I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1776: Ancient times, ancient times, modern times, today

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! No matter what is hidden inside, there is no doubt that it will be a earth-shattering battle. Although Chu Yunfan has Certainly, but in the final analysis, absolute strength is the guarantee for everything.

So Chu Yunfan didn't worry at all, and hid directly in the space of the mountain and river map when no one noticed.

I picked off the remaining Brahma divine fruit, and the Brahma divine fruit formed by pouring the corpses of those fierce beasts was densely packed with hundreds of them.

In the past, Chu Yunfan was not very interested in these relatively low-level corpses, because he basically didn't use them, and they just took up space to keep them.

But now it is different. He leads the army. These low-level Brahma divine fruits are of little use to him, but they can be reserved for Baotai town defenders to use.

Raise them all to the virtual realm in one breath, although it is only the lowest level in the virtual realm, but this is also very amazing.

After all, it’s a whole army. If you change to a general training method, you don’t know how much resources it will cost and how many talents can be cultivated. Even among the many armies of the Great Xia Dynasty, they can reach the level of the virtual realm. Yes, it is still only possible for a very small number of elite elites.

But Chu Yunfan actually wanted to cultivate to such a point with his own strength, one can imagine how big his heart is.

After swallowing the Brahma divine fruit into his belly, Chu Yunfan only felt that the mana of his whole body was scrolling along, forming a very horrible scene all over his body. That is, now, Chu Yunfan is in the landscape of mountains and rivers. If it is outside, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

The mana on his body was turning at an even more astonishing speed. These mana turned, Yuan turned Ruyi, and soon began to lead Chu Yunfan to the late stage of the cave virtual realm.

In Chu Yunfan's eyes at this time, the entire world is faintly different from before, and thin threads are entwined around him, making him different from before.

The existence of the virtual world can vaguely feel the existence of the so-called law, but it is only to be able to feel the existence, slowly perceive the law, and then explore the rules in the law, and use the law to strengthen the body. This is the hole. Spiritual practice.

But Chu Yunfan was different. He could directly see the existence of these laws, densely existing in his body, what a shocking existence this was.

From the perspective of the realm of cultivation, Chu Yunfan has already seen mountains as mountains and water as water from the three realms of cultivation. He has elevated to another level, that is, seeing mountains as not mountains and seeing water as not water.

The last level is naturally to look at mountains or mountains, and to look at water or water!

And Chu Yunfan didn't know the last level of realm either. After all, Emperor Dan was already an extremely high person in that realm, but if he knew it, if he could truly understand it, that was another matter.

And now, with the help of the power of the godhead, Chu Yunfan truly realized that looking at mountains is not a mountain, and looking at water is not water.

This is a new ability developed by the Godhead after nearly swallowing up his countless middle-grade spirit stones recently, coupled with the ability of the original Godhead to analyze all the great roads.

Chu Yunfan's ability in cultivation and sentiment has reached a point where it has advanced by leaps and bounds, which can be said to be even more powerful.

Having entered such a state, he can be condescending and look at the many problems in his practice.

He can see these rules with the naked eye, and he can imagine the vague rules for ordinary people, he can directly see that, even if his aptitude for cultivation is ordinary, the speed at which he can cultivate is faster than ordinary so-called. The genius does not know how many times faster.

See the essence through the surface of things!

This is where the Godhead is most powerful. It seems that all the laws are not a secret in front of him.

No wonder that long ago, in the glorious era when the emperors were side by side, countless emperors fought to fight for the godhead, which directly led to the end of an era.

During this period of time, Chu Yunfan also checked a lot of information. Fei Xianzong is worthy of being one of the top ten sects in the world, and the information it possesses can be said to be like vast dust and smoke.

Regarding things from a long time ago, there are no real secrets. Basically, all the major factions know it well, so these materials are basically open and used to increase the disciples' knowledge.

The way of practice itself is not to retreat on your own, you can build a car behind closed doors. Every successful monk must be knowledgeable, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

From these materials, Chu Yunfan also inferred a lot of things. Although many historical materials are already vague, they roughly divide the past into ancient times, ancient times, modern times, and the present.

In the Primordial Age, the world was first opened~www.ltnovel.com~, there were all kinds of beasts rampant everywhere, innate creatures crossed the world, and the spiritual energy between the world was extremely violent, which is not what modern practitioners can imagine.

The Ten Fiends of Taikoo originated from that era, and they are among the best in that era.

After the immemorial era, the fierce beasts, who had relied on their innate bloodlines and innate talents to run rampant, encountered great changes in the world and gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

To this day, only a few blood descendants remain, but their strength is still not to be underestimated. Anyone born at random is extremely terrible, and no one in the same realm is invincible.

Since then it has been the ancient era. The real era of practice began. At that time, although there were many innate creatures, the creatures at that time were not like the ones in the ancient years. They can basically rely on their own innate blood to run rampant. Many pioneers created and organized. Many methods of practice have been developed so that many ordinary creatures can also embark on the path of practice.

At that time, it was not far from the immortal ancient times, and the bloodline of the aptitude of the creatures had not degraded, and there were countless strong people, countless sects, countless schools, known as the emperors side by side.

Most of the practice methods nowadays are mostly handed down from that era.

The dreadful aptitudes of the characters in that era were not what people can imagine now, like Hua Xianyuan, with a special physique, and received countless attention in the Flying Immortal Sect.

But in that era, there were so many physiques like that, countless, and they weren't really a great physique at all.

Only the physique of an emperor is truly a superb physique, but even so, it was nothing in that era.

That was the age of horror for real innate creatures, like emperor peerless, pill emperor and other powerhouses, who cultivated to become emperor in just a few decades, it is an incredible miracle in this era. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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