I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1757: The Universe Realm Strikes

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The solidity of the army in the Baotai City Barracks is almost the strongest place in the entire Baotai City.

Especially after three full months of training, only some of the sergeants in Baotai City were warriors in the virtual core realm, but now, all have entered the golden core realm.

The increase in strength is not unpleasant!

The strength of the army is swelling at an astonishing speed, and all this is fed back to the phantom of this sergeant.

This sergeant is a projection of the military spirit of the defending army in Baotai town, and it is really terrifying to cooperate with the national luck and dragon spirit of the Shangda Xia Dynasty.


A few weird people in scarlet robes who were too late to react were directly cut, and their bodies exploded into pieces in the air.

At this time, their blood-colored robes were torn apart, and the people finally saw the identity of these people, they were actually blood monsters of the Demon God Sect.

"Enemy attack!"

In the next instant, everyone in the entire barracks felt something, and immediately responded that there was an enemy attack.

You Chuyun took the lead and almost immediately jumped up and flew into the air. Behind him, the masters of Flying Immortal Sect followed closely.

You Chuyun looked at the mighty at least dozens of blood monsters above the sky, plus the masters in Chinese robes headed by them, each of them was a master above the virtual realm.

These people add up to hundreds of people!

You know, Baotai Town Defender only has an establishment of 500 people!

If they were allowed to rush in and break the army formation, they would be slaughtered all over the barracks in Baotai City.

He instantly recognized the headed figures in Chinese robes, all of which were the remnants of the major forces in Baotai City. These days, he had been hunting for these remnants.

Unexpectedly, these remnants actually colluded with the Demon God Cult this time and wanted to directly attack the barracks of the defenders of Baotai Town.

"You remnants, you dare to collude with the Demon God Sect, you are dead, there will be no way for you to survive in the sky and the earth!"

You Chuyun shouted.

"At this point, do we still want to have a way to survive? After you kill Chu Yunfan's doglegs and Chu Yunfan together, we will immediately flee to the Hu nationality, can you still go deep into the Hu nationality? Come to kill us? It's so ridiculous!"

Among the remnants of these major forces, a middle-aged man headed by him laughed loudly, his eyes full of killing intent and hatred.

He is an elder of the Ding family. If Chu Yunfan hadn't uprooted the Ding family, he would have been a great figure in Baotai City.

Although it is now possible to flee to the Hu ethnic group, if it is not a matter of necessity, who wants to flee to the wild lands outside the territory.

After all, Yi Di people are no different from beasts. Now they are going to be with beasts. All of this is caused by Chu Yunfan. How can they have no complaints in their hearts.

"Those who betrayed Daxia die, none of you want to leave today!"

You Chuyun shouted.

"Array, kill the enemy!"

At this time, behind him, the guards of Baotai City had begun to line up, and the three months of hell-like penance was fully revealed at this time.

In just a few moments of effort, these soldiers have formed a battle formation. With the support of the military's mind, the phantom of the sergeant above the barracks has become more solid, and once again waved the Tie Ge in his hand towards the invading enemy. Come.


But this blow failed to fall on these powerful enemies, but fell on a layer of **** enchantment.

There was a huge roar, and in an instant, the whole world trembled.

"How is it possible?" You Chuyun's face showed a somewhat surprised look. You must know that the military spirit phantom formed by the morale of the defenders in Baotai Town, you can even say, what virtual realm master, Come and die one by one.

You can kill several in one blow!

Although the soldiers in the army are not worth mentioning compared to these martial arts masters, one, two, or even ten or eight will be easily slaughtered even if they are combined into a battle formation.

But if the number of people reaches a certain level, the result will be completely reversed.

He didn't pay attention to these remnants at all at first, and some imaginary realms dared to attack the barracks, simply seeking their own way of death.

The Great Xia Dynasty has been able to suppress all directions over the years, no matter what the ten great sects of the right way or the evil spirits, they are not opponents. A large part of the reason is because of this huge army.

Of course, it is not that there are no top masters who can deal with such an army, but it will definitely not be a warrior of the virtual realm level.

Who knows, this blow was actually blocked.

At this time, in the void, a figure appeared. It was a monster with a pair of wings, a blood-red body, and red-faced fangs. It was more than twice as tall as the average tall blood demon. .

"Jie Jie, this will be handed over to me, the military aura of a garrison, how is my opponent, leave the rest to you, kill all these people~www.ltnovel.com~ don’t leave them alone. !"

At this moment, the scarlet fangs monster opened his mouth and said with a weird smile, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant like a night owl.

Immediately afterwards, countless blood-colored rays of light appeared directly on this monster. These blood-colored rays of light turned into chains on the spot, locking the almost materialized phantom in the sky.

The phantom furious roar formed by the condensed military energy of countless soldiers tried to struggle away, but there was no way at all, only shaking the sky.

"A blood demon at the Universe Realm level!"

You Chuyun's pupils suddenly contracted slightly, and he finally reacted at this time. No wonder these remnants had such courage to attack the barracks. It turned out that there was actually a blood demon of the Universe level sitting here.

The existence of the Universe Realm level, in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, is a great figure above all, and has been separated from ordinary creatures.

The appearance of every master of this level is tantamount to annihilation for the enemy.

"Kill, kill them, avenge the blood relatives, let these people pay for their blood!"

The master of the Ding family, who was headed, suddenly roared and said.

"Damn, you rebellious!" You Chuyun gritted his teeth and said, his first reaction was to think of Chu Yunfan, but at this time Chu Yunfan was still in retreat and couldn't count on it.

"Use a God-breaking crossbow to shoot them all!"

You Chuyun immediately ordered and said.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The two long arrows pierced the sky, and in an instant, they shot a blood demon and a remnant of the major forces across and nailed to the ground.

The two God-breaking crossbows also showed their stature, but before You Chuyun was happy, only two huge roars were heard, and the God-breaking crossbows were directly blown to pieces. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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