I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1754: Everyone was shocked (Thank you for 100,000 rewards today!)

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The smoke and dust are gone, everyone is still stunned!

Before that, the best situation everyone could think of was that Chu Yunfan couldn't hold on to escape in embarrassment after Gongsun Liang's continuous attacks.

It is no longer easy for a virtual realm-level martial artist to escape from a universe-level master. Basically changing to a general virtual realm martial artist, this can already be a big blow.

But Chu Yunfan seemed to be born, just to break the cognition of ordinary people!

He was also not satisfied with the achievement of escaping from the masters of the Universe Realm, but blasted and killed the masters of the Universe Realm in one fell swoop!

"He actually did it!"

Wan Sanqian was also a little dumbfounded, no matter what hole Chu Yunfan used to do it.

But if you did it, you did it, which means that Chu Yunfan's combat power can be close to this circle, which is already very impressive.

Especially from the information he collected, Chu Yunfan didn't have much time to worship Fei Xianzong. At first, he was just an inner disciple of Fei Xianzong.

And now, in just one year, even the masters of the Universe Realm have died in his hands.

Thinking of this, even he felt very shocked. He had already taken a high look at Chu Yunfan before, and even planned to raise the standard of evaluation of Chu Yunfan by the Association.

But now, I'm afraid I still underestimated this Chu Yunfan!

If it is said that he valued Chu Yunfan before, only because Chu Yunfan has potential, then it is completely different now. With the strength to kill a master of the universe, this is not just potential, but true strength. .

Potential is just potential, only the height that may be reached in the future.

But the strength is different, but you have it now!

This made him decide that Chu Yunfan's level must be raised to another level again!

"Although it is still a bit reluctant, but I think that if the Association knows about this battle, it should not object to raising Chu Yunfan's registration to the same level as those of the Ten Great Sect Tianjiao of the Universe Realm!" Li The old man said that he was also a little shocked, although Gongsun Liang's strength was nothing to him.

But Chu Yunfan killed Gongsun Liang with the Void Realm, which really shocked him too much. Although it was not in the Universe Realm, what did it matter? The combat power of the Universe Realm was as good as the Universe Realm.

"Not bad!" Wan Sanqian nodded, "In the future, Chu Yunfan's intelligence will be collected and placed on a higher level!"

At this moment, on the sky outside the Wanbao Pavilion branch, the spear on Chu Yunfan's body directly withdrew, transforming into a beautiful human form again.

Chu Yunfan was expressionless at this time, and he turned into a big hand to grab Gongsun Liang's corpse into the space of the mountain and river map, squeezed it into a mass of flesh and blood, and poured it into the Brahma Divine Tree.

For others, they were completely shocked that Chu Yunfan was able to kill a master at the Universe Realm level, but for Chu Yunfan, this was already the third master at the Universe Realm level he had killed.

There was Lone Star in the front, and the Blood Demon Sect Master in the back, and Gongsun Liang was actually the third.

For others, the superior universe, for him, has no deterrent power at all.

In the mountains and rivers, countless middle-grade spirit stones shattered and turned into endless spiritual energy into the Brahma fruit trees.

Even Chu Yunfan could see with his divine mind that the Brahma fruit tree was growing at an astonishing speed, growing bigger and bigger.

Most of the middle-grade spirit stones that Chu Yunfan found were feeding the Brahma fruit trees, but for him, this was something he had to do.

Because only he himself knows best, as long as the Brahma divine fruit can mature, his cultivation will definitely go further.

When he truly enters the realm of the universe, there will be another earth-shaking change in his strength, Wang Yifan, he doesn't care at all.

Even if Wang Yifan personally tried to kill him now, he couldn't kill him at all, he would only die in his hands!

Even if Li Qianyuan made the shot at this time, he was not afraid. He had suffered heavy damage to Li Qianyuan before, so he was naturally fearless.

"Thinking about rain, wait for me!"

Chu Yunfan clenched his fists and secretly said.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan did not stop at once, left the branch of Wanbao Pavilion and returned to Baotai City.

At this time, in Baotai City, still immersed in the shock of Chu Yunfan uprooting the major forces in Baotai City before, no one knew that such a big thing happened once Chu Yunfan left the barracks.

No one knew that Chu Yunfan killed a master of the Universe Realm in a battle.

Back in the barracks in Baotai City, Chu Yunfan recruited You Chuyun.

"Brother Chu!"

You Chuyun said with a military salute.

"Thanks for your hard work during this time!"

You Chuyun quickly said: "It's not hard, if there is no Senior Brother Chu, I still don't know when I can make a breakthrough!"

As You Chuyun said, there was an expression of excitement on his face, because in this short time he had already broken through to the peak of the Void Void~www.ltnovel.com~ It was only half a step before he could step into the Void Hole. In the realm of the realm.

You know, when he was able to win the top ten of the inner disciple competition, it was actually because of Chu Yunfan's light that he basically belonged to lying win.

But now it's different. He has also reached the pinnacle of Peeping Void Realm, which is basically worthy of the name.

And the other ten people have basically entered the late stage of Peeping Void Realm, and their strength has improved a lot since they followed Chu Yunfan.

And how much time has passed since then, it can be said that all this was brought by Chu Yunfan.

Among Fei Xianzong, they can only be regarded as marginal disciples. Of course, the basic resources for cultivation are indispensable for them, but the truly top-level resources are not their turn to enjoy.

In this regard, even for a behemoth like Fei Xianzong, it is impossible for every disciple to enjoy such resources.

After following Chu Yunfan, especially after continuously uprooting the major forces in Baotai City, they also allocated many resources. Under the pile of many resources, the cultivation base naturally made rapid progress.

"Yes, as long as you do things for me honestly, your benefits are naturally indispensable!" Chu Yunfan said, "But your current cultivation level is far from enough. Only when you reach the Void Void Realm can you help Fuck me!"

You Chuyun was startled, and then there was a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother Chu... Could it be that..."

"Yes, just as you guessed it, I want to help you break through the Void Hole Realm and break through in the shortest time!"

Chu Yunfan spoke directly.

"Thank you Brother Chu!"

You Chuyun said overjoyed immediately.


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