I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1742: Killing the blood demon sect master, everyone is horrified

The medicine cauldron rose up against the wind, and in an instant, it had already hit the blood demon sect master.

Yuan Tianhua, the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect, found that he had no way to break the mountain and river cauldron. He was hit directly by his own cultivation base, and he had no power to fight back.

Shanhe Ding weighed more than a thousand miles, and when the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect himself was severely injured, he directly smashed the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect to the ground.

All this happened too quickly, too suddenly, even the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect didn't even think that there would be attacks suddenly appearing.

He was fully guarding against Yi Yunyao's possible surprise attack, but the angle of this attack was so tricky that he didn't expect it at all.

The most important thing is that he never thought that someone would dare to attack the master of the Universe Realm!


With an angry roar, Yuan Tianhua struggled to get up from the ground, trying to see who had attacked him, but only to see a figure holding the medicine pot and smashing it down, as if he was holding a small mountain. , Hit him directly.


With a huge roar, his head was hit directly, and his entire head was smashed into the ground. Even if the masters of the good fortune realm had undergone reborn changes, their physical cultivation had already reached an extremely terrifying state. , But when I was hit by this medicine cauldron, I still felt dizzy and almost my entire head was smashed.

But this time the attack was just to see if it was. When he was struggling to get up, the medicine cauldron always fell directly on time.

He was struggling constantly, but he was continuously blasted to the ground by the medicine cauldron, his mana could not be condensed at all, and he was smashed by the medicine cauldron.

You know, with his cultivation base, even if he is directly attacked by the best spirit weapon, it is difficult to cause direct damage to him.

But when facing this medicine cauldron, there was absolutely no power to fight back, as if the formations and enchantments on this medicine cauldron could continuously blast his mana.

Gradually, Yuan Tianhua lost consciousness and was motionless!

Sovereign of the Blood Demon Sect, Yuan Tianhua, die!

At the banquet, everyone was silent and everyone was dumbfounded. What did they see?

Yuan Tianhua, the sovereign of the Blood Demon Sect, was a big demon with a fierce reputation in the border area, but he was killed by life.

But the person holding the tripod was not someone else, but Chu Yunfan!

At the banquet outside, most people didn't know that the original banquet was a Hongmen banquet, but the eyes of those who knew revealed an expression of extreme fear, even a feeling of fear in the bones.

Chu Yunfan just launched the killing precept, and directly beheaded the leaders of the four major forces including the Chen Family Patriarch, the Wang Family Patriarch, the Sect Master, and the Celestial Sect Master. It was also the leaders of the other small forces that depended on these four major forces. It's hard to escape.

Their only hope is that the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect can defeat or even kill Yi Yunyao, and then in turn kill Chu Yunfan, then they still have a chance to comeback.

But now, they saw Chu Yunfan smashing Yuan Tianhua into the banquet venue, almost not scaring them to death.

Every time Chu Yunfan lifted the mountain and river tripod to fall, he lifted the weight lightly and looked light and fluttering. Every time he fell, the entire banquet floor was shaking.

That kind of terrifying power was imprinted in their minds, even now, they still feel completely incredible, as if they had seen a ghost.

The power of the overlord!

After confirming that Yuan Tianhua was dead, the mountains and rivers floating above Chu Yunfan's head turned steadily, getting smaller and smaller, and in a moment, it was submerged in Chu Yunfan's body.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan directly stretched out his big hand and transformed into a big gasification hand, and grabbed the body of Yuan Tianhua, the master of the Blood Demon Sect, into his landscape map.

A bit of joy suddenly appeared on his face. It was not enough to kill a master of the Universe Realm to make him ecstatic, although in the eyes of ordinary people, this was an incredible feat.

However, for Chu Yunfan, even when he faced Li Qianyuan at the beginning, he never caught Li Qianyuan with his hands, instead he took advantage of the situation and severely injured Li Qianyuan.

I even killed Lone Star before!

And the strength of this Blood Demon Sect Sect Master Yuan Tianhua is far above Lone Star Child. Although Lone Star Child was hit hard at that time and his strength had already fallen to the Void Hole Realm, Chu Yunfan could see that even though Lone Star Child had recovered to his peak, he was afraid It is not the opponent of Yuan Tianhua, the master of the Blood Demon Sect.

This time it can be said to be a bumper harvest. With the blood of Yuan Tianhua, it is enough for the Brahma fruit tree to bear the Brahma divine fruit again. Of course, this requires a lot of spiritual energy to accelerate the Brahma fruit tree to bear the Brahma divine fruit.

But these are not problems for Chu Yunfan!

This gave Chu Yunfan an opportunity to quickly improve his strength. If he could quickly break through to the Void Hole Realm, even a master of the Universe Realm, he could contend.

Even in the face of Wang Yifan, he did not have the slightest timidity!

And beside Chu Yunfan, Yi Yunyao watched Chu Yunfan's movements, and did not stop it. This in itself was part of the transaction.

She came to help Chu Yunfan kill the Blood Demon Sect Master, and the other gains belonged to Chu Yunfan, which seemed unfair to her, but only she knew that she was making a lot of money.

A martial arts at the level of the king, even in the Fei Xian Sect, it is a unique school of the Zhen Sect, and ordinary people have no chance to learn, even if he is so valued by the Fei Xian Sect~www.ltnovel.com~ the true biography of the key training. If disciples want to be taught, they have to make a lot of contributions and exchange points for this practice.

I don’t know how long that process will take, and now Chu Yunfan is offering a martial arts class at the level of the king, that is the supreme unique school created by the king of human beings. With such a unique school, her combat power will also be gained. After an earth-shaking change, she was able to contend with Yuan Tianhua without losing the wind, relying on such a mastery.

However, she looked at Chu Yunfan with a bit of amazement in her eyes. How long has passed since, Chu Yunfan's strength is at least several times more powerful than when the inner disciple was compared, at this speed, It was ascending as if riding on a rocket, even if she saw it, she was amazed.

Not to mention the kind of supernatural powers incarnate in the sky, and the medicine cauldron that integrates offense and defense. Each of them is shocking to the world, and the background is not small.

Obviously, Chu Yunfan obviously has more than one kind of inheritance, and he doesn't know where he got it. It seems to be inconsistent with many people's speculation that he obtained the inheritance of the Purple Thunder Sword Sect.

But she didn't follow up, after all, she also had many secrets in her body. The ancient mirror that severely damaged the Sect Master Yuan Tianhua of the Blood Demon Sect was one of her trump cards, no one knew.

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