I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1780: On the 0 universe, the group is destroyed

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Everyone is holding back the terrible pressure and trying to get close to this Primordial Phoenix Egg.

Including Huangfuli, Meng Tianren, Hu Qingxuan, and Zibuyu four people, they are making the fastest progress, almost approaching one step at a time.

Among them, Meng Tianren held a Chunqiu pen, and constantly pointed out the scattered characters one by one, spreading out the pressure points that swept through. This is the magic weapon for his fame.

Once relying on Chunqiu pen, Lone Starzi was severely injured and almost killed him.

Not far from him, Huangfu sternly held a magic knife, which can be described as magic flames. These magic flames combined with his own, making him like a magic knife, invincible, cutting all the close coercion. Open.

Zi Buyu wore a faintly starry treasure. It was the most defensive magic weapon. Among these people, it was the most relaxed. It was the famous magic weapon in the Sky Star Sect, the Sky Star Treasure Clothes.

Many people in the Sky Star Sect will refine such a Sky Star Treasure, but depending on the cultivation level and wealth, the Sky Star Treasure Cloth refined by the disciples of the Sky Star Sect also has completely different powers.

And there is no doubt that Zibuyu's treasure of the sky star is the best among them, and the first person in his disciple's generation.

But Hu Qingxuan was completely different. Her body was faintly radiating cyan light, and a layer of mana condensed from his body had even evolved a mana coat, expelling these coercion.

These four have the strongest strength, and the magic weapon is also the most for gain. They walked all the way and quickly approached, the egg of the Primordial Phoenix.

Suddenly, at this moment, I saw a figure almost catching up to the four with a posture like strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

The four of them all turned their heads hard to look, but saw that it was an old man with a silver dragon spear in his hand.

"Iron Spear Club?" None of the four of them were ignorant. Naturally, they immediately recognized the symbol of his clothes, which was the robe of the Iron Spear Club.

But what they didn't expect was that the old man of the Iron Gun Club could walk here in a leisurely manner, ignoring the pressure.

You know, they tried their best, but they were only able to do it like this, but this old man did it almost easily.

"How high is his strength?"

Many people couldn't help but have such a thought in their minds. Such a thought even made them feel terrible.

This old man can easily ignore these coercion, at least he has reached the realm of transcending the universe.

Although it can't be seen from the outside, it is of course impossible to judge the real super master by appearance, it is too superficial.

They could only watch the old man approaching the Primordial Ming Phoenix's egg almost like a stroll in the courtyard, as if his Gu Minghuang's egg did not release a trace of pressure.

The four of them glanced at each other and looked at each other. They couldn't believe when the iron gun would appear such a terrifying existence.

But this person is not someone else. In fact, it is Chu Yunfan. Of course, he is not relying on his own strength to isolate coercion, but relying on the godhead. Since he has the godhead, this kind of spiritual coercion, It was impossible to cause any harm to him at all.

Even if it is as strong as the pressure released from the Primordial Phoenix Egg.

"It's no wonder that there are no guards here. I'm afraid that ordinary guards can't resist the pressure released from the egg of the Primordial Phoenix!"

Just as Chu Yunfan was about to approach, suddenly, he only felt a terrifying mental power swept over him, and directly penetrated into his mind, he was about to kill Chu Yunfan's consciousness directly, and then took over. Chu Yunfan's body.

"So courageous!"

Chu Yunfan yelled violently, and the godhead in his mind suddenly burst into bursts of colorful glow, which turned into a cloud of sky, and immediately blasted this invading mental power to pieces.

A terrifying mental power directly remained in Chu Yunfan's mind. Chu Yunfan only heard a scream, and the remaining mental power was like a tide and withdrawn frantically.

The remaining mental power contained endless death, an aura of destruction, and that terrifying coercion, even enough to turn ordinary people into an idiot.

By now, Chu Yunfan had to sit cross-legged, not far from the egg of the Primordial Ming Phoenix, and began to digest these mental powers.

These mental powers are unimaginable, and they are three times as much as Chu Yunfan’s current spiritual power. If it weren’t for a godhead, I’m afraid that Chu Yunfan would be robbed of him in an instant, and his soul would be destroyed directly. , People will be turned into idiots.

"It's careless, so careless!"

Chu Yunfan suddenly secretly said that he is too smooth, who knows that the egg of the Primordial Ming Phoenix just approached, UU reading www.uukanshu. Such a thing happened to com. If there is no godhead, he might be planted here.

And this is undoubtedly, it must be the egg of the Primordial Ming Phoenix who is making a ghost, and that mental power comes from it.

Chu Yunfan pretended to spit out a mouthful of blood, pretending to be badly injured.

This irritated Huangfu Li and the others even more. They originally thought they had no chance, and the egg of the Primordial Ming Phoenix was going to be snatched by Chu Yunfan. Who knew that there would be such a chance.

They were afraid that Chu Yunfan would recover from the injury, and regardless of the risks involved, they directly accelerated their pace, constantly bursting out tyrannical mana to counter this coercion.

Not to mention those ordinary Universe Realm level masters, they all rushed over at once, but in a short time, everyone had already arrived around the Primordial Phoenix Egg.

However, at this moment, countless talismans depicting the law of death flickered on the egg of the Primordial Dark Phoenix, and a terrifying spiritual force spread in all directions like a tsunami frenzy.




. . .




In an instant, these masters of the Universe Realm level were hit hard, as if they were hit by a terrifying force. They flew upside down, and the weak and weak ones vomited blood. Then, an even more unknown event happened. , These weak cultivation base masters of the Universe Realm turned into corpses in the midair, the essence and blood in their bodies was actually drawn out, in the midair, turned into a huge river of blood, and then poured into the Primordial Ming On the phoenix egg.

With just this, thousands of masters of the Universe Realm will suffer, and all their blood will be fed to the Primordial Phoenix Egg. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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