I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1740: All annihilation

Compared with the first time he was transformed, Chu Yunfan now is more than ten times stronger.

It can be said that Chu Yunfan's cultivation level has gradually improved, and there has already been an earth-shaking change long ago.

But in a moment, the guardians of the Blood Demon Sect at the pinnacle of the two big caves were already killed.

The speed was so fast, it was almost to the point where none of the people at the scene could react.

Even at the banquet, the leaders of many forces only felt it became difficult to breathe.

When Chu Yunfan's gaze swept over, the sect master and the sect master of the Celestial Sect felt like falling into an ice cave, instantly extremely cold.

At this time, they had completely regretted it, you know, before that, they would not have thought that they would be killed, and the final result would be like this.

Their plan was completely vulnerable in front of Chu Yunfan.

The helpers they invited were of no use at all.

Today's one is indeed a Hongmen Banquet, but it is not a Hongmen Banquet for Chu Yunfan. On the contrary, this is a Hongmen Banquet for Chu Yunfan at all.

Chu Yunfan handed the Broken Immortal Sword, pointed at the Sect Master of Hunyi Sect and the Sect Master of the Heavenly Secret Sect, and said, "You are here now!"

"School Lieutenant Chu, I am willing to surrender. From now on, Lieutenant Chu will be the only one to look forward to, and go through the waters and fires, and I will do my best!"

Sect Master Hunyi said quickly, facing Chu Yunfan, who was almost unmatched, his first reaction was to admit that, where was the spirited spirit he had before, and he hardly put Chu Yunfan in his eyes.

At that time, he was in possession of the winning ticket, but now, he has no chance of winning at all. Unless the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect defeats Yi Yunyao, he will be able to come back.

Before that, he can't die anyway!

"I only know the surrender now, it's too late!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, he didn't even plan to let go of those people who had conspired with him.

Among the people present, except for the Xu Family Patriarch, one was counted as one, and all of them participated in the meeting that conspired with him. For this, he had already obtained detailed information from the Xu Family Patriarch.

Right now, with this opportunity, everything is cleaned up.

These people want to survive and have a place to take advantage of themselves, but on the contrary, they have no place to take advantage of them.

"Baoshan Seal!"

During the time he spoke, Chu Yunfan pinched a seal, and suddenly in the midair, countless spiritual energy gathered together and condensed into a hill in the void. The hill became more and more solid. It seemed that it was a real thing. Mountains.


This mountain fell directly down, although it was formed by the condensing of spiritual energy, but it weighed more than a thousand times, and it had already hit the Sect Master Hunyi in an instant.


Sect Master Hunyi’s secret path was not good, and he was furious. Chu Yunfan didn’t give him a chance to delay any time. He wanted to resist. All kinds of attacks fell on Baoshan Yin’s body, but how could he be able to stop Chu Yunfan? speed.

Just for a moment, he was hit in the body, and the whole head burst into pieces like a broken watermelon.

"Chu Yunfan, you are deceiving too much!"

Seeing this, the master of the Heavenly Sect was furious. Seeing Chu Yunfan's appearance, it was impossible to let them go, and he was not willing to give them a way to survive.

The sect master of the Celestial Gate was no longer a long robe, but directly transformed into an armor, just like a golden armor general, holding a treasure knife in his hand, and instantly slaughtered it.

Chu Yunfan wouldn't let him go anyway, he just did it directly!


A blade of light slashed down in the air, splitting the air in half, like a huge wave frenzy, the volley spread in all directions.

However, immediately afterwards, a shocking scene happened. Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, but with his backhand, he grabbed the sword light directly with a palm.


The blade light that had been cut down was caught in pieces by Chu Yunfan inch by inch. The blade light was scattered, but I saw that it was the treasured sword in the hands of the Celestial Gate Sect Master who was grabbed to pieces by Chu Yunfan.

"go with!"

Chu Yunfan slapped it casually, and the fragments of these blades swiftly slid in the direction of the Celestial Gate Sect Master.

"not good!"

The sect master of the Celestial Gate almost immediately realized that the secret path was not good, and he repeatedly pinched the seal technique, forming a defensive enchantment in front of him.

But this defensive enchantment was of no use at all in front of these shards of swordsman, it was as easy to tear apart by the shards of swordsmanship as if it were paper.


The blade light fragments easily tore through the defensive enchantment, tore the golden armor, and penetrated the sect master of the Heavenly Pole Gate.

"I died like this, I'm not reconciled!"

The sect master of Tianjimen screamed, his eyes widened and collapsed. On his forehead, there was a piece of sword light, which directly shredded his brain.

After killing the Sect Master and the Sect Master of Tianji Sect one after another, the remaining small power masters finally reacted at this time. It was not that their reaction was too slow, but Chu Yunfan's speed was too fast. Slow and fast, just for a moment, they have already killed these powerful enemies like cutting melons and vegetables.

They all fled at this time, fleeing in all directions, trying to escape.

At this time, the banquet venue of the Hongmen Banquet had already become a **** of Shura in their eyes.

"Want to go? Rainstorm Ewha!"

Of course, Chu Yunfan would not give them a chance to escape at this time. With a wave of his hand, the Broken Immortal Sword flew high in the sky, and it continued to rotate in midair, releasing countless sword qi from the Broken Immortal Sword. It shot out in all directions like a heavy rain.




The leaders of the major forces who tried to escape couldn't escape at all, and were directly swept by these sword lights~www.ltnovel.com~, they were cut and exploded in the sky, turning into a rain of blood falling in the sky.

The entire venue of the Hongmen Banquet has long been soaked in blood.

At this time, apart from Chu Yunfan, the only people still alive were the Xu Family Patriarch.

Patriarch Xu's face was pale at this time, and his back was a little cold, as if he had been fished out of an ice cave.

Although he had known that Chu Yunfan was very strong before, and meant to take refuge, he did not expect that Chu Yunfan could be so strong.

Whether it is the four major forces in the city, or the left and right elders of the Blood Demon Sect, they can actually kill them as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

What an amazing scene!

However, he immediately reacted, with an expression of surprise on his face. These forces will be uprooted by Chu Yunfan, and his Xu family will also take advantage of the situation to rise and become the number one figure in the city.

And this was brought about by this powerful man who was like a demon god.

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