I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1738: Compared with me, you are far behind

It was just a simple sword, which directly took away the Wang Family Patriarch.

"No, this dog is fierce!"

At this time, the Sect Master and the Sect Master of the Heavenly Secret Gate were suddenly shocked, Chu Yunfan's reaction was too quick, and the fighting power was too terrifying.

The cultivation bases of several of them are similar, and they are all about their cultivation bases in the late stage of the Void Hole Realm.

Who knows, when facing Chu Yunfan, he was completely vulnerable, and he was completely bombarded and killed by Chu Yunfan almost instantly.

This made them both feel terrified!

When Chu Yunfan killed the Patriarch of the Ding family, they weren't there, and they were basically listening to the spy's report. At that time, they didn't know that Chu Yunfan had actually been tyrannical to this point.

Masters like them are already considered top masters in Baotai City, and even the previous guard lieutenants are not their opponents at all.

But Chu Yunfan is different!

This is fundamentally different from the information collected!

You know, in terms of intelligence, Chu Yun is an elite disciple who has just become Fei Xianzong, and his cultivation level shouldn't even reach the Void Hole Realm.

Who could have thought that Chu Yunfan could actually be so strong!

It's almost a sweep!

They had never encountered such a terrifying guard captain before.

"Elders left and right, don't hurry up!"

At this moment, the Sect Master of Mixed Sect roared.

In the mid-air, two figures appeared directly. These two people are no different from the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. They both carry monstrous blood on their bodies. They do not know how many people have been killed, and how evil they have become. Gong can create such a terrifying sight.

One of these two is a middle-aged man with a cruel smile on his face, while the other is a thin old man with a shameful face.

The two of them were wearing blood-colored robes at the same time, and they looked as if they had crawled out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they released a frightening aura, and smashed towards Chu Yunfan overwhelmingly, almost as if they were crushing Chu Yunfan to death.

"This level of aura, you want to suppress me? Do you want to compare murder with me?" Chu Yunfan sneered, his aura was also released, and a powerful aura broke through the blood demon sect in an instant. The momentum of the two elders on the left and right has directly evolved into a battlefield.

Chu Yunfan's killing intent was not hiding either, but this was his real strength, real aura.

Everyone was stunned, and the killing intent in Chu Yunfan's aura was even more shocking than the killing of the blood demon elders.

Through this killing intent, they could feel that it was a huge battlefield. The death of countless people, the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and the roar of countless dead directly rushed into their brains.

Those with weaker strength on the scene suddenly felt pale, and their spirits were greatly impacted.

"He... how many people is he stupid..." Hun Yi Sect's Sect Master was almost scared to death. He simply couldn't imagine how many people Chu Yunfan killed to have such an amazing killing intent.

Just this kind of killing intent, ordinary people approaching, may be directly driven mad.

Compared with the killing intent released by Chu Yunfan that looked like a sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, the killing intent released by the left and right elders of the Blood Demon Sect was nothing at all.

It's nothing short of a witch!

Even the left and right elders of the Blood Demon Sect had their faces pale, and even this momentum even affected them.

They can also be regarded as murderous like paper cups, and the number of people who died on their hands is as many as hundreds of thousands.

However, judging from the situation shown in Chu Yunfan's killing intent, it is nothing short of a horror.

Judging from the evolution of Chu Yunfan's aura, Chu Yunfan at least killed tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people.

They didn’t even dare to imagine how Chu Yunfan killed so many people. Normally, if he killed more than 100,000 people, he would immediately alarm the Daxia Dynasty, just like Lone Star. Hunted by countless people.

Not to mention the killing of tens of millions of people, what a huge number, even if the Great Xia Dynasty was in charge of the army, the supreme lieutenant would not be able to kill so many talents in his lifetime.

"Compared to me, you are still far behind!" Chu Yunfan sneered. These people will never understand the sea of ​​corpses he experienced.

Although the human federation's martial arts development level is not comparable to the Daxia Dynasty, when it comes to killing methods, it can be said that it is only strong or not weak. If a nuclear bomb goes down, millions or even tens of millions of people will die tragically in an instant.

He led the army in the battle for so many years, and although he had not directly killed so many people, the monsters who died indirectly in his hands were countless.

It is said that tens of millions are actually less!

These are all affecting Chu Yunfan subtly, but he is usually suppressed by him and will not be released. Once released, there will be no one in the entire Daxia Dynasty comparable to him.

"Go on, kill him!"

The left and right elders of the Blood Demon Sect glanced at each other and suddenly became angry. They both thought that Chu Yunfan was humiliating them.

In an instant, the two of them released the most terrifying aura. Both of them were already at the peak of the Void Void Realm. Among the Blood Demon Sect, they were second only to Sect Master Yuan Tianhua and ranked among the left and right elders.

"He is dying at last!"

The Sect Master of Hunyi Sect and the Sect Master of Tianji Sect glanced at each other and seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief. Chu Yunfan was finally dying.

This Chu Yunfan puts too much pressure on them, making them almost feel breathless.

However, judging from the strength of Chu Yunfan just now, I am afraid that it is still worse than the peak of the hole in the void, let alone the two masters of the peak of the hole in the void. Yun Fan is the real one who can't escape!

"Good come, I happened to kill you all together and receive the bonus!"

Chu Yunfan didn't have any fear and laughed. In an instant, long golden hairs grew on his body. In an instant, he turned into a golden upturned silk.


With a huge roar from the sky, the hill-like figure has emerged, shaking the audience.

All the guests inside and outside the arena were already stunned. First, the two masters of the Universe Realm disagreeed and hit high in the sky.

Then another extremely terrifying behemoth appeared at the banquet.

"Then... what the **** is that?"

Everyone only felt that the fierce aura from the prehistoric land was crushed in their hearts.

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