I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1759: Kill the blood demon leader

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The more terrifying the arrow, and the more shocking the scene of Chu Yunfan catching the arrow. .

Chu Yunfan was able to catch this arrow at will, which also meant that Chu Yunfan's strength was definitely not as simple as everyone had guessed.

It should even be said that it is far more than that!

Although Chu Yunfan uprooted many major forces including the Ding Family before, in fact, in the eyes of everyone, it was at best the cultivation base of the Void Void Realm.

Not much different from them, there is still the possibility of attack.

After all, Chu Yunfan was assigned here as an elite disciple of Feixianzong who had just become Fei Xianzong, and everyone knew a little bit about the elite disciples of Fei Xianzong.

However, the cultivation base of the hole virtual realm level, although powerful, is not unmatched.

But looking at it now, it seems that the situation is completely different from what they had previously thought, at least Chu Yunfan is more than twice as strong as they originally predicted.

"It's just that, a beast is a beast!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and immediately after that, Chu Yunfan also shot in an instant, and threw the long arrow out of his backhand.

"call out!"

The long arrow rewinded at a faster speed than before, and directly turned into a terrifying storm. It was said that it was too late and then it was fast. In the sky, it was actually divided into more than a dozen arrow beams.




Where Jianmang passed, it was simply invincible. A dozen of the attacking masters were directly nailed to the ground and died tragically in an instant.

These people were the remaining masters of the major forces and the masters of the blood demon who reached the Void Void Realm, and they were all slaughtered by Chu Yunfan in an instant.

"The school lieutenant is mighty!"

I don't know who shouted, and the morale of the guards soared. After all, when they were panicking just now, Chu Yunfan's appearance was like a long drought and nectar, and rescued them from the extreme crisis.

That was actually the strongest, who had acted as the vanguard of the hole virtual realm level master, was unexpectedly killed.

What an amazing strength this is!

Suddenly, all the people's spirits skyrocketed, and their confidence greatly increased, and the opposite was the phantom formed by the originally dim military spirit, which was instantly solidified.

The phantom formed by the condensed military energy itself is closely related to the morale of the guard army. The higher the morale of the guard army, the more amazing the power of this phantom, and it actually begins to break free of the **** chains.

"I'm going to deal with that beast, and I'll leave the rest to you, strangling them all clean, leaving no one!"

Chu Yunfan said coldly.

Of course he could kill these invading enemies by himself, but he did not choose to do so. He had to leave it to the guards to train.

Just talking about not practicing fake handles and not going through the baptism of wind and rain, after all, can only be regarded as a flower that grows in a greenhouse.

During the time he spoke, Chu Yunfan flickered, and he had already arrived in front of the leader of the blood demon.

He grabbed the scarlet chains that had tied the phantom of the army, and smashed the scarlet chains on the spot.

"Then it's your turn. Tell me, how do you want to die!"

Chu Yunfan said indifferently.

When the blood demon leader saw this, he was immediately furious, and Chu Yunfan was simply despising his existence.

Don't put him in the eyes at all!

The anger in his heart suddenly broke out!

"Just rely on you? Don't think that you will be able to sit on an equal footing with me by catching my arrow. The Void Hole Realm is only the Void Hole Realm. Now I will let you know the difference between the Void Hole Realm and the Universe Realm!"

The leader of the blood demon finally couldn't help but shoot, an overwhelming blood filled the sky, and a terrible blood-colored figure was directly condensed in the sky, condensed into a blood-colored palm, and covered it towards Chu Yunfan.

This palm is a kind of super martial arts, and it was directly shot down on the spot, making Chu Yunfan inevitable and inevitable.

Chu Yunfan stood still, letting this big **** hand fall down, there were trembling and crushing sounds all over his body, it was the fall of this palm that almost caused the entire space to collapse. With the sound, countless air was squeezed and exploded.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and an astonishing sword air appeared on his palm, directly condensed into a sword light, and this sword light was wrapped with layers of purple thunder. The sword was swung, and in an instant, this big **** hand was cut off on the spot.


The big blood-colored hand fell to the ground all at once, and it was directly disintegrated into blood in the sky.

"What is this?" The blood demon suddenly became jealous, and he felt the power that could pose a fatal threat to him from Chu Yunfan's sword.

"Purple Thunder and Seven Swords!"

Chu Yunfan said.

At the same time, behind Chu Yunfan, six treasured swords appeared at the same time, forming a sword formation with the one in his hand, turning around Chu Yunfan's body slowly and steadily. Bless in it ~www.ltnovel.com~ The blood demon leader could feel that the thunder energy contained in the sword light constituted restraint on him.

"It turns out that there is such a knack, no wonder it is so arrogant!"

The blood demon leader suddenly hummed, and the evil spirits in his whole body condensed again, and in an instant a blood-colored unicorn formed on top of his head. With the support of this blood-colored unicorn, the aura on his body became even stronger. .

Forced directly towards Chu Yunfan, and suddenly fell down with a slap.

The terrifying blood qi was crushed towards Chu Yunfan like a sea of ​​blood, and he looked like a demon god.

"But so!"

This shocking scene seemed to Chu Yunfan, but it was nothing at all, and the backhand was a punch.

"Eight Shaking Fists!"

Eight horrible figures condensed into the fist strength, and blasted out in an instant.


There was a shocking collision, and then, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

However, Chu Yunfan's fist directly exploded an arm of the blood demon leader, and evaporated.

"How can it be!"

The blood demon leader screamed and backed back again and again. With his full blow, he couldn't even stop Chu Yunfan's punch.

"It's too weak, a beast is a beast!"

Chu Yunfan let out a long whistle, this blood demon leader looked strong, but in fact, even compared to Gongsun Liang, he was a grade inferior.

Chu Yunfan stepped forward in one step. Behind him, seven swords flew out instantly, converging into an astonishing sword light, and swept across with one sword.


The blood demon leader screamed, his entire chest was pierced, his limbs, and his head were all cut off at the same time.

Suddenly died tragically! Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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