I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1766: The iron gun will ascetics attack

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You Chuyun's expression was very excited. In addition, the previous blood demon of the Universe Realm level died in Chu Yunfan's hands, and there were already two Universe Realm level monsters.

For the Great Xia Dynasty, the fastest way to get promoted is of course military merit. If it is to take the path of civil servants, to a large extent, it must be seniority.

Even if you have a strong hand and can manage a place well, it will take a while to show the effect.

But in a war, after a big battle, it is a very simple matter to get promoted to several ranks.

Of course, the requirements for strength are also very high.

Ordinary soldiers on the battlefield are basically asking for their own blessings, while ordinary officers on the battlefield are not much better. Unless they have reached the Universe Realm, they are considered to have the strength to be vertical and horizontal on the battlefield, and they can be considered for establishment. Military exploits.

But even so, it is not easy to kill two Universe Realm level monsters like Chu Yunfan.

After all, the survivability of the Universe level masters is very tyrannical, even if something goes wrong, they can also break out of the encirclement. If you want to encircle such a master, even if surrounded by a large legion, the difficulty is very high.

Because of this, it appears that people like Chu Yunfan are simply monsters.

In the military system of the Great Xia Dynasty, the captain is the captain above the captain, and the general is above the captain, and now Chu Yunfan has killed two monsters of the Universe Realm level. Once reported to the Ministry of War, he only needs to confirm his combat achievements. , Can be promoted directly to general immediately.

That is the middle and high level who really entered the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, and officers like the school lieutenant can only be regarded as basic-level officers at most, and they are totally different.

Universe level monsters are very difficult to kill, killing one of them is a huge battle.

Chu Yunfan nodded. This is also the reason why he had not reported the killing of the blood demon leader of the Universe level before. He didn't want to be stunned. Now he reported the two exploits in one go. After the Ministry of War confirmed the exploits, he You can be promoted directly to general.

Although it is only a low-level general, but even so, it is basically a middle-level and high-level officer who has entered the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, and is already an officer directly under the Taiwei Mansion. It is difficult for even the Ministry of War to interfere at this level. The transfer of officers.

At that time, it would be impossible for Li Qianyuan to use his influence to come back and mobilize Chu Yunfan casually to join the battlefield like this time.

The Taiwei Mansion is different from the Ministry of War. It is the core authority of the military affairs of the real Daxia Dynasty. All officers above the general must accept the direct leadership of the Taiwei Mansion.

The Taiwei of the Taiwei’s Mansion, one of the three men, was one of the most powerful people in the Daxia Dynasty. The princes under the Taiwei’s Mansion did not know how many princes there were. Even if Li Qianyuan had great means, he would not It is too likely to be able to influence the actions of Taiwei's Mansion.

This is Chu Yunfan's true purpose.

"When I get promoted, everyone's benefits will naturally be indispensable. At that time, the Taiwei Mansion is likely to order me to form a new army. By that time, all of you will be officers of the new army!" Chu Yunfan said without hesitation.

You Chuyun was very excited. If Chu Yunfan became a general, he could at least become a captain under Chu Yunfan's hands, and he would be a real high-powered person.

And the rest of the Baotai Town Defenders listened, and their faces all showed excitement, even if it was only the lowest level-->>, the latest chapter of the practice frenzy was updated the fastest!

Ordinary soldiers will also have the opportunity to become officers in the future and leave the civilian class. This is also an excellent opportunity for them to rise.

"Wish to do my best for the general!"

Everyone knelt down and saluted.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan cut off the head of the stone demon, handed it to You Chuyun, and said, "Take the head of the stone demon back and report everyone's military merits to the Ministry of War!"

"General, what are you?" You Chuyun changed his name to Chu Yunfan, looking at Chu Yunfan a little strangely.

"I am about to leave the battlefield for a period of time. You will immediately return to the station with your troops. After that, no matter who will transfer you to the battlefield again, you will all refuse to me. You will say that the casualties are heavy and it takes time to repair and kill this stone monster No one should dare to force you away!” Chu Yunfan said. With the credit for killing this stone monster, Baotai Town’s defenders can logically not go out.

After all, for a three-line force like Baotai Town Defender, it is already a shocking thing to be able to kill a monster of the Universe level.

It is fair to say that the casualties were heavy.

As long as Li Qianyuan is not allowed to mobilize the defenders of Baotai Town, who else is there. As long as Li Qianyuan is not caught, everything will be fine.


Although You Chuyun didn't know what medicine Chu Yunfan sold in the gourd, he still promised him immediately.

Chu Yunfan nodded, and immediately stepped on a ray of light under his feet and disappeared into the distance.

"Return to the barracks!"

With a wave of his hand, You Chuyun led the army back to the base camp. This battle has gained a lot, and the defenders of Baotai Town also need time to digest the many gains during this period.

The flowers bloomed with one branch on each end. After leaving the defenders of Baotai Town, Chu Yunfan speeded up and swept towards the distance.

Suddenly, in front of him, a figure appeared.

Chu Yunfan's expression became serious. It was an old man wearing a simple linen, with long hair casually tied behind him, holding an iron gun, and he looked like an ascetic.

Chu Yunfan's expression was a little bit of Ning Zong~www.ltnovel.com~ Among the many practitioners, there is a category of people who are very difficult to provoke, and that is the ascetic.

This kind of people are different from ordinary practitioners. They pay attention to enduring hardship to temper their own body. They are often willing to be dull and temper their bodies with a lot of suffering, and they don't care about the prosperity and wealth of the world.

Basically, they are in a state of retreat from the world, even living in remote mountains and old forests.

But this kind of people are often very difficult to provoke. In the same realm, there are even sayings that they would rather provoke the Hades and not provoke penance.

Among the masters of the same realm, ascetics are often among the best. These people have suffered hard but are willing to be mediocre. They have a profound understanding of the great path, which is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Iron Gun Club!"

Chu Yunfan spit out these three words, because he had seen the same mark on Gongsun Liang's long spear, which was the mark of the Iron Spear Association.

And there is no doubt that this old man is an ascetic in the Iron Spear Association, and obviously, this old man is not good at coming, and his purpose is very obvious, I am afraid he also came for Gongsun Liang's business.

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