I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1756: Retreat for 3 months, reborn

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After explaining all the things in the guards, Chu Yunfan immediately began to enter the closed state.

This time, he was about to break directly into the Void Hole Realm in one breath!

And with this breakthrough, his combat effectiveness will also undergo an earth-shaking change, and he can truly confront the masters of the Universe Realm!

Although his realm still failed to enter the Universe Realm by then, his combat power was enough to match that of a master.

This is the most important thing!

Chu Yunfan sat down cross-legged, the mana of his whole body condensed, forming a huge and incomparable vortex in his body, which became bigger and bigger, but in a moment, it had become a huge storm.

At the same time, countless middle-grade spirit stones around Chu Yunfan exploded and turned into countless spiritual energy pouring in towards Chu Yunfan.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan swallowed the last Taiyi Yang Yuan Pill into his abdomen, releasing countless medicinal powers.

All these forces were released, and they were forcibly controlled by Chu Yunfan, and they began to rush towards the Void Hole Realm.

With the previous experience of helping You Chuyun break through the Void Void Realm, Chu Yunfan is not completely ignorant of the Void Void Realm.

On the contrary, he also has experience in breaking through the hole virtual realm.

Although the difficulty of You Chuyun's breakthrough and the difficulty of Chu Yunfan's breakthrough, it is simply a world, not at the same level.

But this is still an experience for reference!

With this experience, Chu Yunfan made it easier to break through, and if he had a direction, he would go in this direction.

Time went by with Chu Yunfan's retreat and practice.

Three months are fleeting in the blink of an eye!

For Baotai City, these three months may be the three most drastic changes in thousands of years.

The original forces in Baotai City were completely cleaned up, and the rest of the power was completely loyal to Chu Yunfan.

At the very least, it seems to have taken refuge in Chu Yunfan's forces on the surface!

And all the forces that opposed Chu Yunfan were finally wiped out by the guards.

Although Chu Yunfan was nowhere to be seen during these three months, he was rumored to be in retreat.

But the guards didn't just get up so idle and practice day and night.

You should know that Baotai's town garrison was among the many armies of the Great Xia Dynasty, not even the second-line army, but can only be regarded as the third-line local garrison.

The general training frequency is also quite limited!

But since Chu Yunfan took over the guard army, he began to practice day and night, and fortunately, these sergeants are basically warriors, and no one is really vulnerable.

For three months, many people were terrified to listen to the sound of the drills from the barracks. As for the results of the drills, everyone knew well. Although they could not see the specific situation, many people would be a little angry. The way.

They were all horrified to discover that the military spirit above the guard army barracks was constantly condensing.

Originally, the military spirit above the guard army barracks was very scattered, and basically it was defeated, that is, it was able to barely condense by the luck of the Great Xia Kingdom itself.

But now it's different. With months of intense training, the military aura has become more and more sufficient and stronger, and even some people can see that the military aura has materialized by looking at it.

This is clearly something that only the frontline army of the Great Xia Dynasty can do.

It is difficult for the second-line troops to condense a substantive military spirit, let alone the third-line local garrisons.

It is an almost impossible miracle, the real elites have long been transferred to the frontline army.

It is conceivable how radical changes have taken place in Baotai's town defenders in these three months.

And many people are even more shocked, because these people can understand that if an army is to be reborn in three months, if this army is an ordinary person, of course, it is impossible to even think about it. Three months will be a local garrison. It's almost impossible to be promoted to the elite level.

Even the sergeants themselves are all warriors and cultivators. To achieve this step is also a fantasy, because day and night training, squeezing the potential, without sufficient resources to support, will only be trained to death.

In other words, during these three months of practice, the strength of Baotai City's guards has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is not known how much resources will be invested.

However, thinking that Chu Yunfan had only uprooted the major forces and ransacked their homes before, there was a reasonable explanation for the source of the resources used by these guards' drills.

However, even so, many people still feel stunned secretly. Although it is not their own family's property, Chu Yunfan's generosity still makes many people feel a little unbelievable.

There are totally astronomical figures invested in it!

If it is their own private part ~www.ltnovel.com~ or their followers, they may still understand it.

But in the final analysis, the defending army is the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, and Chu Yunfan's shot is so generous, which makes many people simply can't figure it out.

However, some smart people seemed to have guessed Chu Yunfan's opinion.

"He is a dragon soaring above the nine heavens. How could he willingly smash in this place of Baotai City? In our opinion, it is not worth it, because the vision and height are fundamentally different!"

Someone revealed Chu Yunfan's true purpose and thoughts, which were completely different from what these people thought, because their levels were already completely different.

Although the guards were intensively training, they were not completely absent. On the contrary, in order to hunt down the remnants of the major forces in Baotai City that fled everywhere, the guards attacked many times.

Especially under You Chuyun's leadership, they directly smashed the counterattack of these forces, and they weren't opponents at all.

This also left many insiders stunned. The strength of the guards increased so quickly that everyone was shocked, and all of them had stepped into the Golden Core Realm.

Among them, the officers have already stepped into the virtual realm. In the Great Xia Dynasty, this is also the strength of the elite troops on the front line.

However, the counterattack of the remnants of the major forces in Baotai City who were hunted everywhere has never stopped.

On this day, above the barracks of the defenders of Baotai Town, a group of weird men in scarlet robes, led by a group of warriors in garbade, marched toward the barracks in mighty force.

Almost instantly, the military aura of the defenders of Baotai Town evolved automatically, directly transforming into a phantom of a soldier, holding a steel gob in his hand, and slashed directly towards the invader in an instant. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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