I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1762: Shemale battlefield, Ping Yaocheng

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"Go down and prepare, ten days later, rush to the battlefield of shemale!"

Chu Yunfan gave an order, and the entire guard army began to prepare.

And this news also reached Baotai City.

Many people are talking about it. There are many people who can see and understand this matter. Although they don’t know who is causing trouble for Chu Yunfan, they also understand that third-line troops like Baotai Town Defenders are all involved. Was transferred to the front line.

The things here are obviously not simple!

If the Yaozu invaded the border line, that would be fine, but now it is the spring sweep of the Daxia Dynasty, and it is actually to the point of mobilizing the local garrison troops.

This kind of third-line troops did not even have the qualifications to **** rations in the army of the Daxia Dynasty.

However, after all, they only dared to discuss it in private, and did not dare to speak freely. Before that, Chu Yunfan had just uprooted the major forces, and in front of many people, slaughtered a master of the Universe level. This matter It's all close at hand.

How dare they look for Chu Yunfan's bad luck.

In such disturbances, ten days flowed hurriedly.

Ten days later, the cold wind was bitter, and in the early spring season, the defenders of Baotai Town embarked on a journey to the battlefield of shemales.

After a day and night of marching, the guards of Baotai City were already close to the border of the monster battlefield.

Sure enough, it was completely different from the small border town like Baotai City. It struck up a conversation one after another from afar, standing in the depths of the horizon. This is also the place where the entire battlefield of monsters really broke out.

Further west, there is a hundred thousand mountains in the demon realm. Among these hundred thousand mountains, it is not known how many poisonous insects and miasma are blocking the advancement of the human army.

After so many years of sweeping, it was only to the edge of the hundred thousand mountains.

The real monster race is still in the depths of a hundred thousand mountains. It is a paradise for the monster race, and it is not a place where the human race can survive. How many terrible monster races lurking in it is simply incalculable.

Chu Yunfan followed the defenders of Baotai Town and looked from a distance, but saw an incomparably desolate and simple breath rushing over his face.

The entire one hundred thousand mountains, like a lurking fierce beast of the ancient times, gave people an illusion that they could be culled at any time.

This reminded Chu Yunfan of the record of one hundred thousand mountains in The World written by Fei Xianzong. According to rumors, these one hundred thousand mountains already existed in the distant ages. There are even rumors that these hundred thousand mountains have existed. Dashan evolved from the body of a demon emperor after the death of the ancient times.

What surprised Chu Yunfan even more was that he found a similar record in the memory of Emperor Dan, but the age of Emperor Dan, judging from the present, should be the ancient period, and these hundred thousand mountains, the time of existence It seems to be older than that ancient period.

If this is the case, then these 100,000 mountains are really incredible.

Immediately Chu Yunfan threw these distracting thoughts out of his mind. He flew up and opened his eyes. From a distance, he could see that countless powerful auras traversed the sky. It was the power of countless monsters and human races. Because the spirit of the person is too solid, it directly penetrates the sky, like a terrible column of air.

These breaths are densely packed, endless, far away, stirring-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

The situation on the entire battlefield.

Even Chu Yunfan felt extremely shocked. He came from the human federation. Although he had known it for a long time, he was only able to see the tip of the iceberg of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Such terrifying strength, if any army stationed in it is mobilized, I am afraid it can sweep the entire human federation!"

Even Chu Yunfan himself had to admit that, let alone these front-line elites, even the Baotai Town Defenders he led were enough to level the human federation with his own power.

It is useless even if the Human Federation possesses a nuclear bomb as a big killer. The masters of hundreds of Golden Core Realm are simply invincible.

Not to mention the existence of the virtual realm level. With the existence of the virtual realm level, even the nuclear bomb of the human federation can damage the virtual realm. Unless it is a large-yield nuclear bomb, it is possible to be a master in the virtual realm. When there is no time to react, he will be killed in one fell swoop.

However, when facing the masters of the Universe Realm level, Chu Yunfan had estimated that, even if the nuclear bomb had completely lost its effect, it was basically difficult to cause any threat to these Universe Realm level masters.

From a distance, Chu Yunfan saw that a huge city in the center stood among the mountains. It was also the base camp of the Great Xia Dynasty among the hundreds of thousands of mountains, the Ping Demon City, which was a level capable of accommodating tens of thousands of people. Giant city.

Among them, I don't know how many masters are stationed, a strong atmosphere covers the sky, and what kind of exploration methods, under the shield of these auras, all will be useless.

Detection methods like Divine Mind will be directly evaporated by the powerful blood of countless masters as soon as they approach.

In addition to these martial arts masters, there are also 200,000 troops stationed in this flat monster city all the year round.

These two hundred thousand troops don't seem to be many, but if each of the weakest is above the Void Realm, then the two hundred thousand troops will be extremely terrifying.

It can be said that in addition to the imperial guards, this is already one of the most terrifying armies of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The army of only two hundred thousand is comparable to an army of millions or even millions.

Killing the ordinary monster clan troops is simply a terrifying existence like cutting melons and vegetables.

Those who are called geniuses in the outside world ~www.ltnovel.com~ or even the masters of the virtual world, here are just ordinary soldiers.

Although he had done a lot of investigations before coming, but really saw it, it still made Chu Yunfan feel like he took a breath of air.

This army alone has blocked countless counterattacks of the Monster Race, and firmly blocked the power of the Monster Race in the 100,000 mountains, otherwise there would be no peace and prosperity in the hinterland of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Even if it is as powerful as the monster race, it can only infiltrate the Great Xia Dynasty by cultivating a cult like the Demon God Sect, and cannot break through the defense of the Ping Demon City with a large army.

The location of Ping Demon City is really good. It was firmly locked at the exit of Shiwan Dashan. In order to fight here, I didn’t know how many martyrs threw their heads and sprinkled blood, and there were countless casualties before finally pushing the front here. It can be regarded as isolated from the power of the Yaozu.

Soon, Ye Bujin, who was in charge of being a spy, stepped forward to confirm his identity. After confirming the identity of Baotai Town’s garrison, although it was a bit strange why the local garrison was mobilized, he quickly returned to the base camp to report.

Soon someone came and led Chu Yunfan and others to the military camp on the battlefield.

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