I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1777: Breakthrough, late stage of cave virtual realm

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In this era, there are many people who have achieved the world of heaven and earth at the age of dozens of years, and even those who have transcended the world of heaven and earth. Yes, that is the real Gedai genius.

But achieving the status of emperor at the age of a few decades is undoubtedly a miracle, or even a myth, something that is impossible to achieve.

But in that era, it was very common, because the most powerful people of that era were either innate creatures themselves or the direct descendants of innate creatures.

Although compared to the ancient times, it was already the weaker group of innate creatures that year.

But it is still innate creatures, and it is still not comparable to the current acquired creatures.

The innate aptitudes are extremely powerful. Huang Peerless is an inborn creature with a very good background. Even the Pill Emperor, from memory, knows that it is also from a family of inborn creatures. It is a family of innate creatures, and its bloodline is. Extraordinary.

Therefore, they are completely different. Although the innate beings are not as powerful as the innate beings of the Primordial Era, the practice methods developed through the creation and sorting out have also developed a powerful force and civilization that is not inferior to the Primordial Era, and even stronger.

To be precise, speaking only in terms of civilization, that was the most glorious period in countless years of history, conquering the heavens and all realms, so that all the heavens and all realms would extol the power of ancient civilization.

According to the records, the ancient times also collapsed because of a great battle. I don't know what caused many emperors to fight, countless emperors fell, blood flowed into rivers, heaven and earth broke, spiritual flow passed away, and countless creatures were killed and injured.

This point is not recorded in Fei Xianzong’s classics. I don’t know if I don’t know or it’s not open to the outside world. However, Chu Yunfan has his own speculation. I am afraid that this is very likely to be a battle with the godhead and many emperors. The battle that was fought has something to do with it.

Emperor Dan also fell in that battle.

Since then, history has entered another era. In the recent ancient times, a truly chaotic era. Without the suppression of many emperors, various forces broke out in a world-shaking war, especially when the world was broken by many emperors. It has become worse and worse, and the resources for cultivation have decreased, which has also made the competition between the various forces more and more fierce.

That was the real dark age. Countless people rushed and called out and were killed like ants. The evil spirits were also in the chaotic age, as if they had been blessed by the destiny, they continued to grow like snowballs, and the world was almost the evil spirits. Under the rule, righteousness retreats and even self-protection is difficult.

Until the end of the modern era, a true emperor rose up and calmed down the dark turmoil with an unimaginable posture. Those powerful evil masters who made trouble for a while, and even had king-level existence, were still beaten by this emperor. The collapse.

Since he was born, he has been invincible, pushing all enemies horizontally, completely calming down the dark turmoil, and opening up a dynasty with the ten major sects that followed it, which is the current Great Xia dynasty.

The history that has been from that time to the present is the so-called current history.

Reading these histories, Chu Yunfan was also impressed by the demeanor he made. From the rise of the Great Xia Emperor to the final suppression of all the dark turmoil and the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty, it only took 20 years from beginning to end. The evil spirits drove out of Middle-earth China.

Since then, the Emperor of Daxia successively defeated the Hu, Barbarian, Yi, Yao, Hai, Demon and many other foreign tribes that have caused trouble to the Middle-earth Divine State. Only then did the Middle-earth Divine State finally usher in the era of the Great Xia dynasty.

That was the first emperor and the only emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty. Since then, the ruler of the Great Xia Dynasty can only be called the King of Humans, not the King of Humans.

Because not everyone's merit and strength are worthy of being called the emperor willingly by the people.

As for the emperor of Daxia, it was like popping out of a crack in the stone. Without a growth history, he came out to be the realm of invincibility of the emperor. He was just born and plunged into the battle to calm the dark and turmoil.

After fifty years after he became the throne, after the turmoil of the Daxia Dynasty was basically put down, the throne was handed over to his eldest son and disappeared without a trace.

There are rumors that it was caused by heavy damage during the calming down of the darkness and turmoil, but it was not caused, and after that, he sat down. Others said that it was the emperor who entered a state of long sleep.

There are even rumors that Daxia Human Sovereign was not the strong man of that era. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many years I haven’t seen the emperor again. Daxia Human Sovereign may be a certain emperor who has fallen asleep in ancient times. , So when you are born, you are invincible, pushing all enemies horizontally.

However, some people disagree at all. I don’t know how many years have passed since ancient times. Even the emperor cannot live so long. The emperor also has a lifespan limit~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, there will be no such thing. Many emperors fought to fight for the godhead, the fundamental reason is to understand the Dao of Eternal Life, and see for a long time.

The Emperor of Daxia was hidden in a mist from beginning to end, and no one had really understood it.

Regarding these many rumors, the Fei Xianzong's external materials only recorded some interesting anecdotes, and did not really record any heavy materials.

Perhaps if you want to really know the truth, it is possible to ask the current royal family.

Chu Yunfan opened his eyes and began to analyze the laws around him that he could see with the naked eye. He only felt that his perception of the realm was constantly growing, and even the mana in his body was also growing at an astonishing rate.

The barrier that was originally extremely strong is now also shattering at an astonishing speed.

With the help of the godhead, Chu Yunfan's speed of cultivation has increased by another level compared to the original.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and I don’t know how long it has passed. The more and more powerful aura in Chu Yunfan's body continued to grow, and in a moment, it had filled the entire world, and suddenly, it broke out all of a sudden. Open.


Chu Yunfan's mana burst out suddenly, turning into a violent wind and raging.

But in the next instant, this mana was absorbed into Chu Yunfan's body.

Chu Yunfan let out a long breath, which turned into a dragon and swept away.

Chu Yunfan felt the mana bursting in his body, and he finally broke through. Compared with before, he was more than twice as powerful, but this is just the beginning. If he continues to strengthen, his strength can continue to improve.

After passing that hurdle, the improvement of his cultivation level is almost like pushing the boat along the river, and he can reach the peak. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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