will wait. Let him simply be the same as the previous ones!"

Chen Taining's words revealed that the deaths of the previous guards were inseparable from them. However, none of the leaders of the various forces felt strange, but only felt very normal.

"How can there be such a simple truth. Behind him is Feixianzong. He is the champion of Feixianzong Inner Sect Competition. This kind of people are seed disciples among Feixianzong. If they die here for unknown reasons, Then our trouble will be big!"

At this time, Pan Bo, the lord of the mixed sect, said with a slightly worried expression on his face.

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed. They all knew how short-handed a giant like Fei Xianzong was, and also knew how terrible Fei Xianzong was. They had to face such a giant directly, even if they were well-informed, they still felt cold behind their backs.

"You don’t need to worry. In fact, although he is backed by Fei Xianzong, some people in Fei Xianzong see him as unpleasant. I don’t need to worry about the pressure from Fei Xianzong, and our Ding family has received it before. A letter from Li Qianyuan, in fact, the person he really offended was Li Qianyuan, the Huntian Hou of the empire. You should all have heard of Huntian Hou’s reputation. After offending Huntian Hou, how long can he live? Pressure from the court, Don't worry!"

Ding Cheng quickly explained.

"What, he actually offended so many people!"

"Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. He has offended too many people. The most important thing is that Chu Yunfan dared to offend even Huntian Hou~www.ltnovel.com~ He is dead!"

"Yes, if there is no pressure from Fei Xianzong and the court, what else can I worry about? Isn't Chu Yunfan self-reliant and forceful? But we will let him die without a place to be buried!"

Everyone said indignantly.

"If this is the case, then we must do it as soon as possible. This is vicious and vicious, saying that it is a retreat, but it is possible to do it at any time, Jane Sect Master, I heard that you have some relationship in the magic way, can you please come forward and contact a universe? Master, I will split all the expenses equally, how about?” At this time, the Chen Family Patriarch seemed to have finally made up his mind, looked at the Promise Sect Master Jianwen, and said.

"No problem, leave it to me in this regard, an elite disciple of Fei Xianzong, he really thinks that no one can deal with him!" The Promise Sect master said briefly.

"But Chu Yunfan is not leaving the barracks now, so he has to find a way to draw him out, otherwise, I won't wait to attack the barracks!" A small family Patriarch couldn't help but say.

"Then set up a banquet in the name of me, and invite the guard lieutenant Chu Yunfan to the banquet to discuss major events in Baotai City!"

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