I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1747: The sniper of a master of the universe

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Almost the moment he left Baotai City, he was stared at!

This feeling made Chu Yunfan's pores tighten in an instant.

A great master!

With his current cultivation base, it is possible to put him under such pressure, except for the masters of the Universe Realm, there is no other possibility.

Chu Yunfan reacted almost immediately!

Originally, Chu Yunfan planned to rush to the Wanbao Pavilion branch at a normal speed, but now he had made a decision. A pair of thunder wings appeared behind him. In an instant, it turned into a stream of light and headed towards the Wanbao Pavilion branch. .

Seeing that Chu Yunfan seemed to have discovered himself, the figure following Chu Yunfan didn't hesitate at all. He showed up and killed Chu Yunfan. It was almost just a few moments of effort and stopped at Chu Yun. In front of Fan.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan could see clearly what kind of person this person blocking in front of him was.

It was a young man who was about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, dressed in a gorgeous robe, and full of spirits.

"Chu Yunfan, I didn't expect you to run very fast, almost let you run away!"

The young man sneered, and his divine mind locked Chu Yunfan, obviously to prevent Chu Yunfan from escaping.

"It's such a big show that a master of the Universe Realm was sent to chase me, let me guess, Wang Yifan? Li Qianyuan?" When Chu Yunfan spoke, his eyes fell on the young man and saw that when he mentioned Wang Yifan At the time, the young man's face was obviously disdainful, but when he mentioned Li Qianyuan, the young man's face unexpectedly showed a somewhat fanatical look.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan had already judged that this young man was actually a follower of Li Qianyuan, but what surprised him was that even among the behemoths of the Flying Immortal Sect, the masters of the Universe Realm were all true biography of the superior. The disciples have the same status as the elders.

If it is in the small sect, even the master's cultivation base is nothing more than that.

For young people who can cultivate to this level at a young age, who is not an existence with an eye above the top, Li Qianyuan can actually convince such a character to be his own follower, it is really very powerful.

"Wang Yifan is something, is he worthy to direct me?" The young man said with a sneer, "Chu Yunfan, I heard that you are rampant, but you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. You haven't really seen a powerful person. Today I will let him If you die, understand, the one who kills you, the iron spear will, Gongsun Liang!"

This young Gongsun Liang was so proud that he didn't even bother to conceal a little from Chu Yunfan.

In his eyes, Chu Yunfan had not yet entered the Universe Realm, he was just an ant-like character, and he didn't need to care at all.

"Iron Spear Club?" Chu Yunfan narrowed his eyes. It was a big gang of the Great Xia Dynasty. Although there was a big gap compared with such a behemoth as Fei Xianzong, there was no doubt that Iron Spear would do it. The power is also extremely large.

Moreover, there will be many members of Tiejian serving in the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, which can be said to have an extremely amazing network of relationships in the army.

Among them, the masters who can cultivate to the Universe Realm are even the best in the Iron Spear Club.

"Yes, it's an honor for you to die under my gun!"

Gongsun Liang sneered and said, "I don't have time to waste with you. I took your head off and went back to Master Hou!"


Chu Yunfan suddenly laughed.

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p; "What are you laughing at?" Gongsun Liang asked a little puzzled.

"I laugh at you, a master who has already cultivated in the Universe Realm, but I don't understand that the true essence of cultivation is against the universe, seizing good fortune, lawlessness, and becoming Li Qianyuan's dog!" Chu Yunfan shouted.

"What do you know? A frog at the bottom of a well like you will never understand the greatness of Lord Hou. Compared with him, I am nothing but a blazing fire!"

When Chu Yunfan said so, Gongsun Liang didn't feel angry at all. On the contrary, he was not ashamed but proud.

But in the next moment, Gongsun Liang's face became extremely hideous, and he shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, I will kill you first, and your birth pill is mine!"

Thinking of the reborn pill that Chu Yunfan possessed, Gongsun Liang's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of greed.

Born-born pill is a good thing, even for a master of Universe Realm, it is also extremely important, and it is even enough to make his cultivation even further.

"I still consider you a powerful person. I think you should have been here long ago, but you didn't have the courage to come out. I didn't dare to show up until Senior Sister Yi left, but I was just a courageous rat!" Chu Yunfan thought immediately. What happened, he reprimanded on the spot.

At this time, Gongsun Liang's face changed slightly, and the muscles on his face jumped, and Chu Yunfan really said it. Li Qianyuan was meticulous in his work, and of course he wouldn't be the only way to win over the Ding family.

Gongsun Liang was the one he had arranged. He didn't make a move at the time because he felt that the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect was enough to kill Chu Yunfan. Who knew that the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect was actually killed by Chu Yunfan later.

There is Yi Yunyao, who is stronger than him in the Universe Realm, and he doesn't dare to appear at all. The same is a Universe Realm master, and there are differences between superior and inferior.

Until now, he was 100% sure, and then he dared to show up.

"You are looking for death!"

At this time, Gongsun Liang was furious and shouted, and a bright silver spear appeared in his hand. In an instant, the spear pierced out, splitting countless spear shadows on the sky.

The shadows of the guns were densely packed, falling down like a pear blossom in a torrential rain, and Chu Yunfan was about to be punched through in an instant.

There was a hideous look on his face, he blocked all Chu Yunfan's retreat, making him irresistible.

One shot can kill Chu Yunfan!

However, what he didn't expect was that Chu Yunfan was not afraid of these gun shadows. A medicine cauldron appeared above his head~www.ltnovel.com~ Yaoding was turning slowly, and countless rays of sunlight were released, those guns. The shadow fell on the medicine cauldron, unable to make any progress at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless gun shadows exploded in Chu Yunfan, like a high-explosive bomb, causing countless gas explosions.

Immediately after that, a figure directly rushed out of the explosion area, and in an instant, it had disappeared into the sky.

"Damn it, too careless"!

At this moment, Gongsun Liang reacted suddenly. He was too confident that he could stab Chu Yunfan with a single shot, but he had no defense at all. Chu Yunfan actually took advantage of this gap and broke through from the front.

Watching Chu Yunfan transform into the wings of thunder and thunder and fly away, Gongsun Liang suddenly jumped into a thunder, and directly chased and killed him under the light.

Above the sky, the two rays of light chased each other, fast as lightning, not far from Baotai City to Wanbao Pavilion branch, and in a moment, they had already arrived.

Chu Yunfan rushed into the Wanbao Pavilion branch!

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