I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1765: Stone Slayer, promotion soon

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"Want to leave?" Chu Yunfan sneered. This stone demon wanted to escape in front of him, and that was undoubtedly the squad's axe, it was ridiculous.

An electric light stepped on Chu Yunfan's feet, and in an instant, he had already caught up with the stone demon.

The speed of that stone demon is very fast, as a monster of the Universe Realm level, this speed is naturally not much slower.

However, Chu Yunfan's speed was faster, and he had already caught up with this Universe Realm level stone demon almost in a moment.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan was chasing him like this, the stone demon roared, "Humans, don't deceive others too much!"

"Too much deception? It's up to you?" Chu Yunfan sneered, dealing with this stone demon was nothing to him.

This stone demon roared again and again, the only remaining hand, with a backhand punch through the sky, swept directly towards Chu Yunfan.

The terrifying fist strength brought up a wave of stone energy and swept towards Chu Yunfan directly overwhelmingly.

But Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, swept out his sleeve, and in an instant, he wiped out the stone qi, and disappeared directly.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

Chu Yunfan stepped forward, trampled down, and instantly landed on this stone demon.


The attack of this stone demon was crushed by Chu Yunfan's foot, and then his whole body was directly trampled on.


The stone demon screamed, and the huge body like a hill fell to the ground, smashing a huge hole directly in the ground.

The earth was trembling, and a wave of dust was raised.

The stone demon tried to struggle to move, but soon fell directly on the ground, not moving at all, his chest was crushed by Chu Yunfan's foot.

All this is long, but in fact it is only a moment.

A powerful universe-level stone demon died in Chu Yunfan's hands like this, and for a while, it could be described as shaking the battlefield.

The many monsters that had been culled from all sides saw this scene, and they almost weren't scared to death. In their hearts, that stone monster was simply unrivaled.

Even a master of the Universe Realm level, it is very difficult to defeat this stone demon.

After all, the stone demon's body was made of the hardest stone in the whole body, and ordinary attacks fell on him, it was drizzle, and there was no way to shake the stone demon's body.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan had solved the stone demon simply and neatly, they dared to stay there for the slightest amount of time, and they were about to flee in a hurry.

But at this time, the soldiers of Baotai Town's garrison who had soared morale were willing to let them go. This was a proper military merit.

Chu Yunfan returned to the battlefield with the huge body of the stone demon, and directly used a magical power of a wishful size, reducing this important body to the size of an ordinary person.

This is also an extremely clever supernatural power, not martial art, but one of supernatural powers, and only some of the core talents of top sects can be taught.

But for Chu Yunfan, there is no problem naturally, and there is a cultivation method for this kind of magical power recorded in the Emperor's Battle.

&nb-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

sp; This kind of supernatural power belongs to the acquired supernatural powers, as long as the day after tomorrow is willing to practice hard, it can always be achieved. It is not like some supernatural powers belong to the supernatural powers from the natural blood talent, and others cannot learn at all.

"The school lieutenant is mighty!"

You Chuyun yelled, the morale of the defenders in Baotai Town rose greatly, and the phantom formed by the condensed army soul above their heads became more and more solid, constantly beheading these monsters that might pose a fatal threat to them. beast.

After a full half an hour of strangling, the Baotai town defenders beheaded these monsters cleanly. Chu Yunfan did not intervene, relying on these Baotai town defenders to form an army to kill these monsters. Monster.

Even more than a dozen people died tragically during the process, and there was no time for rescue.

But this **** battle has greatly tempered this small army of only five hundred people.

The entire army has completed a completely reborn change from top to bottom, and it truly has the shadow of an elite army, unlike the original, just a well-trained army.

The murderous aura on his body is extremely strong, and this is also the beginning of becoming an elite army.

After slaying these monster beasts clean, these soldiers began to clean the battlefield silently. The corpses of these beheaded monster beasts are excellent refining tools. The materials for alchemy, although they are all in the virtual realm, are for Chu It's nothing to Yun Fan, but to these ordinary people, it is very precious.

Moreover, they also need to keep key parts to record their combat achievements so that they can make statistics by the judges at that time.

Many people have smiles that are difficult to conceal. After this battle, even if they can't immediately improve their positions, they can only be promoted by the title.

The Daxia Dynasty has always been very stingy in this respect, especially the monster race is the life and death enemy of human beings, killing a monster beast in the virtual realm is a very big credit.

It is more difficult for them to be promoted for a small army of 500 people, but this does not mean that they are not good. On the contrary, they will be rewarded with some low-level titles. With these titles, they can enjoy all kinds of benefits. Benefits, more rewards from the Great Xia Dynasty.

It can be said that it is a huge gain, and it is not difficult for everyone to upgrade to the first rank.

However, this is not the title of the Great Xia Dynasty. On the contrary, it is very difficult to live the title of the Great Xia Dynasty. Regardless of the fact that these monsters were defeated by the defenders of Baotai Town, they were quickly strangled and cleaned.

However, they all understand ~www.ltnovel.com~ The real key lies in Chu Yunfan.

Because Chu Yunfan had given them training regardless of cost before, he personally shot and killed the strongest Universe-level stone demon.

If you change to a general army, you will encounter these powerful monsters, and you will not be able to escape the annihilation of the entire army. Even if you manage to escape in a **** battle, you will probably suffer heavy casualties. It is hard to say how many you can escape.

Not to mention that these monsters were beheaded and killed by just a dozen lives.

For them, it was almost like a dream. Although a dozen of their colleagues were killed and injured, they all knew that this was the real war.

"Brother Chu, I'm overjoyed!"

After You Chuyun cleaned the battlefield, he hurried to Chu Yunfan's face and said with a pleasant expression.

"Hahaha, this is a monster of the Universe Realm level, plus the previous blood demon, as long as the victory is reported, Senior Brother Chu, the promotion to general will be nailed down!"

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