I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1760: The whole city surrendered

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! There is no earth-shattering battle, at least compared to a battle at the level of the universe, such a battle can only be described as a spike.

It was completely different from what many people had imagined to be able to win the opponent with difficulty. Chu Yunfan quickly killed the blood demon leader of the Universe Realm level within a few strokes.

In the eyes of the soldiers of the guards, this kind of simple and neat style is naturally a boost of morale and will be the courage of the army. The more powerful a general is, the more the army can unite.

No one knows better than their three-line garrison that having a powerful general is for them.

It didn't matter to them who the guard captain was replaced before, because they were still the lowest-level characters. Each of these guard captains also regarded the guardian party's experience as a gilded experience.

There are even many warriors who don't want to enter the Great Xia Dynasty at all, but only want to practice and seek the pinnacle of martial arts. These people don't care about the garrisons everywhere. There are not many who can practice daily according to the code of practice.

Not to mention Chu Yunfan, who plundered all kinds of resources and provided them for cultivation, unless it was possible for some children who came from a family of military skills.

Because of this, in this short period of several months, I have completely returned to my heart.

Morale has skyrocketed at this time.

It is conceivable that the future of Chu Yunfan is bound to be limitless, and as the basic plate that Chu Yunfan carefully cultivated, the future is also limitless.

It can even gain wealth and become one of the ruling classes of the Great Xia Dynasty in the future.

After the morale boosted, the entire army formation became even more terrifying, and it immediately began to besieged and killed the attacking masters.

On the contrary, the masters who attacked had a feeling of breaking their nerves. Without the support of the leader of the blood demon, they would have no way to fight against Chu Yunfan.

Only Chu Yunfan flew high in the air by himself, looking down at them like a god, and the feeling was as if a beast from ancient times was staring at them.

These people were originally mobs, gathered from all sides, almost the first time the blood demon leader was bombarded and killed, they began to flee in all directions frantically.

But at this time they were still able to escape, and the five hundred guards flew into the air, forming a huge army formation, encircling them in groups.

If it was said that they had attacked the military formation before, then the situation is completely reversed now. They were directly surrounded by the military formation and besieged and killed.

Without the existence of masters of the Universe Realm level, they have no possibility of successfully attacking the barracks.

After all, after so long of training, the guards had already reborn, completely different from the beginning.

However, the phantom of the **** above the military formation shot directly, and every time he waved Tie Ge, he could directly take away several imaginary master gods.

At this time, the horror of the real regular army truly manifested itself.

It didn’t take long for these masters to be slaughtered by the guards, and even panicked. They just wanted to escape. They had no way to cause casualties to the defenders of Baotai Town. Even if they were cruel and wanted to fight back, but Facing the soldiers who have formed a military formation, there is no way at all.

If it's just an ordinary warrior of hundreds of Golden Core Realms, facing these masters, I'm afraid it will be beheaded to death in a moment.

But now, it has become a reminder for them.

Looking at this scene, the only neutral forces in Baotai City in the distance were also horrified and uninvited. After today’s battle, they still don’t understand. I am afraid that from now on, Baotai City will be It's Chu Yunfan's site.

There is no possibility of a one-and-a-half turnaround.

Even if they add up, it is impossible for Chu Yunfan to contend with a single finger.

From now on, Chu Yunfan’s words in Baotai City are equivalent to imperial edicts, and even many people feel it is extremely absurd. It is simply incredible. In a small border town like Baotai City, he has actually left. A master of the universe level.

You know, a master of that level, even in the Great Xia Dynasty, can be called a master level.

In any army, you can be a general.

But no matter what they thought, they couldn't change the final outcome. After a quarter of an hour, the hundreds of masters who attacked the barracks were all strangled.

Although there were serious injuries on the defending army, no one died, and the army protected them very well.

Chu Yunfan looked at the guard army who was half kneeling in front of him with satisfaction ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After this **** battle, the guard army had become more elite.

If you want to become a real elite, it's not just the strength.

You must have the spirit of bright sword even if you face an invincible strong enemy.

Otherwise, it can't be regarded as elite.

After this battle, the guards of Baotai City had already faintly developed some elite signs.

This is his basic plate. When the time comes, as long as it is slightly expanded with the Baotai Town Defender as the skeleton, it will be a large army.

"Clean the battlefield, return to camp and continue to practice!"

Chu Yunfan gave an order and these troops began to clean the battlefield at the level of a small group. The corpses of these powerful men are naturally also very precious resources. However, for the current Chu Yunfan, only the blood demon leader of the Universe Realm can let him Looking sideways, he grabbed into the space of the mountain and river map and watered the Brahma tree.

And the other basics were handed over to You Chuyun to enhance the strength of the defenders of Baotai Town.

Chu Yunfan saw that in the space of the mountains and rivers, on the Baoyao Mountain, the Brahma sacred tree grew more and more majestic, and above the branches, the Brahma sacred fruit gradually matured.

When this Brahma divine fruit matured, Chu Yunfan's cultivation base would definitely be able to go further.

And the result of this battle is also spreading at the most alarming speed, directly spreading to the entire Baotai City.

For a time, everyone was speechless, a guard military captain who had a master of killing the universe, but it was a wonder in Baotai City that hadn't been seen for many years.

For a while, the situation in Baotai City, which was originally turbulent, disappeared overnight, as if the people who opposed Chu Yunfan did not exist at all.

It can be said that the powerful Chu Yunfan controlled the entire Baotai City overnight.

But at this time,

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