I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1741: Sovereign of the Blood Demon Sect? 1 tripod knock out!

Without the arrival of Chu Yunfan, the pattern of the five major forces in Baotai City would not have changed at all.

These five major forces have deep roots, and unless there are other major opportunities, other small forces simply cannot have any possibility of overtaking on a curve.

There is no doubt that Chu Yunfan was such an opportunity, so when he realized it, he made this decision almost immediately.

This is also gambling with the entire Xu family. If Chu Yunfan loses, then the Xu family may also face the catastrophe. After all, no matter how clean he does it, as long as the major forces want to investigate, it is still possible to find out that there is a relationship between them. Ghostly.

Under this circumstance, he also ushered in today's banquet very nervously.

This battle was full of twists and turns, at least for him, seeing Chu Yunfan attending the meeting unpreparedly, even he was taken aback.

Even he started to regret it a little. Could this Chu Yunfan be a bit too stubborn? With such a person, could the Xu family really have a way out?

However, what happened next proved him wrong!

Chu Yunfan is not too arrogant, on the contrary, he is the so-called art master who is bold!

With absolute strength and absolute self-confidence, this is all right.

Until now, he was still in a state of shock, as if he still couldn't accept it at all, how easily Chu Yunfan killed all the big people he always looked up to.

"The subordinates have seen the lord, congratulations to the lord to smash the rebellion!"

After a shock, the Xu family Patriarch hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the Xu Family Patriarch, and then said: "You're good, you didn't betray me!"

"Subordinates dare not!"

The head of the Xu family suddenly felt cold sweats behind his back. He didn't feel that Chu Yunfan actually had such a deterrent power. However, thinking of Chu Yunfan just cutting melons and vegetables and beheading those masters, the cold sweat suddenly came down. .

Chu Yunfan glanced at the Patriarch of the Xu family, he had beaten him just now, and then he said: "You don't have to be nervous, I'm not a good killer!"

The Patriarch of the Xu family was speechless for a while. If he hadn't seen Chu Yunfan show his supernatural power with his own eyes today, he might still believe this, but since he had seen how Chu Yunfan carried out the killing, how could he still believe this nonsense? Things.

"Now that the heads of the traitors have been killed, all that is left is to encircle and suppress the major forces. I have already ordered to close the city gates and open the barriers. It is difficult for them to fly with their wings!"

Chu Yunfan said slowly, as if the person who was killing like a demon **** just now was not like him.

"However, you still need the cooperation of your Xu family. Remember not to let them slip through the net. Otherwise, I don't care. To me, they are just a bunch of clowns. However, for your Xu family, it may be a disaster. !"

When the Patriarch of the Xu family heard this, he was shocked and quickly said: "The subordinates know that, dare not to do their best? Now the Xu family has all the talents and cooperates with the adults to eliminate the rebellion, and absolutely will not allow these rebellions to hide!"

Hearing what Chu Yunfan said here, he didn't dare to take it lightly. Indeed, for Chu Yunfan, a fish that slipped through the net was not in his eyes at all, even if it was a gathering of four elites. When they got up, Chu Yunfan could kill them alone without leaving them.

But for the Xu family, this was a disaster.

Now that he has done it, he will have to kill several major forces thoroughly. Thinking of this, the Xu family Patriarch has made up his mind.

Chu Yunfan nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time, with the Xu family's cooperation, the number of fish slipping through the net was greatly reduced.

From now on, he can really say the last sentence, Baotai City, I have the final say!

With the collapse of the five major forces, the other small forces that followed the five major forces also fell together. The entire Baotai City is only left with the small forces like the Xu family, or some neutral forces, which are basically unable to compete with the defending army. Wrestling, it's not on the same level at all.

"Go and prepare. Today, I will kill all these rebellions!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, letting the Xu family Patriarch go down to mobilize the Xu family's strength to cooperate with the defending army's offensive.

At this time, there was a scream of killing, and it was You Chuyun who had been notified by Chu Yunfan who led the guards and attacked directly.

Now the leaders of the major forces were beheaded on the spot by Chu Yunfan. Wherever they could organize a resistance, they were directly defeated and retreated. The remaining people were not opponents of You Chuyun and others at all.

Chu Yunfan stood with his back, his eyes deep, and he looked into the void. At this time, the white-hot battle in the void had already been determined, but the hydrangea in Yi Yunyao's hand was constantly dancing, seemingly fluttering. The hydrangea, but every time it is shot, it weighs more than a thousand times, like a mountain falling down, extremely terrifying.

The blood demon sect master continued to blast, and the blood demon sect master's body was even more bloody, and countless blood formed the blood wave to cover the sky, making people look terrified.

The master of the Blood Demon Sect is still above Yi Yunyao's skill, he is a veteran master of the Universe Realm, but Yi Yunyao is not afraid at all, and strong light bursts out from all over his body, like a fairy in the sky.

"Hahahaha, what about the true disciple of Fei Xianzong, please go back to warm the bed!"

The Blood Demon Sect always gave a strange laugh, and countless blood waves moved towards Yi Yunyao layer by layer.

Yi Yunyao's Qiong nose wrinkled slightly, and a murderous intent erupted in her eyes. Suddenly, behind him, a mirror rose directly. This mirror was simple in shape and portrayed the mysterious formations and enchantments on it.

As soon as he took the shot, a bright light swept out.

The blood wave in this strong light was directly confiscated.

The light emitted from this mirror became stronger and stronger, as dazzling as a big day, the light tore through the night and destroyed all the filthy things under the night.

A terrifying beam of light was released from the ancient mirror ~www.ltnovel.com~ and swept across, pierced through the waves of blood instantly, and directly hit the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect.


The Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect was blasted on the spot and screamed directly, and his whole body flew upside down like a broken kite. His whole body defense measures, those blood waves, were of no use in front of this beam of light. It was directly penetrated, and it was truly terrifying to the extreme.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. He couldn't believe that Yi Yunyao had such a magic weapon and completely restrained him.


At this moment, where did he dare to stay, he quickly turned into a **** escape and wanted to escape.

But at this critical moment, a huge medicine cauldron appeared out of thin air, swelled against the wind, and smashed down in an instant.


The dignified Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect was directly hit, and his body fell to the ground like a meteor hitting the ground, not knowing his life or death.

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