I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1743: I look forward to your battle with Wang Yifan

No one who is able to practice to her level has been able to follow the sect’s practice step by step. Basically everyone has many inheritances and many adventures, otherwise they would not be able to be at this age. There is such a shocking cultivation base.

This point Yi Yunyao has long been unaware of it, but to Yi Yunyao's surprise, each of the inheritance that Chu Yunfan showed casually is horrifying, and each of them has a big background.

Not to mention the king-of-king genius taught to her, it is the most powerful genius she has come into contact with so far, which is extraordinary.

Generally, the sects and powers that have such a unique knowledge of the king are covered up as treasures. If it is not an absolute direct line, it is almost impossible to be taught if it has not been selected and tested by layers.

But Chu Yunfan took it out without paying any attention, which made her a little bit confused. Does Chu Yunfan really do not know the value of this unique school, or is he really heartened to that extent, or is it true? Unscrupulous in order to achieve great things?

But she never knew that Chu Yunfan had an emperor's battle book in his mind, and there were so many geniuses recorded on it, and Fengwang's genius was nothing in it.

Even the martial arts of the emperor level have a lot!

Just as Yi Yunyao's thoughts fled, she saw Chu Yunfan flying up and saying, "Thank you very much, Senior Sister Yi today. If there is no Senior Sister Yi today, I am afraid that the consequences would be disastrous. These people dare to collude with evil spirits. It is a sin. Forgive me!"

"It's okay, it's just a matter of effort!"

Of course Yi Yunyao wouldn't take credit. She was optimistic about Chu Yunfan and wanted to draw Chu Yunfan into her command, but now she has completely put out such thoughts. She knows that this is simply impossible.

If they were just ordinary elites and geniuses, they would definitely be willing to take refuge in her. However, Chu Yunfan seemed to be innately unable to live under others. If such a person was forced to take refuge in, he would only be evil in the end. Fann, that is the real gain more than the loss.

I don't know when she started to look at Chu Yunfan with admiration, no longer treating him as a simple elite disciple.

Even in her heart, she didn't think it would be difficult for Chu Yunfan to become a true disciple in the future. Even Wang Yifan might not be able to stop this Chu Yunfan. Probably only Li Qianyuan has the opportunity to stop Chu Yunfan.

"These people are in collusion with the evil spirits outside. This is against the Great Palace of the Great Xia Palace. They must be uprooted in order to behave like you!"

Yi Yunyao said directly, Yi Yunyao is also not soft-hearted in this regard. You must know that she is also in the Ministry of War of the Royal Palace of Daxia. She is also a prestigious female general. Shang is the real general.


Chu Yunfan nodded, these local forces are lawless, for their own selfishness, colluding with evil spirits, I am afraid that the death of the previous guards will be inseparable from them.

Now that Chu Yunfan has uprooted the five major forces of Baotai City, he is afraid that it will also cause some criticism. The more convictions are now, the more evidence is found, the more those people have nothing to say.

"At that time, I will also play the court. Don't worry. Wang Yifan alone can't talk, and he can't reverse black and white!" Yi Yunyao said vigorously. Her cultivation was originally above Wang Yifan, and now it is even more important. After getting the martial arts taught by Chu Yunfan to be a king, what a little Wang Yifan is, as long as she is given a period of time to comprehend, she can still be suppressed at the beginning, and Wang Yifan, who is fighting with her, will be killed by her casually if he comes three or five. , Fengwang level martial arts is so awesome.

"But you still have to be careful with Li Qianyuan. I've heard of some things about him. Although he is a horrible man, he is by no means a broad-minded man. Since you have offended him, you must be careful of him. Some people will use other means if they cannot solve it through formal means!"

After thinking about it, Yi Yunyao decided to remind Chu Yunfan.

And Chu Yunfan nodded. He had never let his guard down on Li Qianyuan. He also knew Li Qianyuan's strength and influence. This time the Ding family wanted to target him, among which was Li Qianyuan's instigation.

However, Li Qianyuan probably didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would be so decisive, and he would directly kill the Ding family. His plan hadn't worked, so Chu Yunfan was completely abandoned.

Chu Yunfan also took away the blood ginseng for a thousand years. It can be said that he lost his wife and broke down!

But this does not mean that Li Qianyuan will give up. I am afraid that after this series of things, Li Qianyuan will quickly adjust his evaluation of his strength. At that time, more powerful suppression will follow.

"I know, but I didn't take him to heart. He just practiced earlier than me. I can pinch him to death with a single finger at the same realm!" Chu Yunfan smiled and said, although he was afraid of Li Qianyuan. , But he has never lost his confidence. It is not Li Qianyuan's opponent for the time being, and it does not mean he has not been Li Qianyuan's opponent.

"I can see that you choose to worship Fei Xianzong, I am afraid that it is also related to this Li Qianyuan. I have to say that this is a very smart decision. With the blessing of our Fei Xianzong, even if he intends to target You can only take action within the scope of the rules, but if you are alone, once he has the idea of ​​killing, he will kill you himself, you are in danger!"

Yi Yunyao looked at Chu Yunfan meaningfully and said.

"Yeah!" Chu Yunfan nodded. Of course he knew that a person like Li Qianyuan would be a generation of heroes in troubled times. Naturally, such a person could not follow the rules~www.ltnovel.com~ but now Chu Yunfan is talking about it. Fei Xianzong's tiger skin prevented him from acting recklessly.

Otherwise, Li Qianyuan is probably not just buying the Ding family and targeting Chu Yunfan, but will fight him in person.

But what Chu Yunfan lacks most now is time. As long as he has time, his strength will increase rapidly, and it will not take long before he can sit on an equal footing with Li Qianyuan. There is no need to fear him by three points.

"Anyway, for today's matter, I accept your favor. Although I helped you kill Yuan Tianhua, this is no better than the Feng Wang Wuxue you gave me. Wang Yifan's side, I will contain him, you can rest assured! "Yi Yunyao said," I still have to go back and learn about martial arts. With this entitlement to martial arts, I will not only improve my combat power, but also my realm. I can only rely on you for the rest. Up!"

"I look forward to the battle between you and Wang Yifan!"

"Sister Yi, go slowly!"

Chu Yunfan said with his hands folded.

Yi Yunyao nodded immediately, turned and turned into a ray of light before disappearing into Baotai City.

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