I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1750: Breakthrough, glimpse the peak of the virtual realm

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Mana was constantly washing Chu Yunfan's cells in Chu Yunfan's body.

With the support of Tai Yi Yang Yuan Pill, Chu Yunfan's mana was soaring crazily, constantly climbing, as if it were endless, almost bursting his body.

If he were an ordinary person, his physical body would have already burst, but Chu Yunfan was different. His physical body was extremely powerful, and he could even explode the best spirit weapon with his bare hands. In terms of physical strength, he had already reached a peak.

A master at the pinnacle of the ordinary hole virtual realm, facing the existence of the universe realm, three or two moves will be captured and killed, but Chu Yunfan is different, he even dared to fight against the master of the universe realm, even if it is not the enemy, he will not die. , This gap cannot be calculated with reason.

Circles of mana continued to wash the ground, constantly impacting the barrier of the pinnacle of the Void Realm.

The air constantly exhaled from the tip of Chu Yunfan's nose was like two air dragons, spreading his teeth and claws, moving astonishingly.

At the same time, piece by piece of middle-grade spirit stone instantly turned into fly ash, and the spiritual energy contained in it was constantly pouring into Chu Yunfan's body as if attracted by a terrifying attraction.

Three days of time passed in the blink of an eye, and there was no years of practice in the landscape of mountains and rivers. Suddenly, Chu Yunfan opened his eyes, and a bit of brilliance flashed in his eyes. Slowly, the brilliance in his eyes slowly converged. I got up, just like usual.

But only he himself knew that in three days, he finally completed the breakthrough and reached the pinnacle of the Void Void Realm.

The cultivation base has gone further, and the combat power has improved by leaps and bounds, which is completely different from the original!

Now Chu Yunfan dare to say that among the many elite disciples of Fei Xianzong, he can also dominate, and it is impossible for anyone to be more powerful than him.

Before, even if Chu Yunfan transformed into Chaotianyi, he couldn't break through the limit of Void Realm's combat power, but now it is different. Chu Yunfan's strength has undergone an earth-shaking change, at least several times stronger than before.

On this basis, transforming into Chaotianxuan is also the first time that Chu Yunfan truly possesses the power that can rival the Universe Realm.

When it was said that it was too late, then, Chu Yunfan's whole body grew densely with golden spears, and in an instant, it had already turned into a golden head toward the sky.

However, this golden Chaotianya was different from the original one. The figure was not as huge as a hill, but the terrible feeling of oppression it brought was even more amazing than when it was the size of a hill.

Even when others stand up, it is like a human figure in the sky, and in this case, he can truly display martial arts.

The combat power really goes further!

A fierce breath was madly released, and the entire landscape of the mountain and river map was constantly shaking and distorting.

Chu Yunfan felt the terrifying power that was constantly pouring out of his body, and even had the feeling of being able to punch the entire world with one punch.

"Is this the power of the Universe Realm above the Void Realm?" Chu Yunfan muttered to himself. Although he is not unfamiliar with this kind of power, in fact, in the memory of Emperor Pill, he has felt it. A hundred times more powerful than this.

But this was the first time he really had such power, and feeling in his memory, it was a completely different feeling.

In the next moment, Chu Yunfan had already condensed the blood of Chaotianxuan on his body, and transformed into a human form again.

"Such power is indeed powerful!" Chu Yunfan-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

Secretly, with his current strength alone, he is no longer ashamed of Wang Yifan, but Chaotianya bloodline is indeed very mana-consuming, and can still only be used as a hole card, not as a regular combat power.

If he wants to normally have the power to match the Universe Realm, unless he stepped into the Void Void Realm, that would be possible.

However, Chu Yunfan was not disappointed, because it was not far away. In fact, he still had one too easy to raise Yuan Dan, which was enough for Chu Yunfan to make a further breakthrough.

"Gongsun Liang, hum, now I want to see who kills who!"

Chu Yunfan snorted, and he could still feel that Gongsun Liang's divine mind was constantly trying to penetrate in during this period of time, and he even kept touching the barrier left by Chu Yunfan outside.

Obviously, for Chu Yunfan, he is determined to win.

But obviously, Gongsun Liang didn't know that Chu Yunfan had already undergone a completely reborn change in just three days.

But before Chu Yunfan could think more, suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

Chu Yunfan showed the landscape map, opened it and saw it, only to see that it was thousands of thousands.

"School Lieutenant Chu, this time our Wanbao Pavilion branch auction is over!" Wan Sanqian said.

"Okay, I'm bothering, then I will leave first, and I will give priority to you for any deal in the future!" After Chu Yunfan finished speaking, he said goodbye to Wansanqian and turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the original. Ground.

And Wansanqian looked at Chu Yunfan's disappearing figure, and his eyes continued to show brilliant light, but in just four days, Chu Yunfan's strength actually made a faint breakthrough.

What a terrible thing this is!

Although Chu Yunfan was hiding well, he still felt it!

He believed in his own judgment. During these few days, Chu Yunfan was definitely stronger!

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect that Chu Yunfan was even better than I thought, but wait a minute, how do you deal with Gongsun Liang? Don't just die like this, otherwise it would be a shame!" Wan San Qian squinted his eyes, then turned around and left here.

At this time, Chu Yunfan had already arrived outside the Wanbao Pavilion branch, and from a distance, one could see a flare of light, like shooting stars across the sky.

Those are the people who left the Wanbao Pavilion branch after the auction ended ~www.ltnovel.com~.

"Hahaha, you finally came out!"

At this moment, there was a sound of jealous laughter from behind Chu Yunfan, and at the same time, a huge spear light emerged from the sky, and then directly pierced towards Chu Yunfan.

The speed of this gun is fast and swift, almost instantly, Chu Yunfan will be torn apart, and Chu Yunfan will be pierced with one shot.

The person who shot the shot was not someone else, it was Gongsun Liang. After holding back for several days, he shot again, and he didn't give Chu Yunfan any chance to fight back.

And Chu Yunfan also reacted in an instant, almost instantly, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.


This spear light fell fiercely on the ground, blasting the ground out of a huge hole.

"Huh?" Gongsun Liang showed a somewhat puzzled expression, and Chu Yunfan actually avoided his attack, seeming to be faster than a few days ago.

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