I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1737: Eventually broke out, 1 sword beheaded

All this happened too fast, it was only a momentary matter. The big red hydrangea had already swept down, directly knocking down the big **** hand.

"Who?" At this time, Sect Master Yuan Tianhua of the Blood Demon Sect suddenly looked into the void.

But I saw that a beautiful woman in white clothes and holding a big red hydrangea fell down like a fairy in the sky.

Yuan Tianhua almost immediately felt a bit of threat from her, who was also a master of the Universe Realm.

Coupled with the call of Senior Sister Chu Yunfan just now, the identity of the visitor is already ready to be revealed, the true disciple of Fei Xianzong.

Only the true disciple of Fei Xianzong can possess such strength.

As for the true disciple of Fei Xianzong, this must make him vigilant. Although his cultivation is stronger than the ordinary true disciple of the top ten sects, it does not mean that he will definitely be able to surpass these ten sects. The true disciple.

He was just a little bit of adventure, accidentally breaking through to the Universe Realm, and later founded the Blood Demon Sect, which is not a big sect.

In terms of inheritance, it is not worth mentioning at all, but the true disciples of these ten major sects are different. Each has an impressive inheritance, and the strength of each is extraordinary.

At the same level, three or two casual cultivators couldn't beat these disciples with orthodox inheritance.

Even if his strength is now dominant, but at this time he does not dare to underestimate him.

At this time, everyone was stunned, and there was another master of the Universe Realm.

For a small border town like Baotai City, the masters of the Universe Realm are basically legendary masters, and it is rare to see the existence of dragons in daily life.

Now two of them appeared in one breath, and many people couldn't help but take a breath.

Both sides have begun to play their trump cards, and there is no doubt that both sides are hiding the masters of the Universe level to do trump cards.

This made the Wang Family Patriarch, the Sect Master, and the Heavenly Sect Master and others look ugly in an instant. They thought it was a ten-year-old thing, but in the end they didn't expect that Chu Yunfan actually had such a trump card, and he actually invited a Universe Realm. Master.

At this moment, the balances of the two sides have been pulled back to the same level. Even if they have a slight advantage, they are not as big as before.

"What a blood demon sect, dare to attack my disciple of Fei Xianzong, I think you are desperate!"

Yi Yunyao just said with a sneer.

There were waves of cold killing intent in the eyes of the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. Today, this matter can no longer be let go. If the Fei Xianzong's revenge is caused afterwards, how much is it?

"Then you have to see if you have this ability!" The Blood Demon Sect Sect Master laughed grimly, looked at Yi Yunyao's eyes with a bit of lewdness, and said: "It just happens that this seat still lacks a warm bed. Maid, I think you are a good fit!"

Yi Yunyao frowned slightly, her eyes flashed with indifferent killing intent, and said, "Only you? Chu Yunfan, I will kill him. You will kill the others. These people are colluding with evil spirits. , Death is not a pity!"

In the Great Xia Dynasty, many evil ways, devil ways, and sects of the demon way were all beaten into evil demon sects. These are the sects of the Great Xia Dynasty, and they dare to collude with these sects. It is the sin of the Jiu Clan.

Especially for the ten major sects, it is a life-and-death relationship. For the Great Xia Dynasty, it may be the same with whoever cooperates. However, for the ten major sects, it is a dispute between Taoism and the devil, or It is a single choice for the longing and the elimination of the magic.

Even a woman like Yi Yunyao has experienced fierce battles and slaughtered from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. On this issue, she has a firm stand and will not waver at all.

"Hahaha, is this your hole card? I think your hole card may not work anymore!"

Chu Yunfan laughed loudly. These people wanted to collude with the Blood Demon Sect Master to deal with him, but didn't know that he had already invited Yi Yunyao.

In fact, when he knew that this banquet was a Hongmen banquet, Chu Yunfan had to worry about it.

Even if he didn't know, these people wanted to kill him, it was a fantasy, Li Qianyuan couldn't keep him, let alone a blood demon sect master.

He naturally has a way, but if that's the case, his idea of ​​trying to wipe out all the major forces at one go will be in vain.

In the end he decided to invite Yi Yunyao!

Of course, as a price, he imparted Yi Yunyao's martial arts written in the Emperor's Battle Diary. Although this martial art is not conspicuous in the Emperor's War Dict, it is also a seal to the outside world. The king-level martial arts is the martial arts created by the former king of humans. If it is placed in the Great Xia Palace, it is a peerless martial arts, which can only be learned by the core royal family.

Once it spreads out, I don't know how many **** competitions will be caused.

And Yi Yunyao immediately agreed. He had already arrived at Baotai City day and night, but had been lurking in the dark and did not come forward.

Only then will Chu Yunfan go to the meeting with a swagger, no matter what the other party has, if Yi Yunyao secretly responds, he is not afraid.

Moreover, he still holds the hole card of the sword qi talisman, and when he is in a hurry, he directly takes action to cut off the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect.

The Wang Family Patriarch, the Sect Master, and the Sect Master of the Heavenly Mystery Gate had extremely ugly expressions. Unexpectedly, they tried their best to get Chu Yunfan into the trap.

However, it seemed that they were caught by Chu Yunfan's trap, not the other way around.

At this time, in the midair, the battle between the Blood Demon Sect Master and Yi Yunyao had already begun, and both sides deliberately avoided the meeting place and rushed directly into the midair.

"Go to ~www.ltnovel.com~ and kill Chu Yunfan, all crises will naturally be gone!" At this time, the Wang Family Patriarch yelled.

"Only by you?" Chu Yunfan sneered. Behind him, a pair of thunder wings appeared directly, and the speed was almost like a flash of lightning. In an instant, he had already arrived in front of the Wang Family Patriarch.

In an instant, eight shaking fists broke out.

Eight heavenly dragons evolved behind Chu Yunfan, and eight amazing figures turned into giant mountains and crushed them.


The Patriarch of the Wang Family snorted, and the whole person flew upside down like a heavy blow, like a kite with a broken line, and flew out on the spot.

However, before he landed, he saw Chu Yunfan sweep out a sword light with lightning speed. It was the Broken Immortal Sword that shot. The Broken Immortal Sword slashed down in the air, and cut the Wang Family Patriarch in half on the spot. .


The Patriarch of the Wang family broke into two pieces, and the blood was sprinkled in no time.

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