I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1748: Manbao Court, auction

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After Chu Yunfan entered the small town where the Wanbao Pavilion branch was located, Gongsun Liang rushed into the small town with almost his feet.

"Chu Yunfan, see where are you going?" Gongsun Liang pointed at Chu Yunfan and said with a bright silver spear in his hand.

"This distinguished guest, no matter what kind of grudges you have, you can't do anything here, otherwise you will be an enemy of my Wanbao Pavilion. You can't afford the price!"

At this moment, an old voice came from the Vault of Heaven, accompanied by a terrifying coercion, stopping Gongsun Liang.

Gongsun Liang's expression suddenly changed, and he could feel that that old voice came from a master in the Universe Realm even stronger than him.

And as the old voice said, I'm afraid he really can't provoke Wanbao Pavilion.

Not to mention him, even his gang, the Iron Spear Club can't provoke Wanbao Pavilion.

Everyone knows that although Wanbao Pavilion is focused on doing business, its wealth has reached that point. It is impossible to say that there is no super master. I am afraid that it has been swallowed by many eye-catching forces.

Not to mention that the masters who have inherited Wanbao Pavilion's favor over the years don't even know Fanji. These people's connections are all over the Great Xia Dynasty inside and outside, and where an iron gun can provoke them.

Even if he is as mad as him, he knows when to constrain and when to be presumptuous. He even has a feeling that if he dares to stab a little, he may be directly beaten out.

"The younger generation iron gun will meet Gongsun Liang, the younger generation is too Meng Lang!" Gongsun Liang arched his hands.

The pressure brought by that old voice suddenly disappeared.

Then Gongsun Liang realized that Chu Yunfan, who was still in front of him, had disappeared without a trace.

Only then did he understand Chu Yunfan's intentions. Chu Yunfan was clearly deliberate, knowing that in this Wanbao Pavilion branch, he didn't dare to do anything.

"Huh, Wanbao Pavilion’s auction is also time-limited. It only takes a few days. I don’t believe it anymore. If the auction closes after a few days, you can still rely on it. At that time, will you kill you again? late!"

Gongsun Liang gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

The auction of a branch of Wanbao Pavilion can have masters in the universe, and this configuration can be called luxurious.

Even Chu Yunfan couldn't help but be surprised.

After a few flickers, Gongsun Liang was left behind, with some screams in his ears, and the whole town had become a large-scale trade fair at this time.

All sorts of casual cultivators or Xiaozongmen martial artists are selling all kinds of pills, medicinal materials, and treasures of heaven and earth, magic weapons and so on.

However, Chu Yunfan has no interest at all. Basically, some martial artists in the Pill Formation realm are selling them. Sometimes there are a few martial artists in the Golden Pill realm. .

Now his only goal is to get purple grass from the auction!

He knew that Gongsun Liang was waiting for him outside. As long as the auction was over, Gongsun Liang would be attacked by storms and rains.

But Chu Yunfan didn't panic, he had his own means of protecting himself.

With his current strength, after transforming into Chaotianxian, the masters waiting for the peak of the three or five holes in the void are not his opponents at all.

But the combat power still cannot break through to the Universe Realm, at best it can only be regarded as a half-step Universe Realm!

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; But if he waits for his cultivation to go one step further and reaches the peak of the Peep Void Realm, with the transformation into Chaotianxian, his combat power can break through to the Universe Realm in one fell swoop.

Although it is not long, it is enough!

At that time, he has the ability to break the wrist with the masters of the Universe Realm!

Although Gongsun Liang was coming fiercely, Chu Yunfan could also see that his cultivation base was far worse than that of the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect and others. It is estimated that it has not been long before he entered the Universe Realm.

Chu Yunfan is not afraid of such a realm of universe!

"When I refine the remaining two Taiyi Yangyuan Pills, and after the cultivation base breaks through to the Void Void Realm, it is not certain who kills who!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and waited for his cultivation to make a breakthrough again and reached the Void Hole Realm. Even if he didn't change his body to the sky, he still had the ability to culminate a master of the Universe Realm.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan immediately stopped hesitating, and immediately went to Thousand Three Thousands directly.

"School Lieutenant Chu, welcome!"

Wan Sanqian still had a gentle smile on his face.

"School Lieutenant Chu came this time, it should be for the purple grass, it just so happens that now the auction items are about to go up for the purple grass!"

"Our branch is divided into two parts, the first part is a trading gathering, and the second part is the auction in the auction city. Please come with me, Lieutenant Chu!"

Under the leadership of Wan Sanqian, Chu Yunfan quickly came directly to a building in the middle of the town. This building was ordinary in appearance. If you only look at the exterior, no one knows that there is actually an auction house inside.

And this auction site is even more special, it is actually built underground.

When Chu Yunfan walked into the auction house, he discovered that the auction house was already full of turmoil.

"One hundred thousand medium-grade spirit stones, one hundred thousand medium-grade spirit stones twice..." the host of the auction shouted.

"150,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

Sure enough, someone couldn't help but yelled at the bottom.

Immediately various quotations sounded one after another.

Chu Yunfan followed Wansanqian into a VIP box.

The decoration in this box is extremely simple and elegant, and because it is located underground, there is no light source, but there are many oil lamps around. These oil lamps burn as bright as daylight~www.ltnovel.com~ and exude a faint fragrance. It was not ordinary oil, but the oil squeezed from some monster beasts, after special treatment.

If an ordinary person lights a lamp while practicing, he can easily enter the state of concentration and increase the speed of practice.

Generally speaking, only some families and high-level sects can use the Qi all year round, and the extravagance of Wanbao Pavilion still can't help but surprise Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan sat down quickly, and after Wansanqian gave some details, he left.

Chu Yunfan didn't have much interest in these auction items, but soon, the purple weeds he really cared about finally appeared.

"Everyone, what we are going to auction next are five purple micrograss that are quite rare on weekdays!"

The host of the auction said.

"The nature of Ziwei herbal medicine is moderate and peaceful. It can synthesize the properties of many medicinal materials. It is an indispensable adjuvant for the refining of many medicinal medicinal materials. However, it is quite rare on weekdays. This time our Wanbao Pavilion got five plants. You are interested. The distinguished guests can make an offer, the reserve price, one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

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