I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1761: 100,000 level battlefield, I can also move horizontally

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Guard the army barracks, in the handsome account.

Chu Yunfan sat on the chair with a transfer order from the Ministry of War in his hand. He had just sent away the special envoy from the Ministry of War, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

At the point where he started, You Chuyun showed a somewhat indignant expression on his face, saying: "The Ministry of War is simply confused. I have never heard of the third-line troops participating in the raid operation against the monster race. That is not going to go. To die?"

Chu Yunfan looked indifferent, because this transfer order was to mobilize the defenders of Baotai Town to participate in the raid operation against the monster race.

In order to prevent the surrounding powerful enemies from becoming bigger, the Great Xia Dynasty will always launch a massive sweeping operation every once in a while.

Especially the Monster Race, who is the great enemy of the Human Race, is even more important.

Basically every three years, there will be a spring sweep. Millions of troops enter the demon realm. Wherever they pass, all the demon tribes are uprooted, and when they encounter the demon army, they will be wiped out.

It can be said to be a very big action. In the entire Daxia Dynasty, except for some fixed and unmobilized armies used to prevent the Hus, barbarians, and other foreign races from chaos, almost all the elites must be mobilized.

From this it can be seen that the national power of the Great Xia Dynasty is much stronger than that of the Great Wei State. It is simply calculated by a thousand times.

At the beginning, the Great Wei State had no way to deal with the Western Monster Race Alliance. It could only be passively beaten, and at most it was to gather the power of the human race to fight.

But the Great Xia Dynasty is completely different. The Great Xia Dynasty can also fight back and launch a strong sweep.

We must know that the army of millions, especially the army gathered by masters above the Golden Core Realm. The resources consumed by people eating horses and chewing are astronomical resources.

Even if the human federation is extremely rich, it is impossible to organize such an army. It is estimated that 100,000 people will be mobilized and the entire human federation will be completely bankrupt.

Real dragons can't be raised in diving, and because of this, only in the Great Xia Dynasty can there be masters who have the ability to come out in large numbers, and there are almost countless masters supporting the strong national power of the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, Chu Yunfan was naturally different from what ordinary people saw. The Daxia Dynasty mobilized millions of troops to carry out raids, but did not force the demon clan to die and break the net, and directly swept the army into the demon realm, so the purpose was obvious.

In addition to the fixed weakening of the power of some monster races, the most important thing is the two words, training soldiers.

It is not uncommon to understand this. Chu Yunfan himself has also been a general of the human federation, and naturally understands the high-level thoughts.

To gather such a large army, the resources consumed behind are simply astronomical. In this case, it is steadily fighting, never advancing, and even retreating after completing the sweep. If there is no other strategic purpose, it is basically a waste of money.

But generally speaking, only the most elite first-line troops will be mobilized to participate in the sweeping work. Even the second-line troops are auxiliary. As for the local garrison troops, such troops will not be mobilized at all.

These forces are more than enough to maintain the peace of one side, but if they join the battle of an army of one million at this level, they will be dead.

Ordinary guards, even if there were one hundred and eighty thousand, would be easily killed by a few masters of the Universe Realm, and there was no way to fight back.

Because of this, this dispatch from the Ministry of Defense clearly revealed a kind of weirdness.

But Chu Yunfan was not surprised, because even if he didn't have any conclusive evidence, he could guess that it was mostly related to Li Qianyuan.

He has a lot of enemies, but who has this energy to influence the orders of the Ministry of War, besides Li Qianyuan. ,

"No, I want to send a letter to the Ministry of War, let them withdraw this ridiculous transfer order!"

You Chuyun suddenly said depressed, after several months, he had already been recognized by Fei Xianzong as an elite disciple at this time, and his official status was second only to Chu Yunfan's deputy captain.

In terms of the system, even the deputy captain has the qualifications to write to the Ministry of War.

However, Chu Yunfan waved his hand and said, "It's useless. Let's transfer the order. Even if it's a mountain of fire, we can get it. Otherwise, it will be a violation of the military order. Don't you know what will happen if you violate the military order?"

You Chuyun's expression immediately stagnated. Of course, he understood what it would be like to disobey the military order. You must know that Chu Yunfan used to uproot the nails of the major forces in the guard army before violating the military order.

In the army, disobeying the military order is a capital crime. There is even the so-called one-hundred-cutting order in the Great Xia Army, which means that there are hundreds of rules, and as long as they are violated, it is a dead end.

This was originally a method used by Chu Yunfan to clean up dissidents, but now Li Qianyuan used the backhand.

This is the first level of officials to crush people to death ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Unless Chu Yunfan can also make a great contribution and be appointed, it is possible to fight against Li Qianyuan's small tricks.

"Besides, if you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow? If you haven't experienced this, when will the guards grow into a true elite? Since we can't avoid it, then we will go!" Chu Yunfan said.

Chu Yunfan was not afraid either, although this transfer was very sudden, but with his current strength, he was not afraid of these little tricks of Li Qianyuan at all.

He can kill even a master of the Universe Realm level, even in a battlefield of this level, it is enough.

It happened that he was only at the level of the Void Void Realm. I am afraid that such a cultivation level would be too confusing. It is not good for the ordinary Universe Realm, and it is possible to kill him in a flash on the spot.

"Now the guards have already been reborn, even if they are not bad compared to the elite, what's so terrible!"

You Chuyun suddenly reacted. The current guards were completely different from the inside to the outside. Compared with the elites of the Great Xia Dynasty, they were only strong but not weak.

There is even a master like Chu Yunfan who is sitting in town. Even the elite of the front line is not so luxurious. A small army of 500 people actually has a master who is comparable to the level of the Universe Realm.

It is a super luxurious configuration.

"Yes, since they want us to go to the battlefield, then there is nothing terrifying about us. I think this is still a place to gain military merit!"

As You Chuyun said, his expression became a little excited.

"But you should be careful or be careful. In this level of battlefield, I still have to take self-protection as the top priority!"

Chu Yunfan said that he was not so arrogant enough to think that the guards could run rampant. In a million-level battle, the normal masters of the Universe Realm would be enough to protect themselves. It was a real battle to destroy the country.

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