I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1739: Slash 2 Big Hole Void Realm Peak

It seemed that there was a wild beast that had awakened from its long sleep. The feeling of depression from the bloodline even caused some people with weaker cultivation base to lie directly on the ground. The terrifying and fierce aura made people frightened.

"He is a monster?" Sect Master Hun Yi exclaimed. "No, he is not a monster, this is a kind of magical power!"

The Sect Master of Hunyi Sect reacted almost immediately. How could Chu Yunfan be a monster? You know, he is an elite disciple of Fei Xianzong. As for his disciple, Fei Xianzong has been checked, even if there is a monster clan. It is impossible to fish in troubled waters.

Especially under the general trend of this kind of monster, it is impossible for the monster race to mix into the Fei Xianzong, it is impossible to do it.

And this is simply a powerful magical power, incarnate oneself into an ancient beast, thereby gaining part of the ability of the ancient beast.

He had only heard of this method by accident as a legend, but he didn't expect to see it here.

He didn't know that this was what Chu Yunfan would have originally, but he only felt that the Flying Immortal Sect was worthy of being one of the top ten sects in the world, and the profound heritage was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, after Chu Yunfan transformed into Chaotianxuan, the terrifying aura was released, and it was already obvious. In an instant, it swept almost everything. Even the blood demon sect left and right elders who were about to besiege were also caught by Chu at this time. The fierce aura released from Yun Fan rushed out.

"Kill this beast!"

Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect, the middle-aged man yelled, and a copper hammer appeared directly in his hand. The huge copper hammer rose up against the wind. In an instant, bursts of light erupted, and then fell towards Chu Yunfan. Down.

At this moment, Chaotianyan, who was incarnation of Chu Yunfan, opened his huge claws and hit the copper hammer all at once.


With a sound like the humming of gold and iron, the Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect only felt a slight numbness in his hand, and then a terrifying force swept up, almost blasting him out.


However, this force was like a sea wave, layer by layer, and finally, he couldn't help but sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

When he looked at Chu Yunfan's huge body again, he was a little dumbfounded, as if he had seen a ghost.

How could someone be so powerful!

After directly transforming into a fierce beast, Chu Yunfan's strength has risen to a whole new level, a level that makes everyone feel extremely frightened.

As the pinnacle of the Void Void Realm, he actually vomited blood with a blow.

"Beast, death!"

The right elder of the Blood Demon Sect, the elder wearing the blood-colored elder almost roared, and a blood-colored knife light was cut out in his hand.

The **** sword light fell down and turned into countless crying sounds, exactly the screams of Li Gui.

The blade light smashed Chu Yunfan, and in an instant, the blade light fell on Chu Yunfan's body.


This knife seemed to have struck a big iron block, and it was impossible for Chu Yufan to divide it.

"How can it be!"

The Blood Demon Sect You Elder was dumbfounded immediately, he couldn't believe that his deliberate stab was really nothing to do with Chu Yunfan, and it broke apart almost instantly.

Chu Yunfan's physical body has truly reached the point of shocking the world!

Even his body can blast the best spirit weapon with bare hands, not to mention that after the incarnation becomes Chaotianya, his body's defense power has not declined, as if it has risen to a whole new level. This level of attack is against him. It's just drizzle.

"You have done your best, I haven't done anything yet, I'm going to come next!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and in an instant, he had already moved, his huge body brought a gust of wind, and in an instant, he had already arrived in front of the Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect.

The huge claws slapped the elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect with the momentum of thunder.

"It can resist the sky!"

The Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect roared, and directly raised his hands to the sky, trying to resist Chu Yunfan's huge claws.


Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect screamed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again, and there was even some internal organs in it. Chu Yunfan's paw fell off and directly smashed his internal organs.

His eyes were so big that he was almost not scared to death. He couldn't imagine how powerful Chu Yunfan would be in this state.


Elder Zuo of the Blood Demon Sect hit the ground severely, smashed a big hole directly into the banquet floor, and after a few jumps, he died on the spot and was slapped by Chu Yunfan's claw. died.

At this time, everyone was frightened and stupefied, and there was a lot of needles falling on the scene, and everyone at the banquet was stunned.

Even the most imaginative person among them couldn't imagine what a scene where a super master at the pinnacle of the Void Realm could not even stop Chu Yunfan with a single claw.

Is it true that Chu Yunfan's strength is really so terrifying, and this kind of supernatural power is really so appalling?

"No, run!"

At this moment, the right guardian of the remaining Blood Demon Sect suddenly reacted, seeing that Chu Yunfan directly slapped the left guardian to death, he was so scared that he dared to stay, and quickly turned into a **** light. , Wanting to escape from Chu Yunfan's hands.

"Want to go? Is it too late?"

When it was said that it was too late, Chu Yunfan opened his mouth wide, and a terrifying flame spewed out from his mouth.

The fire of drought can cause terrifying flames of thousands of miles in the red land. This time it directly shows its terrible power!

In an instant, it directly traversed the sky and swept towards the right guardian of the Blood Demon Sect.


The right guardian of the Blood Demon Sect screamed ~www.ltnovel.com~ The entire body was instantly swallowed by the terrifying flames.

The Right Guardian of the Blood Demon Sect tried to burn the mana on his body to use it against it, but he couldn't resist the flame at all.

In an instant, the right guardian of the Blood Demon Sect was ignited, and his whole body was burning up and down. In a moment, it was burned into a ball of black coal and fell down.

Suddenly died tragically!

Another master at the pinnacle of the Void Void Realm died in the hands of Chu Yunfan!

In the middle of the air, Chu Yunfan had reverted to a human form, and his combat power in Avatar Chaotianzhen would have undergone an earth-shaking change, but his physical strength and mana consumption would also reach a peak.

So even he can't maintain the Chaotianxian form for a long time.

But this was enough. In a short while, killing two masters at the peak of the Void Void Realm in a row, it is conceivable that Chu Yunfan is now very strong.

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