I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1755: Initiating Dafa, everyone's skill soars

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! You Chuyun was surprised and happy. He didn't expect Chu Yunfan to help him break through. You know, if you didn’t follow Chu Yun Before, what he could think of, it would take at least 20 to 30 years to step into the Void Realm.

Although he was also a genius praised by many people before he entered the Fei Xianzong, his talent was basically exhausted when he cultivated to this point.

The rest basically depends on the continuous accumulation of water milling time to make a breakthrough possible.

But who knows, now it seems that there is no need to wait for 20 or 30 years, and you can enter the void of the cave immediately.

And twenty or thirty years later, he even hopes to step into the universe!

If that's the case, then it really can be regarded as Guangzong Yaozu!

In the Great Xia Dynasty, whether there were any masters at the Universe Realm level was basically the biggest difference between the upper-class families and the influential families.

If he can step into the realm of the universe, your family will also get great benefits, and then the chicken and dog will ascend to heaven.

Thinking about it now, I decided to take a risk at the beginning, and it was really right to take refuge in Chu Yunfan.

"No thanks, I want you to do things for me. Naturally, your benefits are indispensable!" Chu Yunfan said directly. Of course he knew that these people would take refuge in him. Naturally, it would not be because he was overwhelmed by his domineering spirit. So Natou worshiped.

Basically, they will become Chu Yunfan's followers only if they have their own interests.

However, Chu Yunfan did not reject this situation. In life, no one can have no desires and desires.

"This time, I will use an initiation Dafa to improve your cultivation level, and at the same time, I will also teach you the realm of the hole virtual realm. After you break through this time, you need to spend enough time to consolidate!" Chu Yun Fandao, the method he used is naturally an initiation method recorded in the Emperor's War Diary. This initiation method can raise a person's cultivation to a higher level, but this method is not commonly used, otherwise it will Influence the foundation, unable to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Chu Yunfan himself would never use such enlightenment Dafa to increase his gong power, but for You Chuyun it was no problem, because without Chu Yunfan, he would have no hope of reaching the pinnacle of martial arts.

So this enlightenment Dafa has pros and cons, and the key depends on who is using it.

"Thank you Brother Chu!"

Of course, You Chuyun also understood that there is no free lunch in the world, and this kind of empowerment will definitely have some flaws, but compared with the improvement of strength, it seems not worth mentioning.

The time saved in the process was enough for him to try.

Chu Yunfan immediately let You Chuyun sit down and slapped You Chuyun's head directly with a palm. Because of his absolute trust in Chu Yunfan, You Chuyun would naturally not resist, and immediately let Chu Yunfan go. The mana in his body poured into his body through the palm of his hand.

The mana in You Chuyun's body was driven by Chu Yunfan's vast mana, and furiously rushed towards the hole virtual realm.

It took a long time for the lap after lap of the impact!

Suddenly, You Chuyun opened his eyes abruptly, and a violent mana boiled over him.

You Chuyun squeezed his fists, as if he still couldn't believe that he actually possessed such amazing strength.

Compared with half a day ago, he could feel that his strength was at least several times stronger.

At this time, he finally understood why the elite disciples in the Fei Xianzong were so high and advanced, and he ignored their inner disciples at all.

Because the gap between the two sides is too big, it can't be calculated by reason at all!

With his current cultivation base, he can easily blow up several of his previous self. No wonder the elite disciples look down on inner disciples. If he is now, he probably looks down on his previous self, and he won't know the inner disciples. In the eyes.

"This is the power of the Cave Void Realm!"

He felt the surging mana in his body, but he still felt that his power was faintly unstable. He understood that this was because his realm was improved, and it was not a matter of chance and smoothness. On the contrary, it was forcibly promoted by Chu Yunfan. Coming up.

But fortunately, he was originally the pinnacle of the Void Realm, but forcibly raised a realm, not too exaggerated.

If you continue to improve, it is not impossible, but he has no ability to control at all, I am afraid that he will collapse on the spot.

However, You Chuyun immediately realized something, and quickly turned over and knelt down and said, "Thank you, Brother Chu, for your support. From now on, if Brother Chu is dispatched, You will definitely go through fire and water and die!"

Chu Yunfan looked at You Chuyun, smiled with satisfaction, and said, "You don't need to go through fire and water, you just need to do things for me honestly. You go and call the other people together. I don't even think about their strength. And improved!"


You Chuyun hurriedly ran out of the handsome account, looking for ten other Chu Yunfan followers and went away.

At this time, Chu Yunfan calmed down the boiling mana in his body~www.ltnovel.com~ The use of enlightenment Dafa to consume mana in his body was almost like a battle.

But fortunately, his ability to recover is amazing, and it didn't take long for him to recover.

In general, the ability to perform empowerment Dafa requires a lot more strength than the person being cast, and You Chuyun's cultivation level is equivalent to Chu Yunfan, but Chu Yunfan's combat power is more than dozens of times stronger than him.

That's why he can perform empowerment easily.

Now he wants to improve the strength of You Chuyun and others, even if it is a little bit of help. After all, his background is too weak compared to other people, and he can't talk about it at all.

It must be improved in various ways!

Soon, You Chuyun came to the handsome account with ten followers of Chu Yunfan with the same surprise smiles on their faces.

Chu Yunfan also improved their strengths one by one, but it was different from the difficulty of improving You Chuyun's strength. These ten people were only promoted from the late stage of the virtual world to the peak of the virtual world, and they did not cross a large realm.

So it took a lot less time than in You Chuyun's time. Even if it was ten people, it only took a day to complete it all.

"Thank you Brother Chu for improving my skills!" After Chu Yunfan helped them all improve their skills, the ten people said one after another to Chu Yunfan.

"In the next period of time, I will retreat and practice, and strive to go further. This guard army will be left to you to manage!" Chu Yunfan looked at everyone and said, "I improve your strength, and I hope you can send in in the future. Great use, I hope that when I leave the customs, the guards can collectively reach above the Golden Core Realm!"


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