I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1763: Conspiracy is constant, without fear

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There are more than 10,000 people, mountains and plains, let alone a million army stationed in one place, it is really endless, and the camps are continuous like a long dragon.

This time, the Daxia Dynasty's handwriting was indeed extremely large. Millions of elite troops gathered in one hundred thousand mountains. It is not an exaggeration to describe the topping of Mount Tai.

The Baotai Town Defender was the only garrison that was mobilized. It can be said that the treatment of the camp is of course not much better. Basically, there is a civilian camp next to it.

But Chu Yunfan didn't care too much!

After settling down the troops, Chu Yunfan immediately left the camp and flew high above the sky, looking at the entire battlefield. At this time, the entire battlefield was already full of flames.

The battlefield situation is also canine teeth!

The army of the Great Xia Dynasty also understood that they were only coming to sweep some monster tribes and reduce the potential of the monsters of Shilihe, so they would never advance rashly, so the speed of the army was not fast.

On the battlefield, a group of elite troops are fighting, and many powerful monsters are also on the battlefield.

But what made Chu Yunfan feel a bit eye-opener is that these monsters are well-founded, like an army, very impressive.

In other words, these monsters were originally armies, but they were not in human form.

Behind these monster army, there is also a personal monster master.

But it hasn't taken any action yet. So far, the Daxia Dynasty and the Yaozu masters can only be regarded as trying to test each other, and the real battle has not yet broken out.

At the same time, at the core of the continuous army barracks of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Li Qianyuan, who was wearing a bright silver armor, sat on the Grand Master's chair. Below him, several figures had already gathered. These people were also wearing armor, but each had a fierce aura.

"Master Hou, we have received the news that Chu Yunfan has led the Baotai Town Defender to arrive!"

One of them spoke.

Li Qianyuan supported his chin with one hand, and beat his fingers rhythmically on the armrest of the Grand Master's chair.

"Chu Yunfan, this cheap species is not dead yet, Gongsun Liang actually missed it!"

Someone was surprised to say that when they first got the news, they were almost completely unbelievable. Although Gongsun Liang had just joined them for a short time, he was also a real world-level master who was killed by Chu Yunfan in this way.

If there is no real intelligence support, they will almost all call it ridiculous.

This made them feel shocked at Chu Yunfan's strength.

"Although I don't know how that **** did it, but I implore Lord Hou to let our Iron Spear Association take action. If Chu Yunfan dares to kill our Iron Spear Association disciple, his subordinates must let him die without a place to be buried! "

At this time, a middle-aged man in armor said, his eyes flashed with a bit of murderous intent. He, like Gongsun Liang, is a disciple of the Iron Spear Club, and even usually has a good relationship, even Gongsun. Liang's involvement in Li Qianyuan's command has a direct relationship with him.

Originally, in his opinion, Gongsun Liang was just being sent to complete a very simple task, a mere cavernous realm, which could be regarded as difficult.

Who knows, the trivial thing that is not worth mentioning in their eyes actually made Gongsun Liang break down and sink into the sand-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!


"No, you Li Yu, you have long been filed in the army of the Great Xia Dynasty. If you are seen, you will immediately be involved in Hou Ye!"

Someone immediately objected.

"I don’t need to do it myself. We have an uncle named Luo Zhao in Iron Gun, who has been in seclusion for many years. Everyone thought he was dead. No one knew he was still alive. I have sent a message and he is coming. When the time comes, Master Luo will take the initiative, and Chu Yunfan's cheap seed is inevitable!"

At this time, the middle-aged Li Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"Senior Luo Zhao, he is still alive. Isn't it rumored that he is already sitting down?" Someone exclaimed at this time. He obviously knew this Luo Zhao too. "That's a veteran master of the Universe Realm, Chu Yunfan is doomed to escape this time!"

Everyone looked at Li Qianyuan one after another, everyone lowered their heads. Outside, they were all superior masters and powerful, but when faced with Li Qianyuan, they could only respect Li Qianyuan, and did not dare to be disrespectful. .

After a long time, Li Qianyuan opened his eyes and said, "Li Yu, this matter is up to you. I want him to survive the end of this spring raid. I will go to Ping Yaocheng to attend the raid meeting held by the Taiwei immediately. But I will let people transfer him to the most dangerous place. If he dies in the hands of the monster clan, it is naturally the best. If he runs away, let your uncle take the action!"

"I want his head. As long as your uncle can do it, I can reward him with a Pill for Life Extension, which can extend his life for ten years. Don't let me down!"

Hearing Li Qianyuan's words, everyone in Shuai Teng's breathing became swift. These practitioners practiced day and night, in addition to gaining powerful strength, the accompanying increase in lifespan was also their pursuit.

But even so, they still often feel that time is not enough. Although it is only a ten-year life extension, it is not long compared to their lifespan, but maybe they will make breakthroughs in these ten years, and their lifespan will also be There is a great improvement.

Not to mention that for an old guy like Luo Zhao who everyone thought was sitting down, his ten-year life span was enough to drive him crazy.

In the Baotai Town Defender Barracks, a messenger from a distance rode into the barracks on a horse.

"Where is the guard of Baotai Town?"

Chu Yunfan heard the words and flew down from the sky.

"I am Baotai Town Guardian Lieutenant!"

"According to the military order of the Ministry of War~www.ltnovel.com~, the defenders of Baotai Town were urgently transferred to the northwest of the army to be the vanguard, to investigate the situation of the monsters, and to find traces of the monsters, all be killed!"

After the messenger passed the order, he immediately turned his horse's head to convey the order elsewhere.

"Sure enough, it was Li Qianyuan's handwriting. He actually transferred a third-line army like us to be spies, and used public weapons for private purposes, with sinister intentions. It's simply disgusting!"

You Chuyun said viciously, everyone knows the sinister intentions of Li Qianyuan, and those who would normally be appointed as pioneer scouts must be among the elite.

Otherwise, the scouting horse that encounters the enemy will inevitably be collapsed.

Moreover, the vanguard army is far away from the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it is also prone to accidents. It is difficult to predict what will happen at that time, so the vanguard army usually suffers the most losses.

"It's okay, he wants us to die, can we still do what he wants, and the whole army will start!"

Chu Yunfan said.

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