After Chu Yunfan uprooted the Ding family, he directly announced the retreat, but the undercurrent frenzy caused by him did not end because of his retreat.

On the contrary, various undercurrents are surging in places that everyone can't see.

And there is no doubt that the military camp located in the city has also become the attention of countless people in Baotai City.

It was just that after Chu Yunfan shot to death the spy who was watching with a broken crossbow, no spies dared to approach the range of the barracks and only dared to watch from a distance.

Just because they are too far apart, these spies often have no way to know any specific information.

However, after an invitation was sent to the barracks of the guard army half a month later, all the calm was broken.

The four major forces in the city, including the Chen family, Wang Jia, Hunyizong, Wujimen, and the other four major forces, jointly set up a banquet and invited Chu Yunfan, the guardian of Baotai Town, to participate in the banquet and discuss the general situation of Baotai City.

This also caused many people in the city to look at it. After Chu Yunfan uprooted the Ding family, the other big forces in the city finally took action.

"Is this a sincere invitation or a feast?"

Many people have all kinds of speculations in their hearts, but everyone knows that after this banquet, no matter what the result is, the situation in Baotai City will be completely changed.

Whether Chu Yunfan can completely control Baotai City is also in this banquet.

At night, a figure quietly entered the barracks of the guards. Under the cover of night, no one found his figure.

At this moment, in the military commander's tent, Chu Yunfan sat high on the main seat and looked at the middle-aged man of medium build in front of him meaningfully.

"According to Patriarch Xu, they set up a Hongmen banquet to deal with me?" Chu Yunfan said slowly.

"Yes, the school lieutenant must remember not to take it lightly. These people have invited foreign aid from outside to deal with the school lieutenant!" The middle-aged man said quickly, but he was a little confused, because Chu Yunfan's reaction was a bit unexpected. Besides, there was no sense of surprise, as if the actions of those people were all under the control of Chu Yunfan.

Will it be in his control from beginning to end, even in his indulgence?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man only felt a bit cold on his back. Everyone looked down on Chu Yunfan because of his age, but now it seemed that everyone really missed him.

Chu Yunfan was much more cunning than everyone thought, and it was much harder to deal with.

"I will naturally pay attention to these things, but I still don't understand. Are the major forces in Baotai City not one? Why did Patriarch Xu choose to help me?" Chu Yunfan said while looking at the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is no one else, he is the head of the Xu family, a larger family in the city.

It's just that the size of the Xu family is far from that of the Ding family, Wang family, and Chen family. It's even less than half of the three families. It can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized family.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan had finally asked here, Patriarch Xu immediately said: "Back to the school lieutenant, since the school lieutenant has already asked in a straightforward manner, then I have nothing to hide, because for our Xu family, the real opponent is not. Master Lieutenant, but other major forces, as long as they are still a day, my Xu family will never have a bright future!"

Seeing the Xu Family Patriarch said this, Chu Yunfan had already understood everything. No wonder the Xu Family Patriarch would choose to help Chu Yunfan, because for the Xu Family Patriarch, the real enemy is the major forces suppressing them. .

As long as the major forces are still there, then this pattern will not change one day, and their Xu family will never have a day in the making.

But if you choose to help Chu Yunfan, it’s different. Chu Yunfan’s strength is even stronger. Even if you get rid of a few major forces, for Chu Yunfan, he is just a passer-by, impossible for ten, twenty, thirty. The roots of the year are in Baotai City.

The Patriarch of the Xu family knew very well that for a character like Chu Yunfan, he was a dragon in the sky, how could he stay in Baotai City for a long time.

Chu Yunfan will leave sooner or later, but the Wang Family, Chen Family, Hunyi Sect, Promise Sect, etc. will take root for a long time. It is self-evident who is the long-term enemy in the future.

Chu Yunfan was not surprised at this result. These forces seemed to work together to deal with him, but in fact they were all pregnant.

Each has its own plans and demands.

The Wang Clan, Chen Clan, Mixed One Sect, the Promise Sect, each of the four major forces hated Chu Yunfan, but the other small forces might not think so.

They naturally had their own plans, but not everyone was as bold as the Xu family and dared to bet on Chu Yunfan.

"You didn't lie, that's good!" Chu Yunfan smiled slightly. "What I admire most is the people who know the current affairs. I originally planned to uproot the major forces in Baotai City, but since your Xu family is willing to take refuge in me, then I don't have to do everything!"

"After all, you can see that my future is definitely not just in a small pond like Baotai City, but when I am in Baotai City, I have the final say, as long as you are willing to cooperate, Everything is negotiable!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

The Patriarch of the Xu family quickly said: "I am willing to do my best for Master Xiaowei!"

He was startled, especially when he heard that Chu Yunfan's plan was to uproot the major forces in Baotai and suddenly felt that he took a breath of air, and everyone still looked down on Chu too much. Yun Fan's pattern and the harshness of his actions.

According to Chu Yunfan’s plan, these disobedient forces are all among the targets he cleaned up, and their Xu family was originally on the list to be cleaned up by Chu Yunfan. Now he actually has a kind of escape. The feeling of passing a catastrophe.

"Very good. After I get rid of these cysts, I will send a letter to the Ministry of War recommending you to serve as the administrator of Baotai City. As long as you cooperate with me, your future will be indispensable!"

Chu Yunfan looked at the Patriarch of the Xu family with satisfaction. The Xu family was the first force to take refuge in him. Of course he had to make a gesture.

"Okay, it's late at night now, let's go, but don't be seen by others, lest you make people suspicious!" Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and the Xu family Patriarch immediately left consciously.

After the Xu Family Patriarch left, Chu Yunfan quickly found You Chuyun and told him the matter.

When You Chuyun learned that the major forces had set up a banquet and wanted to deal with Chu Yunfan, he was shocked.

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