I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1749: Dan Cheng, retreat

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As a blind adjuvant, Ziweicao can be used as an adjuvant in many medicinal pills. Alchemy pays attention to the monarch and ministers. The main medicine is the monarch medicine, and the Ziweicao is a very important ministerial medicine.

Therefore, as soon as the host’s voice fell, someone had already started to offer.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

The quotations kept coming and going, but they weren't too intense. After all, they were just adjuvants.

"Two hundred thousand!"

At this moment, Chu Yunfan immediately quoted without hesitation.

For others, this is just a relatively important adjuvant, but for Chu Yunfan, this is indeed the key to his next breakthrough.

"Two hundred ten thousand!"

After a while, someone gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

Chu Yunfan raised the price again without hesitation.

Everyone saw Chu Yunfan's determination to win, and suddenly they had to give up.

Soon, five purple grasses were delivered to Chu Yunfan's hands.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Chu, for taking the purple grass!"

Wan Sanqian personally delivered the purple micrograss to Chu Yunfan and said congratulations.

Chu Yunfan was not polite, and after paying the 250,000 middle-grade spirit stones, he collected the purple micrograss directly.

Although the price of these five purple micrograss is really outrageous, it is not worth mentioning for the improvement of Chu Yunfan's strength.

After receiving the five purple micrograss, Chu Yunfan was completely determined, and slowly looked at the things being auctioned here.

However, except for the purple grass, the remaining things are not very useful for Chu Yunfan, and their value is limited.

However, Chu Yunfan thought that this was only a branch of Wanbao Pavilion, and the level was not high. Of course, it was difficult to see what made Chu Yunfan shine.

But just this purple grass is enough to make Chu Yunfan feel that this trip is worthwhile.

After taking the purple grass, Chu Yunfan left the auction house. The auctions in this auction house are still in progress, but the remaining items are not enough to attract Chu Yunfan's attention.

Chu Yunfan found Thousands of Thousands and found a closed secret room. There is also such a place in Wanbao Pavilion. Now Chu Yunfan is a distinguished guest in Wanbao Pavilion. This requirement is naturally no problem.

But Wan Sanqian didn't know that Chu Yunfan's search for such a closed room was just a cover, and his real location was still in the space of the mountain and river map.

It was just a cover by the secret room outside.

In the mountain and river picture, Chu Yunfan opened the mountain and river tripod and began to make alchemy.

After having Ziweicao, the remaining two Taiyi Yangyuan Pills can finally start refining.

After having the experience of the last time, Chu Yunfan once again refined the Taiyi Yangyuan Pill, which is a light car and familiar road, without any difficulty at all.

Chu Yunfan squeezed a seal technique, set off the pill fire, and at the same time, he grabbed at the void, and grabbed a jade box. In the jade box, there was the one plant with only two-thirds of the thousand blood left. Ginseng.

After dividing the Thousand-Year Blood Ginseng into two, Chu Yunfan will Thousand->> and update the latest chapter of the practice frenzy the fastest!

Nian's blood ginseng was put into the mountain and river tripod, and immediately began to refine the medicine.

And when Chu Yunfan was refining the pill, as the controller of the local branch, Wan Sanqian entered a secret room.

In the secret room, a thin old man sits crouched on the bed.

"Lao Li, don't know what happened to Gongsun Liang?" Wan Sanqian asked immediately.

"That Gongsun Liang is still honest, and he hasn't lost his heart yet. He is violent here!" The old man slowly said. Although he can't leave the house, his spirit has long locked Gongsun Liang. , Gongsun Liang's every move is under his supervision.

After all, although Gongsun Liang's cultivation had just entered the Universe Realm, he had entered the Universe Realm level after all.

Once such a person causes destruction, it will be a disaster, but he is not nervous and not paying attention.

"That's good!" Thousands of words said.

"But this Gongsun Liang is here for Chu Yunfan, should we also drive Chu Yunfan out? We at Wanbao Pavilion have always been neutral in business, and we don't participate in the competition between all forces!"

Old Li looked at Wansanqian again and said.

"It's okay, since Chu Yunfan has come to us, he is our distinguished guest. If he is driven away, what will we become? In the eyes of others, aren't we afraid of the iron spear meeting?" Waved his hand and said. "We can ignore their grievances outside, but in Wanbao Pavilion, even the dragon has to lie down, and the tiger has to lie down. We must follow our rules. As long as Chu Yunfan and Gongsun Liang do not break our rules, do not mind him!"

Wansanqian was full of confidence, there was a taste of watching everything between his gestures, and he didn't put Chu Yunfan or Gongsun Liang in his eyes.

"But why are adults so optimistic about Chu Yunfan? You must know that Chu Yunfan is just a virtual realm, not even a universe realm!" said Old Li. "According to the information I just got, this Gongsun Liang is only afraid that he has something to do with Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan. He seems to be a follower of Li Qianyuan. For the sake of a Chu Yunfan, he offended Li Qianyuan. I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

As a master of the Universe Realm, Mr. Li looked respectful towards Wansanqian, but neither of them felt uncomfortable at all.

"Although Li Qianyuan is powerful, but he still can't control our Wanbao Pavilion, but this Chu Yunfan, I am very optimistic about his future prospects, and this is not an offense to Li Qianyuan, now we are kind to Chu Yunfan, Unexpectedly, there may be unexpected gains!" Thousands of thousands said.

"If this is the case, then as the adults said, I will continue to monitor Gongsun Liang!" Old Li said ~www.ltnovel.com~Wan Sanqian left the secret room, touched the jade pendant on his waist, and said, "Chu Yunfan , Interesting, hope not to let me down!"

Half a day's time is fleeting, under the condition that Chu Yunfan is constantly urging the alchemy formula and increasing the alchemy refining, but only half a day's time, too easy to nourish the original pill has been completely refined.

Chu Yunfan flipped it over, and the top cover of the Shanhe Ding was lifted, and bursts of medicinal fragrance came out.

As soon as he waved his hand, two Taiyi Yangyuan Pills flew out, and Chu Yunfan immediately took out a jade box and took one of the Taiyi Yangyuan Pills in.

He immediately took the remaining Taiyi Yangyuan Pill.


Tai Yi Yang Yuan Pill turned into a powerful torrent of energy and dispersed into Chu Yufan's body, and that huge energy drove the mana in Chu Yunfan's body to start unconsciously.

Chu Yunfan hurriedly ran the Emperor Ji Gong and began to slam the barrier at the peak of the Void Void Realm.

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